Ichinose’s popularity is very high, and the classmates in the class are also very united, but within a week, rumors about her are still everywhere.

Her approach is very simple, just ignore it. Believe that those who are clean will clean themselves, and if you don’t respond to the other party, you may feel bored and give up. This is quite a Buddhist approach.

But Ichinose’s cold treatment is the same as Horikita’s.

She also wanted to deal coldly with Horikita’s rumors, but she couldn’t hold on and broke out in class.

It’s just that although Ichinose didn’t pay attention to it, it will be very annoying if it keeps doing this.

1. Ichinose has someone she likes

2. Ichinose has already been assigned to the student union

3. Ichinose Nanami’s misconduct

These three are currently the most winning rumors. And the resolution is also very confusing.

The third point will be denied by those who are familiar with Ichinose, but the first point is very interesting, and the second point is also concerned by some people, and they even think it is possible.

After all, she has high academic ability, and she is not stupid in brain power, and her communication and coordination skills are super strong, even better than Kushida.

“As for the matter of Ichinose this time, in fact, yours was Kushida who was in the way and Ichinose helped. Now that Ichinose is killed, you can actually ask Kushida.” Kiyotaka said.

“Go…please Kushida?” Horikita’s hand holding the kettle suddenly stopped.

Because she has a lot of opinions on Qinglong’s suggestion.

Go ask Kushida.

Go ask Kushida.

In the rumor incident, Kushida was said by Kiyotaka to be the ultimate behind-the-scenes, but now she is still looking for her, isn’t it poisonous?

This is too strange.


Suzune could no longer trust Kushida-san.

In other words, Kushida-san’s credibility is very low. And now it is to help Ichinose, so how can he ask Kushida Kikyo, who has a rather low credibility?

“This time you can trust her. Besides Ichinose, she is the person who has the greatest relationship with others.” Kiyotaka said, “At the same time, you underestimate her too much. Kushida-san will treat everyone fairly and equally.” A friend. So in her heart she regards Ichinose as a friend, and she will do her best to help her friend. Right, Kushida-san.”

While talking, Qinglong suddenly turned back.

And Horikita Suzune noticed his expression and words and looked back.

They saw a girl with short blonde hair standing behind them, looking at them with a “smile”.

“Just now I heard someone talking about my name, so I came here because of embarrassment.” She said with a “smile”.

She had already returned from the cafeteria, and when she sneezed suddenly, she felt that someone might be scolding her, and she could only analyze the two people in front of her who would scold her. “The relationship between Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun is really good.”

Kushida is very kind.

! !

But Horikita Suzune was taken aback.

She is quite a calm person, but now she also has the panic of saying bad things about others and being caught immediately.

“…” She didn’t know how to respond for a moment.

“Then, you can come and help.” Kiyotaka stood up and gave up his chair to Kushida Kikyo. “I think you must have the source of the rumors in your hands.”

“…” But Kushida just smiled and didn’t sit down or continue talking. Instead, he looked at Horikita Suzune.

“… Horikita.” Kiyotaka had no choice but to pat Horikita on the shoulder.

“…Kushida-san.” Horikita had no choice but to say, “This time, I hope you can help me.”

“Then…can I just treat it as Horikita-san owes me a favor this time?” Kushida’s voice suddenly became cute. “And then can it be offset with the previous incident?”

The fingers of Kushida’s hands were crossed, and he seemed in a good mood.

And the previous incident she mentioned here refers to Horikita’s rumors that she assisted in it.

Then taking over also offended Horikita.

“…” It took Horikita a while to respond, “Yes.”

She still doesn’t know that Kushida is just an accessory and not the main culprit, so the answer here is equivalent to forgiving the cognition that Kushida is the main culprit…  

It can be seen that Horikita really wanted to help Ichinose this time, that’s why she made such a big sacrifice.

“Okay, after all, Ichinose-san is also my friend, so how can I sit idly by when such rumors spread about my good friend? And this is the information I got.” Kushida then began to share what he easily obtained Intelligence, sources, and the truth hidden in the news.

The reason why rumors can be spread is not to speak nonsense, but to hide a part of the truth, so that it will not be so easy to be exposed or denied.

It’s like Horikita’s rumors from being the student council president’s sister to the student council president’s favoritism and so on. The real part of it is that Horikita is indeed the student council president’s younger sister. So as soon as the rumor spread, she couldn’t immediately respond or deny it correctly.

Then the rumor spread more and more widely.

do thisKushida Kikyo is the best at it. So her anti-reconnaissance means are also quite high.

Effective help can only be obtained from her.

As for Kushida’s assistance, it seems that she has used her strength, and Kushida has also achieved her goal. Eliminating Horikita’s dissatisfaction with her seems to be a win-win outcome for both parties.

But no.

In Horikita’s rumor incident, influential people like Kushida can incite others to gain great power, so it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t cause trouble this time.

So using her power cut off the possibility of her causing trouble.

That is to say.

Kushida Kikyo was sealed away.

So this is the real purpose, to appease those who are in the way.

Then there is the opportunity to solve the incident.

Seeing Horikita’s stern face and Kushida-san who gradually became cheerful, Kiyotaka just wanted to shake his head. These two are still not smart enough.

I really can’t imagine that if he wasn’t in the class, then the two of them would be played by people like Banliu or Long Yuan. .

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