“First of all, I have to praise you here.”

“You broke the school’s record first, promoted to the upper class at the fastest speed, and also reached Class B at the same time. Even as a teacher, I am proud of this.”

Although Mr. Chabashira stood on the other side of the podium and praised everyone in a positive tone, most of the students were stunned, except for the staff who came over in the morning and changed the class card from the first grade C to the first grade. Class B, but they still don’t have much real feeling after becoming Class B.

Because of real feeling, real feeling. real feeling.

They were very impressed with the experience of turning their 1,000-point class evaluation score into 8 points in the first month of enrollment, but they looked at a loss when they made rapid progress in the Kojima exam and the sports festival.

Because most of them did not do anything!

Even so, they still hope to hold their heads high when they go out.

Because when they were students in Class D, the students in Class A and Class C looked down on them very much, which made people very uncomfortable.

“I apologize for treating you as rubbish in the past. You also have potential.”

Chabashira Sae unexpectedly smiled commendably. “Although I don’t want to offend you, there will be a midterm exam at the end of this month, and this time there are new rules for the exam. It’s not the school that will issue papers. You will issue the final exam papers.”

“Are we coming out?”

Originally a scumbag student, 26, who was afraid of exams, felt that he had suddenly gained happiness.

“Of course not all questions are acceptable.” Teacher Chazhu distributed the paper in his hand, “This is a sample question prepared by the school for you. You can finish this paper and calculate your own grades.”

“Yes, and there is a special rule.” Chazhu said, “For this exam, you will be paired with someone in the class.”

This novel rule attracted the attention of the students.

Originally, Qinglong was not interested in this kind of liberal arts exam, but when he heard Mr. Chabashira say mating-matching… no, if it was a pairing, he concentrated his mind a little.

Chazhu continued, “The pairing will challenge the final exam in the form of a life community. There are eight subjects in the exam, each subject has a full score of 100, and each subject has 50 questions, a total of 400 questions.

And these questions are all multiple choice questions.

And each subject will set a minimum standard of 60 points. If any subject is less than 60 points, both of them will be expelled from school. And this sixty points refers to the total score of the two partners. For example, if Ike and Hirata become a couple, even if Ike gets zero points, as long as Hirata gets sixty points in the test, it will be safe. ”

The student exclaimed. As long as good company can be obtained, this will be a fairly easy exam.

And Kiyotaka also looked at Horikita Suzune.

He has already decided to let Horikita study hard.

“But—” Chazhu became expressionless. “It’s more than that.”

Chazhu continued, “Because this rule is too simple, and in this semester, there is no dropout in the whole grade. This is not normal.” Chazhu said.

No no no.

It’s normal for ordinary schools not to drop out.

But now no one is questioning, but continue to listen.

“So the school has added a new level of difficulty as usual. If the total score of the two subjects does not reach 700 points, then it will also be regarded as a failure.” Chazhu Sae announced.

100 points for one course, 800 points for eight subjectspoints, and because there are two people, then it is 1600 points, so it is not difficult to get 700 points. But if the partner is a scumbag with 0 points in each subject, then the teammates of the top students need to get an average of 87 points in each of the eight subjects.

What a high requirement. And if the top student doesn’t do it, because it is a pairing relationship, then the low school students who are paired with her will also drop out of school together.

If their advanced level is not brought out, then they will all be expelled from school because their scumbags cannot show their strength.

That is to say.

This is a genuine community of life.

How to choose a partner is also a very important homework.

But Kiyotaka is not panic at all, because he has Horikita classmate who can reach 90 points in every subject, and it is impossible for him to not even get 10 points, so if you partner with Horikita, you can take this exam. Done easily.

So he stared at Horikita-san, who didn’t change his expression, with fiery eyes, but unexpectedly found that Airi was lying on the table.

Looks scared.

“Woo–” she murmured.


Well, Airi is a scumbag, there is no doubt about it.

Qinglong originally felt that his grades were poor, but Airi was the type who was even worse than him. This was because he didn’t like the neon class here. Many aspects were very different from those taught by Tianchao in the past, so he resisted The psychology of rejection, and then he was judged to be a scumbag.

But Airi is a real scumbag.

So if she can’t find a good partner, then she is likely to drop out of school.

And this is not allowed by Qinglong. A spare tire like Airi should not be treated like this.

So let’s change.

Let Horikita match her.

And he just needs to go to Yukimura. Yukimura is a top student, and at the same time he was promoted at the sports festival before, Kiyotakabi didn’t think that Yukimura didn’t even give him this favor.

Then the exam is safe this time.

However, when Qinglong was thinking about this, he found that Karuizawa, who was sitting at the third table in the third group, was lying on his head.

It seems to be very troubled.



This is also a scumbag.

But among the girls, Kiyotaka knew that Kushida’s grades were not as good as the top ones, but they were more than the bottom ones, so if she could be pulled to form a team with Karuizawa, then Karuizawa would be safe.

With such an arrangement, all the people who can be used by him will be safe.

This exam is indeed quite easy.

Then Qinglong, who found a solution to the problem in 10 seconds, continued to listen to Mr. Chabashira’s explanation.

“But don’t worry.” Cha Zhu said, “The content of the assessment this time is only at the level of the third grade of junior high school. At the same time, as I said just now, the examination papers are not issued by the school, but by the class.

There are eight subjects, 50 questions for each subject, all of which are assigned to each class. In other words, you will be asked to think and make your own questions for the final exam questions. Then assign the question to one of the three classes other than the class you belong to. You can give your papers to Class A, Class C, or even Class D. ”

Chazhu explained the rules, “This time the exam is also related to the class evaluation score. You prepare the eight subject questions yourself, and before that, you can challenge one of the other three classes. The two classes give each other questions. , and conduct a score competition, the class with the highest total class score can take away 50 class evaluation points from the losing class.”

But here is something interesting.

The two classes asked each other test questions, and then compared the scores. There are many links that can be operated.

For example.

Ask each other questions, and let each other leak the questions. This ensures that the students on both sides will not drop out of school because they know the answers.


There are many problems.

For example, is the other party’s class trustworthy? What if the opposing class betrays? To memorize fake papers, and then cause a large number of students in the class to fail, and then even the students with good grades are also expelled from school.

It’s a very scary thing.

“Also. Bring me the small test paper you just made.” Teacher Chazhu said, “Now we will make matching assignments based on your scores.”

Qinglong stood up all of a sudden, “Isn’t it possible for the teacher to be paired with the only designated personnel of the students?”

“Of course not.” Teacher Chazhu said naturally. “Because this is an exam, and even if you are poor students, but if you work hard, both of you will get less than 60 points in the same subject. That is to say, you can’t get 30 points in one subject?”


Isn’t this just that Xueba’s thigh can’t be hugged and everyone is in crisis.


There was a huge bug movement on the side of the new Class B. .

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