It literally exploded on the field.

Because two people suddenly started hanging up.

In fact, there has been a lot of hanging in the arena, such as Sudou’s 15-meter lead in the beginning of the other classes, and after getting the last baton, he immediately pulled away from the other classes. The distance between Nanyun hangs.

So in the 1200-meter relay race there is no shortage of tricks, but these two tricks are surprising.

Because their speed is faster, faster.

Notes from all students in the schoolAll their energy is gathered here, they no longer pay attention to whether the first place Nan Yunya has finished half of the run and still maintains a strong advantage, but focus all their attention on the two cheaters body.

But Qinglong didn’t see them.

During the game, he had no auditorium or spectators, but only the figure of Horikita Gaku whose distance was narrowed a little bit. The feeling of running freely and recklessly has stagnated for several years.

Although his studies are ordinary, he has enough talent in sports. In the first year of junior high school, the physical education teacher invited him to join the provincial team when he measured his 50-meter run. no drop.

He thinks this is probably a certain aspect of talent, something ordinary people can’t get through training to the extreme.

It’s just that he was constantly asked to compete because of his excellent physical fitness, and he was even complained about when he finished third because of illness, so he stopped this. I think this is a thankless task.

But as expected, you will know when you actually run. It is a very comfortable thing for people to develop in their gifted aspects.

Now he has no audience in his eyes, no cheers in his ears, only the curve in front of him, and the track before the finish line.

And there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to accelerate crazily, overtaking all the people in front of him.

One, two… The opponent who had an absolute advantage in front was quickly overtaken, feeling the absolute cool wind from all around, and only one voice remained in Qinglong’s heart.


Now he has surpassed Horikita Gaku, but he still has a voice in his heart.


Now he can actually accelerate!

Intense cheers came from the auditorium.

“I wanted to ask why it was not Naoto-kun but Ayanokōji who wanted to run the last one—”

“Isn’t this super fast!”

Karuizawa is not a competitor, but she is Qianqiu’s friend, so she went to meet Qianqiu after the run, but then she saw the figure running in the distance in astonishment, but she felt that her mentality was about to explode.

Because if you don’t compare, you won’t see the damage, and if you don’t see the opponent running, you won’t be able to find out how fast the opponent is.

Because of this look, let alone Koenji, Sudou’s speed is actually not as fast as him.

should say.

This is a boy.

As a girl, Karuizawa sighed.

“That liar—` 々—”

Horikita Suzune was just staring blankly at Kiyotaka who was already on par with her older brother Horikita Gaku.

“Didn’t you say it’s weak-chicken and salted fish–” She was ashamed of the impression she had given Qinglong.

Because this means that she was completely kept in the dark, and she completely didn’t understand Qingtaka Ayanokouji.

And now, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka is obviously chasing after her, but she has surpassed her best brother by at least 30 centimeters!

And the two of them didn’t seem to slow down at all.

Continually, the players who gained the advantage in the front found that they were overtaken by the two windy people, and they slowly slowed down in a daze, and then stared at their distant figures in a daze.

Because there is no comparison at all!

The heart will be severely hit.

Even someone as strong and powerful as Albert in Class D is no exception.

And inside the playground, Kamuro-san was recording the trajectory of Nagumo Ya’s actions with his mobile phone.

This is what Banliu asked her to do.

Her physical strength is actually very good, and as a girl, she thinks that boys have good physical strength, Nagumo Masa also showed this, but that’s it, Kamuro is a person who is not sunny in her heart, she was sent by Banryu school To record Nagumo Masa’s last great video.

However, no matter how you look at it, Nagumoya is always invincible, so he was only running wildly in the recording, and Shibata from Class B of the first grade was always left behind by 20 meters even if he was running wildly.

In other words, Nagumoya is going smoothly, and Kamuro-san doesn’t like it very much.

So, with a twisted heart, she even hoped that Nan Yunya would suddenly fall down, but this was unlikely.


However, the picture of Kamuro holding the phone and turning on the video was shaking.

Because an accident really happened.

Shibata, who was 20 meters away from Nanyun, who was chasing up fiercely, was suddenly hit by people like the wind, and because of the force, he fell and blocked the road.

He was blocked on the runway, but even such a sudden incident did not affect the two people who were running fast, because the two directly and quickly passed him without slowing down at all.

“It’s just scary.” Student Kamuro complained.

