“Ichinose.” Although I went to see Ichinose, I met him just around the corner.

“Ah, what a coincidence, Ayanokōji-san.” Today’s little angel is also alone. “Well, how is Horikita-san? Things are going well, right?”

She is also a participant, so there is nothing wrong with worrying about Horikita now.

After all, she is an angel.

Even though Kushida is a fake angel, she has helped many people and brought many people the care of their friends. However, Ichinose is different from Kushida. She is the same on the outside, but she is a pure bad person.

“It’s not bad. The students in the class have accepted Horikita. And the rumors can’t be discussed anymore.” Qinglong said.

“Well, it seems that there is no problem from this point of view.” Ichinose nodded. “Everyone in Class B on our side will not talk about it anymore.”

“But I really owe you this kind of favor.” This time, Horikita’s acting battle was actually thought up by Ichinose. Of course, she was not talking about acting skills, nor acting, but that she felt that her classmates would treat Horikita like this Kita Suzune is too strange, so Horikita Suzune needs to be made more conspicuous.

Then there was the Horikita acting incident.

“Ah, it’s okay, I owe you a lot of favors, after all—” How can Ichinose hope that he owes her favors, if he can reduce the number of favors she owes, one or two times will be of great help .


“Hey, Ayanokōji-kun, what do you think about this matter?”

Ichinose’s expression became much more serious, “I always feel that my handling methods are too soft, youIt should be despised, but you agreed to carry it out. Always feel weird. ”

Is it.

“Indeed.” Qinglong said, “Your method is too gentle. But your method also has its merits.”

“Aren’t you going to destroy the relationship between the students? Or are you saying that you don’t want to pursue the mastermind behind the scenes—?” Ichinose looked at him gently.

Yes, using this gentle method to suppress rumors means not discussing it, so naturally there will be no further investigation.

That is to say, they are forced to let this matter pass like this.

Then I ignored the mastermind behind the scenes.

“There’s no need to pursue it.” Qinglong said, “Because I already know who it is.”

“Huh?” Ichinose was full of puzzlement.

The news she got was either from Kushida or from Class C.

But Kushida-san is very kind, so there is a high probability that she is from Class C.

So is Long Yuan doing something again?

Ichinose was thinking.

“I’m right.” But Kiyotaka suddenly took a step back, and it was only at this time that Ichinose realized that there was actually a student holding a cane standing under the tree behind Kiyotaka.

The opponent is slender and small.

Silver hair, skin as white as porcelain.


It’s Arisu Sakayanagi from Class A.

I don’t know how long the other party has been standing there, but this means that the other party has heard everything she and Qinglong said just now.

“Ban, classmate Banliu!”

Ichinose was taken aback.

Because she suddenly thought that if Banliu didn’t appear here by accident, then corresponding to what Qinglong said just now, that is to say… the rumor this time is actually…

She is the mastermind?

“I’m a very boring person.” Sakayanagi Yusu said, “I just like casually flipping through the materials of all grade students, and then happened to see that Horikita Suzune’s past junior high school was the same as the student council president, and at the same time the two There are three points similar in appearance, plus the same surname.

So I infer whether these two are (cgad) brothers and sisters or something.

Then this conjecture was used by some students in the class to wantonly attack Horikita Suzune. ”

“Whether this conjecture is correct or not, it may put pressure on Class D, probably because the people in the class are also wary of the leader of Class D.” Banliu gently raised his head and stared at Qinglong.

This is actually saying that the people in the class are not so much wary of Class D as they are wary of him.

Everyone is a sensible person. Knowing that Kiyotaka was pushing Class D behind his back, and then became the first class ever to be promoted from Class D to Class B. But as soon as he let go, Class D fell straight back to its original position.

Even so, there were still people who were worried, so they immediately used this information to attack Horikita Suzune who was beside Kiyotaka.

“However, if you don’t even have this bit of resistance, then it’s really not suitable for you to survive in this school, Horikita Suzune.” Itanagi said.

Ichinose was speechless.

Qinglong, on the other hand, looked at Banliu speechlessly, because when she said such words, she was completely lenient.

The fact that Horikita is the student council president’s younger sister was exposed, and Horikita laughed at her reaction, so what if her identity as the chairman’s daughter was revealed?

She must also feel uncomfortable, at least she will definitely be forced by some idiots to decide whether her father deliberately relaxed the conditions and brought her into the class.

“And Ichinose-san, you too, if you are too kind, you won’t be able to stay here.” She said. “And I don’t think you can surpass Class A.”


Ichinose didn’t know how to reply Itanagi, but Itanagi was already sending someone a message, and then they left together when Kamuro Masumi came to pick her up.

“…” But Kiyotaka remained motionless. He knew that Banyanagi would come here on purpose and explain this, which meant that the incident with Horikita Suzune this time was just an appetizer, and she would formally attack Ichinose next.

Kiyotaka may not necessarily deal with Ichinose, but this time Horikita needs her help in matters, so… that is, if Ichinose owes a favor, then Ichinose must be taken when Ichinose is attacked.

Is Banliu forcing him to make a move?

“Ichinose.” Qinglong said suddenly.


“Do you know what to do when you enter a new class and ask others to accept him as a companion?”

“Is it to improve my contribution?” Ichinose tried to answer.

“No, it’s to make this group unworthy of me.” Qinglong said. “That’s not asking you to join, but the other party begging you to come in.”


Ichinose didn’t understand what he was talking about at all.

But Qinglong ignored her and left on his own. .

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