Qinglong almost jogged to the lake’s guardrail, and when he got there, he saw a strange scene.

The student council president, Horikita, was nowhere to be seen, and Horikita was leaning on the railing alone, like a literary girl.

As for Kushida with short blonde hair, she was sitting on a chair playing with her mobile phone.

The temperament of the two was quite harmonious.

Both of them seemed to be waiting for someone, but they heard footsteps and looked over in unison.

Kushida directly put away the phone.

So Kushida was able to win the favor of so many people, and her actions are really amazing. Like this performance of seeing people’s attention immediately, maybe it’s just a show, but even if it’s a show, doesn’t it make people feel happy?

First, she may care more about you than your mobile phone.


She is willing to act in order to gain your favor, which shows that your value in her heart is still good.

I just believed her ass. I asked her to go to the cinema but refused because I wanted to see Long Yuan.

Qinglong has well remembered this sum.

“What a coincidence.” Qinglong said.

But the two people who were waiting for him ignored his greeting.

Isn’t this nonsense?

The fact that Horikita called him was exposed, and Kushida also confirmed that he had been answering the phone.

So both of them acquiesced that he was always there.

Then if you say such unstandard words again, can’t you just ignore them?

“It really makes people wait.” However, Kushida suddenly said, “So the bet just now can continue. As long as Ayanokōji-san agrees to the same treatment as Horikita-san, then our bet will really work. gone.”

Kushida spoke with a smile, but what she said pierced her heart.

What is the treatment for Horikita-san?

Once Horikita Suzune loses to Kushida in the math test, she will automatically drop out of school, so isn’t Kiyotaka also going to drop out of school?

Could it be that Kushida wanted to take revenge on him long ago because he wanted to use public affairs for personal gain?

Indeed, whether it is once a week or twice a week, she is quite reluctant every time.


Kiyotaka ignored Kushida but looked at Horikita.

The meaning is very clear.

This is something you made up, what kind of attitude do you have.

Although Horikita turned around from watching from the railing, she used a calm expression, as if telling Qinglong that she was sure, and then she wanted him to agree.


In terms of academic ability, although the only exam that required academic ability in the past few exams was terminated by cheating papers, it is not surprising that Horikita’s academic ability is stronger than Kushida. Or this is the truth.

It’s just that she won’t lose in the written test.

But is this really the case?

Qinglong will not drop out of school.

“Yes.” He said, “But I have a condition, Kushida, I want you to tell me your dark history in middle school. And this is the condition for me to be bound with Horikita.”

“…” Kushida’s gentle expression changed instantly, and her sudden change of color caused Horikita, who was not very used to her sudden face change, to have a surprised expression, as if she still couldn’t adapt to Kushida’s inconsistency. people.

“Okay. I’ll tell you.” Kushida glanced over with cold eyes. “But you have to hand over your mobile phone to me first, I don’t want you to record anything terrible.”

Regarding this point, Kiyotaka and Horikita looked at each other, neither of them refused, so the two mobile phones were placed on the chair.

And Kushida-san stood up.

“First of all, what do you think is the limit of a person? And knowing your talent, the limit is like this, what should you do?” she said.

And Horikita also began to listen carefully.

“If you want to be an ordinary person, can’t you admit your own? Maybe, I had this idea at the beginning, knowing that no matter how hard I try, I can’t compare with a talented person. If I can’t become the first, I can only be the second.” The third or fourth place, although I have won the ranking, but this kind of later ranking makes me completely unhappy. However, I soon discovered that I found that I have a field that others cannot reach. That is As long as I can be gentler than anyone, kinder than anyone, I can become the number one in this field. Everyone is very close to me.”

“So, thanks to this, I can become a celebrity. Both boys and girls like me. I feel the pleasure of being relied on and trusted. The elementary school and middle school are really happy…”

So, has this guy been in this state since elementary school?

To be trusted by everyone is her paradise, but to be liked by everyone is her hell. This is the climax of catering to the atmosphere.

Qinglong was a little silent.

But Kushida insisted on continuing to speak.

But Horikita Suzune interrupted, “Continuing to do things you don’t want to do at all, isn’t it a kind of pain for you? If it was me, I think my heart would not be able to support it long ago, and it would have collapsed.”

Horikita is the truth.

She almost couldn’t understand that there are such self-abuse people in the world, just to experience a little difference from others?

Then how will Kushida answer?

