“Earn 5 million in three days.”

“This is simply impossible.”

“Does this freshman want to be famous?”

The classroom of Class A of the second grade.

Nan Yunya told the girls about the crazy things about the freshmen in the first grade as if they were a joke. And the freshman who lived up to expectations was ridiculed by the girls.

“But thisIt’s a lovely gesture. Nanyun, you are not going to tease someone’s girlfriend, and then he magnifies it. ”

“It’s really cute when you think about it that way.”

However, it seems that he is not in control of the fishing boat.

He also didn’t understand that a freshman who was obviously so overconfident became cute when it came to girls. Cute with a fart.


Nan Yunya knows that the cute girls in the class have been a little absent-minded recently. I don’t know which color-female post appeared on the forum, and then posted some handsome or cute ones. Freshman information goes up.

And these girls in the same class who were in class B last year drifted away after being promoted to class A this year. He joined the student union without paying a lot of attention, and he was so talented and flamboyant that he was able to open a store, but he still went to see his face.

Some people even openly say which junior is really handsome, and when they meet them in the cafeteria, they will honestly call them seniors and so on.

He is very dissatisfied here.

Therefore, he unceremoniously decided to sacrifice Qinglong, preparing to take the opportunity to eliminate the image of a wave of freshmen in the eyes of the girls.

He has to let them know that he is the best.

Both communication and teaching and training are excellent.

Nanyun’s goal is very broad. He knows that if he is too explicit, he can hook up with one or two girls at most. If he wants to collect cute girls to enter the student union, he will lose his goal, so he has always restrained himself. I’m going to wait until I fully become the student council president. When the time comes to form a student union that is only recognized by him, and only girls who meet his preferences are all girls.


Nan Yun was dissatisfied with the performance of “transferring love” from girls, but he himself found a [ranking list of school girls most want to date] on the forum.

Among them, there is a girl named Ichinose Hoonami who is particularly in line with his aesthetics.

It’s just a little bit of a disappointment, the ring tone is not there, and in his opinion, the ring tone is also super good-looking.

Oh, Kushida Kikyo is there, but if Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is not killed, then Kushida-sister will probably ignore him.

Nanyun Ya thought over and over again, went directly to the student union at noon, and then retrieved the information of Ichinose Hoonami.

very lucky.

Ichinose Honami is from Class B, and he is also from the same junior high school as him, and he is also promoted to Class A with the students from Class B, and Class B probably has the same idea, so in fact, he is the same as the same junior high school student. Even in a school, he can tell Ichinose that he is a senior.

And Ayanokōji Kiyotaka is just a defective product of Class D but cheated Class C out of 2 million. Don’t you think this kind of thing is absurd?

But the same method cannot be said to be unusable.

So he took advantage of his privilege to quickly obtain Ichinose Hoonami’s communication method, and invited him to his milk tea shop.

He ordered coffee for her, and the lively music in the shop changed to that kind of elegant and noble taste.

Because it is his shop, he has these permissions.

“That’s it. I can provide you with experience and cost reduction assistance.” Nan Yunya said gracefully.

But what he was thinking in his heart was that Ichinose-senpai herself was more attractive than the photos.

Nanyun was quite satisfied. He originally wanted to slowly chase after a few girls in the class, and then when he became the student council president, he began to choose cute girls to join the student council according to his own preferences, but he found one in advance. With a girl like Se Hoonami as a spare tire, it is even possible to have a serious relationship with her.


“I’m sorry, Senior Nagumo.” The leader of Class B, Honomi Ichinose, said, “Our Class B will not be involved in money-related issues for the time being.”


Nanyun felt something was wrong.

According to his observation, this kind and gentle Ichinose-san doesn’t seem to reject people so easily.

“Actually—” Ichinose Hoonami was thinking about how not to hurt his heart.

“Actually, seniors will know it after reading the forum.”

She moved her phone.


Nan Yun frowned, feeling bad.

Then I opened the forum, only to find that several posts had become popular posts.


Freshman Class C raised funds to participate in the store opening plan, but was forced to stop because the right to open the store was bought out. And Nan Yunya, Class A of the second grade, who has the right to open a store, offered a sky-high price of 5 million as an expedient fee for opening a store! ]

[Nayun is too dark, don’t give Xinsheng a way out!


After just a few glances, Nan Yunya really wanted to curse.

Because if you say that, don’t you blame him for everything, and also ruin his reputation.

No wonder Ichinose-senpai ignored him.

He was hacked!

“The fundraising of Class C is indeed true.” Nanyun said elegantly, “But I didn’t stop them. It was Ayanokōji Kiyotaka who said nonsense.”

“Ayanokōji Kiyotaka?” Ichinose Hoonami heard this name for the first time.

“…” Nan Yun realized that he had subconsciously said it. Isn’t this the one in the love trilogy, if you make a girl curious, then that girl might like you halfway, so he hastened to make amends, “That’s an extremely excessive person.”

Nan Yunya unceremoniously discredited Qinglong.

“I just told him the essence of this school. It was he who wanted to blackmail Class C’s money, so he put the responsibility on me.” Nan Yunya said.

“That is to say, senior Nanyun really charged them a high price for opening a shop?” IchinoseAsk.

“…” Nanyun felt that today was really a big headache, and he was actually confused by the contents of several forums. “The expediency of opening a store exists, but it is true that I spent 5 million points to buy it. So isn’t it reasonable to sell it at a low price? I did nothing wrong with this, after all, I have collected all the points in my class. The points of the students are in everyone’s interest, so there is no compromise.”

