[Fanbo, do you know that there is such a special school where you can enroll for free, and after graduation, you will even be recommended to work or enter the university you want without taking the exam.

And the most important thing is that it is a fully enclosed school,]

During those six months, the head teacher once told her so through the door.

So she came here.


In the past, she lost the trust of others, but now if she wants to gain the trust of others again, she can only trust others first.

So, she closed her eyes, thinking about the painful things in the past, and she said the things that she has not forgiven herself now.

Ichinose Hounami was born in a single-parent family. She had a mother and a younger sister. As for her father, he left them and ran away with other women very early on.

He completely failed to fulfill the responsibilities that a father should pay.

The mother is very hardworking and strong, working two jobs alone to support the growth of her two daughters.

And Ichinose is also very sensible. She knew about scholarships when she was in junior high school, so she studied hard and finally got Hiroshi to go to school, but she didn’t intend to go to high school. Going to work after graduating from junior high school can reduce the burden on the mother.

But the mother disagreed. No matter how tired she was, she hoped that her child would have the right to a normal education. But finally fell ill due to overwork.

And the younger sister is also very well-behaved. She knows the difficult situation at home. After her mother fell ill, she didn’t say where she wanted to go to play, and she didn’t go shopping with her friends during the holidays.

But that’s how my younger sister told her on her birthday that she definitely, very much, wanted the popular hair clips worn by last year’s stars that she bought in the store.

Ten thousand yen each.

It’s a huge amount for them, and the mother seems to want to give the younger sisterThis gift will be exhausted later.

She persuaded her younger sister to let her give up this gift first, and buy it for her when she reaches the age where she can work part-time.

But it seems that the repeated concessions and the repeated giving up have made the younger sister paranoid. She cried and blamed her incompetent mother.

So, Ichinose made a decision.

On the day of her sister’s birthday, she went to the shop and stole this hairpin.

Look, there are a lot of bad guys in the world, aren’t there? She is just making a mistake for her sister now. And she hopes that this is a loan, and she will definitely compensate the store when she has the ability to repay it in the future.

And because it was a stolen item, she didn’t wrap the hairpin package, but her sister was still very happy.

Looking at her smile, the guilt in my heart was reduced a lot in an instant.

Ichinose asked her to agree not to take it out casually.

But the younger sister missed the appointment, and the younger sister went to see her mother with her hairpin and showed off.

This was the first time Fanbo saw such an angry mother. She beat her severely and confiscated her sister’s gift.

Then, ignoring her body in the hospital, her mother took her to the store and knelt down to admit her mistake.

The moment he humbly kowtowed, Fanbo understood how heavy a crime he had committed.

This is an unavoidable fact no matter how many excuses one makes.

Seeing his crying sister and exhausted mother, Fanbo knew it was all his fault.

The clerk did not hand her over to the police, but Fanbo sealed herself off like this.

She didn’t leave her room or go to school for half a year. She didn’t know if this was a form of self-punishment, but she had no chance of being redeemed.

Until the head teacher told her through the door that there was such a school that did not require tuition fees and could go to work in various places after graduation.

To her, this (Qian Lizhao) may be her chance to redeem herself.

So she wanted to join the student council, and hoped that someone as excellent as Horikita Gakuto, who was rumored to be a very good student council president, could guide her.


Sure enough, criminals cannot be forgiven. In the end she still had nothing.

Trusting others will only lead to betrayal.

Losing her trust in others, she can only leave in silence.

[Ichinose Hoonami is a criminal]

So after Ichinose Hoonami found out that her secret had been exposed, she chose to quit silently by herself. .

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