“It’s painful. Of course I’m in pain. Every day I accumulate the kind of pressure that seems to be going bald. I have also pulled out my hair or vomited because of anxiety. However, in order to maintain my gentle me, I can’t let anyone People see this appearance. That’s why I will be patient, patient, and constantlyI endured it. But the limit of my mind has come. It is impossible for me to keep accumulating stress. “Kushida said, “So the black history you want came. It was okay when I was in elementary school. I have the habit of writing a diary. Just write it down in a notebook. But in junior high school, the complexity of interpersonal relationships is beyond imagination. It is true that the more you are trusted, the more you know, and the pressure you bear will not increase exponentially.

So I started blogging without recording anyone’s name.

I just hope to be browsed by people. This seems to reduce the pressure.

But they were discovered by classmates. Although they didn’t have names, they had experienced related things, so they confirmed their names and took their seats.

So. I was accidentally discovered that I said countless bad things to the whole class, and there is nothing I can do to be hated. ”

The corners of Kushida’s mouth slightly curled up, “I think, probably I was bullied. They all read the content of the blog, and then knew my true feelings, so they said they liked my boy and hit me on the shoulder , because I wrote in my blog that it was disgusting to be confessed by him, and I hoped that he would die. And the girl who was broken up and comforted by me also kicked my desk away, because I wrote down the reason why the girl was dumped and laughed at her. ”


This is really true.

Everyone has times when they can’t fully express their inner thoughts. But Kushida wrote it all out, it would be strange if the class didn’t collapse.

“Then…” Horikita asked, “How did you escape such a crisis.”

There were no signs of serious beatings or injuries on Kushida’s body.

The explanation should be that they were not confronted by violence.

“Hehe… what method do I use, I just tell them the truth. Everything written on the blog is true, but people who were originally friends found that their friends actually see themselves like this, and those who have girlfriends are accused by their peers. Niu tr, there are people who are in two boats but pretend to be innocent, or… wait, there are too many, it’s just the beginning of those two people’s anger, and the others are ignited like dynamite, and they explode. . . . ”

“They beat each other, tore each other, and even the teacher was involved… So, this class went on strike. And I was also found by the school, and I was suspended.”


“…” This kind of experience still makes people speechless.

This is black history. It is indeed some great black history. If it is just a class of students, a certain teacher is enough to surprise people.

But Kushida broke down the entire class, including the teachers, because of her alone.

This is really unimaginable.

But judging from her remarks, she can’t be blamed. She just wrote the secrets of everyone in the class on the blog, and then they were found out and then exposed each other. The stability of the class immediately collapsed, and the relationship between people The connection was cut off instantly.

Horikita couldn’t speak. It was clearly the same school. Although the classes were different, Kushida’s class was really…complicated.

As for such black history, Qinglong acted as if he hadn’t heard of it.

Because this doesn’t look like black history, it’s just an abnormal operation.

Contacting others, obtaining their secrets, and being reused and trusted by others is a refreshing feeling, but it also means that it will bring pressure. And if you want to gain the favor of others, you must play the type that the other party likes, then refute your own preferences.

That’s why Kushida is tired.

Then I chose a blog to vent.


Although Kushida was telling her dark history, there was something unnatural about it.

That is, Kushida’s act of self-exploding black history is still a little too lightly.

She has always wanted to avoid her dark history being exposed by Horikita from the same middle school. So aim everywhere. Externally, he uses a gentle image to confuse Horikita, but internally, he spares no effort to get Horikita to drop out of school.

And this is because Horikita actually doesn’t know the specifics of the situation.

That is to say, Kushida has been so thorough before it was confirmed how much Horikita knew about this matter, but now he is telling it directly.

Then let him know too.

This shows what?

Well, it can be confirmed that Kushida Kikyo, after she found out that Horikita is Horikita Gaku’s younger sister, was actually scared after telling others her dark history so briskly.

Horikita blew herself up that the student council president was her brother, and Kushida felt that it was difficult. She even felt that she couldn’t use all the power around her to keep Horikita expelled from school, and she was still attached to this school, so she surrendered.

He is really a useless guy.

“There’s no need to act.” Kiyotaka said, “I know you’re in a bad mood right now, but you can continue to kick the railing and scold Horikita at this moment.”

“Kick the railing and scold me?” Horikita was still a little focused on Kushida’s dark history, and suddenly frowned when she heard this sentence that didn’t come.

“No, you didn’t do this in front of her?” Qinglong looked at Kushida strangely.

“You didn’t tell her?” But Kushida also looked at him with a strange tone.

The two looked at each other.

And Horikita really came to his senses.

She looked at Kushida with an unbelievable gaze, “So, you scolded me when you kicked the railing? Are you venting your dissatisfaction in this way?”

“…” Qinglong.

“…” Kushida.

Indeed, compared to them, there is an innocent person here now. .

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