Nanyun raised this matter to the interest of the class, I believe Ichinose will definitely understand.

But Ichinose was not admitted.

Because she was thinking.

Think about the loopholes in Nagumo’s words.

That is to say.

This is problematic, because you have also opened a store, so if you sell this interest at the original price, it is equivalent to a white wolf with empty hands, which is a bit too much.


Ichinose felt that it would be better if she didn’t have much contact with this senior.

“And this Ayanokōji Kiyotaka even made a bet with me.” Nan Yunya continued, “He said he would earn 5 million in three days, and if he made it, I would lose 200,000 to him.”

“But if he loses, then even if he loses, I won’t ask him for anything.” Nanyun wanted to make up for his usual image.

At the same time, Ichinose had to give Ichinose the image of Ayanokōji Kiyotaka as a big talker who loves to cheat money.

Because Nan Yun suddenly thought that Ayanokōji had a high-quality ringtone beside him, and even Kushida was cute, so he might be very good at picking up girls, which was very unfavorable to him.

So I have to brainwash Ichinose-senpai first.

But Ichinose was looking at her phone.

“Then it’s a bit bad.” Ichinose said, “If it’s really Ayanokōji-san who said he would earn 5 million in three days.” Ichinose looked at his phone and said, “Then he might really be able to earn 5 million in three days.” , No, even 5 million can be collected within two hours.”

“He’s really…a very powerful person.” Ichinose said in a low voice.

And this voice has already fallen into Nan Yunya’s ears.

So aren’t you already interested in that Ayanokōji Kiyotaka?

He felt that today was really a big mistake. He originally wanted to attack the junior girl, but he kept making the junior girl pay attention to the boy he hated.

My head really hurts.

And he quickly picked up his phone. Ichinose has been swiping his phone since the very beginning, so what’s so interesting about it?

“this is……”

Nan Yunya just stayed there for a few seconds, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

“He’s really an interesting person.” At the same time, in the student union office, due to work reasons, Horikita was still working overtime in the student union, and as his deputy, Secretary Tachibana asked Katsuragi to stay after returning.

And Secretary Ju is checking the content of the forum. As the student council, they have to ensure the growth of the students, so they will also ensure the cleanliness of the forum.

But Secretary Ju Qian found a new post.

[Selling the right to work, you only need 50,000 points, you can have the right to work for three years, and you can resell it to others if you don’t want to use it within three years. ]

Ju Qian read out.

But the student council president, Horikita Gaku, who was writing, raised his head all of a sudden.

“Part-time job… right?” He put down his pen.

“Ah… President, I’m sorry for disturbing you.” Ju Qian said hastily.

She knows how excellent this president is and how hard he works, so she feels sorry for disturbing him.

“Tachibana, what happened?” President Horikita is a very sensitive person. “Or something different happened recently.”

Tachibana hurriedly told about the bet between Qingtaka Ayanokōji, a freshman in class D, and the vice president, Nanyun.

“And now the author of this part-time job post has not been found.” She added. “It was surprising enough for Nan Yun to mention opening a store to get another income before, but now he even comes to work part-time.”

“You don’t need to look for it. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji should be the one who can do this kind of thing.” Horikita Gaku suddenly laughed, “Do you still remember why Katsuragi came to the student union?”

“Didn’t the president take a fancy to him and recommend him directly?”

Ju Qian was surprised.

“Originally it wasn’t him. I was interested in Qingtaka Ayanokōji from Class D. He was just dissatisfied with the position of secretary and sold it outright.”

“Sell, sell!” Ju Qian was taken aback.

“Yes, sell it, or sell it in front of me.” Horikita Xuedao, “If the positions of the two vice presidents are not full now, otherwise I will recruit him into the student union.”

“Just don’t recruit, because.” He paused.

Because this guy is very likely to sell the entire student union at that time.

Horikita Gaku couldn’t stand this.

This guy’s weakness is that he loves money too much.

But it also makes people helpless.

Five million in three days is only he who dares to do it, only he has the confidence to do it, and then…

Horikita looked at the posts on the power of working in the forum, and he already knew that he would definitely be able to collect 5 million in one day.

In other words, Nanyun has completely lost.

The reason why Horikita Academy specially promoted Nagumo Masa to become the vice president is because Nagumo Masa was fancy Nagumo Masa’s ability, unified the second grade, and at the same time made a negotiation with the school, and bought the right to open a store with very bright means.

Then he became the first student to open a store since the school was founded.

This gives him a high score.

This is already good enough.

But now?

This is Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

But proposed to buy out the right to workforce.

In Neon, middle school and high school students are allowed or even encouraged to work part-time to earn their own pocket money. It is very down-to-earth. As a result, this school does not allow it, but if it is not allowed, is it really not allowed?

Don’t forget that the teachers will tell the students on the first day of school that you can buy everything with points.


Conditions like this kind of prohibition can be turned into permission.

And once it becomes allowed, all the students in the school will go crazy, even Class A of the second grade, even Class A of the third grade. There must be many people who want to work part-time.

Because it’s not shameful to work part-time, it’s a tradition! It can be said that it directly impacted the system of points obtained from the school.

As for whether there are students considering that there are only about 1,000 workers in the shopping street, it is impossible to say whether so many students will be needed to work.

Because everyone wants to get this right first.

So, even though someone persuaded him to be rational, Qinglong almost got off the phone within 2 hours, and then raised a total of 5 million in funds when it was finalized in the third hour.

ps: This

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