Because she has been recording Nagumo, she also captured Shibata who was chasing Nagumo fiercely.


From class B of the first grade, as a student of class A, of course, he must investigate people who may pose a threat to his class, and this Shibata Xueli is considered a poor student in class B, which is very important for class A. It’s the same type for Kamuro-san, who is a scumbag.

And Shibata’s physical fitness is very good, and you can often hear the voice of Shibata hanging.

And he performed quite well. The initial distance of 50 meters from Nagumo has now been shortened to 20 meters.

In other words, he still has the hope of winning the first place.

But he, who was supposed to be chasing Nan Yun fiercely, turned his head in surprise because he sensed the air flow of being chased wildly, and then fell down because of the bewilderment.


Horikita Gaku of Class A of the third grade and the first-yearAyanokōji from Class D quickly ran from behind him.

The momentum is not on the same level at all.

It’s just that he fell down on the track in bewilderment, and Kamuro-san was also stunned.


Those two…are they hanging up?

Kamuro is in a somewhat dull mood now, but she is an excellent subordinate, so she continues to take photos of Nagumo with the camera.

Originally, she vaguely guessed why Ban Liu asked her to take pictures of Nan Yun. Probably Itanagi wanted to capture the moment when Nagumo might be overtaken by Shibata.

But the first and second grades don’t offend each other, so it is very useful to obtain materials that can hit each other.

It’s just that I didn’t expect this situation to come so fast, so suddenly.

Class A of the second grade that Nan Yunya belongs to shined brilliantly at this sports meeting.

And when the fifth rod was handed over to him, it even brought a 25-meter advantage, but the 25-meter advantage was re-drawn by him and the second place to 50 meters.

[This is the beginning of a new era]

He declared this to Horikita, and at the same time he didn’t think he would lose to Horikita.

In terms of academic ability, he is also quite excellent, but he is still a bit behind Horikita Gaku, but only in motor nerves, he will not lose. Not only has he participated in the basketball club of the football club since he was a child, but he also insists on jogging for 5 kilometers every morning. He has worked hard, so he will not lose.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are talented and work hard.

He is this kind of person.

And Horikita is busy with official duties every day, so naturally he doesn’t have so much time to train, so his physical fitness is inevitable.

Nan Yunya maintained the first place, advancing steadily at a super fast speed that he thought was good.


There was still no sound of footsteps from Class B of the first grade chasing after him.

A race without a goal or a reference is indeed a bit boring, but the finish line is right in front of you.

Horikita Gaku and Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

You guys just eat farts in the back!

He declared to Horikita Gaku, but this was just to prove his strength to Horikita Gaku, and what he wants to see more is… a guy like Ayanokōji Kiyotaka can only watch him from a distance, and finds that no matter what Can’t catch up.

Probably because he was in a good mood, his speed was released to the fastest.

Look, did you see it?

The others are simply not worth mentioning.

at this time.

The sound of the wind being cut came from behind. This is the sound of the wind that can only be felt by people with strong physical fitness. Nan Yunya was not fishing for a moment, nor did he want to see who was catching up. He broke out at his fastest speed .

Because the end is in front of you, if you hesitate, you will lose!

“¨First (Zhao Qianzhao) first grade Class C!”

“The second-placed Class A of the third grade!”

“…” Nan Yun.

Nanyun looked in surprise at the two figures who left him behind.

Then Nagumo was helped down by his classmates.

Because after he was surpassed, he experienced severe physical discomfort, and this discomfort directly manifested itself…his legs were weak.

It softened all of a sudden.

Then, after regaining consciousness, he ran to the finish line which was only a few meters away, and barely won the third place.

But it was true that he was frightened.

It’s impossible not to be terrified. There are three other people who feel the same way as him, and the most tragic one is Shibata from class B of the first grade who fell down because of bewilderment.

Obviously he managed to keep up with Nanyun No. 2 with great difficulty, but because of the violent shock and bewilderment, he didn’t get up for a long time. Not only did he block the track, but after blocking, he lost his fighting power and was continuously beaten by the rear. Two seniors overtook and finally got the last place.

Now he has cried out the paper.

And because of Shibata’s mistakes in class B of the first grade, the white team couldn’t surpass the red team as expected in the red-white confrontation.

So the white team lost.

ps: Is there anyone willing to take care of her? No tomorrow to ask again. It always feels like I’m banned, and it takes 1 hour for the comment to reply to appear. .

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