“Kushida-san is really cute.”

“? Did you read it wrong? Just for a moment, Kushida-san became very fierce.”

“You probably read it wrong. Look, she’s so cute. She worked hard to win the first place.”

It’s already the afternoon, and now it’s the loan competition for recommended projects. Kushida-san got the first place because she completed the required task first.

“Ha ha–”

Kushida was out of breath after the borrowing competition. She was very annoyed now, because Horikita Suzune had participated in too many projects without permission.

Did that woman really not regard herself as a human being?

It stands to reason that there are still borrowing competitions left in the recommended competition in the afternoon, and there is still a 1,200-meter relay between men and women with three legs.

Borrowing competition means that you need to trot to the side of a table, then draw a note, and then take the thing written on the note to the finish line.

And Kushida drew [ten friends]. For other people, Alexander, after all, a few friends is already the limit, so ten people can get together so quicklywhat? And if you want to change the note, you need to wait for 5 minutes. Then you can only watch others copy it.

But the reason why Kushida is Kushida is that no matter who he borrows from at this time, the other party will agree. So Kushida took ten men and women to the finish line to report without any effort at all, and won the first place.

But this is not her competition, but Horikita Suzune’s.

She came here instead of this woman.

And because it was a substitute, she had to spend 100,000 points. Even the score is counted on Horikita Suzune’s head.

Blood loss.

“Are you ready? Then go prepare for the mixed three-legged trip.” Qinglong said.

He didn’t participate in the borrowing competition, but he was reported to be three-legged, and he had just competed with Sakura Airi, but Horikita didn’t have any candidates for the opposite sex, so he came. And Horikita changed to Kushida, then he and Kushida were together.


Kushida immediately became unhappy.

Because of that woman Horikita, she already had a race with borrowed objects, but she took part in it again. And now there are still two people with three legs.

It’s day.

So Kushida was out of breath.

Substitution is allowed as long as the points are paid for the recommendation competition, but the replacement person is only allowed to participate in the same event twice at most, even if it is only twice, it is double for Kushida.

And the result is that Kushida now feels as tired as a dog.

Now, she must not be able to run the 1200-meter relay.

In the 1200-meter relay, a class sends 3 men and 3 women to relay, each of them runs 200 meters, and then passes the baton down.

This tested the coordination between the classes, and unity and cooperation also took into account… physical fitness. Let the fastest boys and girls in the class play.

In this regard, the six selected people have trained together to hand over the baton.

The boys are Sudou, Hirata, and Naoto, and the girls are Onodera, Horikita, and Kushida who are the fastest runners besides Horikita.


Because of Horikita’s absence, now I can only choose the taller one from the shorter ones.

And even if Kushida can run as a backup, she still can’t do it with the strength of this 1200-meter relay.

So another person has to be replaced.

Then who to choose?

I chose Chiaki Matsushita, whose physical fitness is average, but is still good among a group of weaklings. Horikita and Kushida’s physical fitness can be rated B if they use the ABCDE scale, but if it’s Karuizawa or Airi, they can be rated C, so even if they are B- people at this time, they can be counted on.

And this person is Matsushita Chiaki.

Kiyotaka was not very familiar with this person, but he always felt that the other person had a strange temperament, so when Yukimura came to consult with the form, he did not refuse.

In this way, Matsushita-san was placed in the fourth baton, so she is doing baton-handing practice with her friends Sato Maya and Karuizawa.

“Kushida-san, and Ayanokōji-kun—you are so fierce.” Waiting for other people to arrive here at the finish line, Kushida and Kiyotaka met an acquaintance here.

It’s the little angel Ichinose Hoonami with long hair.

Unlike Kushida Kuroku, Ichinose is cuter. And Ichinose also said that she wanted to be friends with many people.

At least, Qinglong hasn’t found any stains on her so far. And Xiao Sailbo definitely didn’t want to establish some kind of fundamentalism when making friends.

Ichinose has watched Qing (cgad) Takashi and the others run twice in a row, and the first time he and Airi simply let Airi support her and lead her away, and then won the first place name, adding 15 points to her personal score. Afterwards, they had a rough time with Kushida, but Kushida was also very strong, so they also won the first place in the third group.

“Ichinose-san won’t participate?”

Although Kushida was as tired as a dog just now, but now it’s time for diplomacy, so she worked hard to restore her usual state of not panting.

Then I asked Ichinose about it.

“Ah… um.” Ichinose just came to cheer on the students in the class.

Half of the two-person three-legged match was over, but she didn’t even play, probably because her physical fitness is really not very good. and.

Qinglong looked at the students in the fourth group at the starting point.

Shibata is being challenged by the sportsman from Class B.

Shibata has already confirmed that it is the last leg of the 1200 meters, and now he is also participating in two-on-two tripods. It can be seen that he is more confident and can retain his physical strength.


Kiyotaka remembered that Sudou was also placed in the fourth group by Yukimura, and then formed a team with Onodera to score points, but where is Sudou now? Onodera stood at the starting line in a daze.

Just thinking about it, someone ran over.

“Ayanokōji, Kushida, something is wrong! Not only is Sudou refusing a three-legged trip, he is even refusing to participate in the 1,200-meter relay!”


Qinglong rolled his eyes.

So, is it really worthy of being Class C?

Kiyotaka and Kushida rushed over, and then the classmate who made the report explained the real situation.

It turned out that during the last break, Ryuuen came to provoke Sudou again, but Sudou cast his anger on the students of Class C because he did not formally defeat Ryuuen, all the anger he had accumulated before burst out, and then Isolated for calling everyone else athletic morons.

And Yukimura quarreled with him. Said that everyone also tried their best to make Sudou’s speech not so unpleasant.Because most of the others are also trying their best, but because they are athletically imbecile, they can’t win and can’t exert their strength. It was just such a move that made Sudou explode.

When Kiyotaka and the others arrived, they happened to hear Hirata’s voice persuading Sudou.

“Sudou-kun, don’t be like this, aren’t you all partners? We can achieve enough results by working together like this—”

“Hehe, buddy, get out!” However, Sudou slammed the door and left, and even pushed Hirata. “You can lose as you like, trash fish!”

He was so aggressive that no one dared to stop him.

He completely disregarded all the good feelings he had accumulated for Hirata before.

“Ayanokōji-kun, what should we do!” Yukimura’s head was already on the verge of getting big.

So sometimes you can’t solve things by yourself?

Kiyotaka sighed. Even if Yukimura was pushed out, his aptitude was limited.

“Hirata——” So Kiyotaka walked behind Hirata, “Although it is more complicated to say this in this situation, I think Sudou needs you now. Only you can bring Sudou back.”.

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