“Ayanokōji-kun.” After Mr. Chabashira finished his explanation, the students began to check the handbook (schedule) distributed, and Hirata and Yukimura immediately ran to the front row.

Squeeze Teacher Chazhu to the door.

Because they surrounded Qinglong here.

The teacher explained for 20 minutes, but the teacher said that after getting off the bus, the men and women will be separated, and then the boys will form teams to form 6 groups, and the same is true for the girls, so there is no way to coordinate the students at that time.

And now it’s only 40 minutes away from this time.

Leaving aside the exaggerated way of exchanging one for one, incurring debts and deducting 300 points from the class evaluation score just now, they still need the most stable and safe time to get through it.

Yes, Hirata-kun has completely changed his mind. At first he wanted to get points, but now he wants to not be the last one.

If the last one is unfortunate enough to be selected as the person in charge, or is bound to drop out of school, then it would be too much and too ruthless.

“If you are considering being bound and expelled from school, then you don’t have to worry about it.” Qinglong said, “This should be something that students in Class A will worry about, so in this respect, this is the standard you can negotiate with them. ”

“So that’s how it is.” Junru Hirata was enlightened, yes,

He was worried about the worst situation just now, but now it seems that it is safest for their Class D to be bound or something like that.

“So as long as the students in our class join other groups and are not in charge, it is absolutely safe.”

That’s probably the case.

Because even if other classes are the last person in charge, then they will not be interested in the garbage of class D, and it is meaningless to drag them to be buried with them, and as long as there is no person in charge in class D, they will not be deducted 300 in the end points, because only the class of the person in charge will deduct 300 points.

So from this point of view, Class D is actually quite safe.

“It’s just that if the person in charge comes last, then he can designate his own classmates, right?”

After casually fooling Hirata and Yukimura, Kiyotaka left his seat and came to the girl’s side.

It can be seen that Horikita-san, who has long black hair, has a serious face.

The seats on the bus are assigned according to the student number on the student ID card. Kushida and Horikita’s are next to each other, so the two of them sit together, and Kushida-san keeps courting Horikita-san.

This made Horikita feel quite disgusted.

When Qinglong arrived here, he pressed his hands on the back seat of the seat and said.

Point out and become the person in charge, then drag the students in his class to be buried with him.

“So, Horikita, your plan to ensure safety is to become the leader of your group. Then if someone makes trouble and hinders you, then you can just name her to drop out of school.”

Kiyotaka was talking to Horikita, but he smiled at Kushida who was looking at her.

But this smile is a little too much.

It made Angel Kushida’s smile almost impossible to maintain.


Kushida glared at Kiyotaka.

Because she understood that she was sealed again in an instant.

Just now she was listening to the teacher’s explanation seriously. I am very interested in the fact that the person in charge can designate a student to withdraw from school.

In fact, she was considering whether to trick a classmate from another class to become the person in charge, and if they came last in the group, then let this classmate from another class name Horikita to drop out of school with her.

Although the price of buying must be high, it is still possible, isn’t it?

And this expensive idea was instantly deciphered by Qinglong.

Kushida immediately felt that this camp in the woods had become meaningless.

“At this time, don’t think about fighting in the nest.”

Kiyotaka blocked other people’s sight and patted Kushida’s shoulder, then said to Horikita, “You have recorded the evaluation scores of your brother’s class, tell me their scores.”

It is now December 2.

And at the end of March, senior students will graduate. But only those who graduated from class A can be recognized and received various treatment.But Class A in the school is mobile, as long as the class evaluation score rises, even if it is the last day, it is possible to knock down Class A.

As a younger sister, Horikita Suzune is very concerned about her brother’s situation. In other words, when the class evaluation scores fluctuate every month, she will record the ranking of the third grade class evaluation scores.

“It’s this value.”

Horikita Suzune handed him a palm-sized notebook.

She really did record it.

Kiyotaka inspected it and saw that Horikita’s handwriting was very delicate.

Grade 3 Class A 1900 points

Grade 3 Class B 1400 points

Grade 3 Class C 700 points

Grade 3 Class D 380 points

Well, compared to when they first entered school, it has already been a semester, and the third grade seems to have experienced a drastic reduction in test scores. At least, Qinglong found that the evaluation scores of their four classes were all declining.

Class A of the first grade currently has 1643 points, and Class B of the first grade has 929 points. The gap between the two is 716 points.

There is a 500-point gap between Class A of the third grade and Class B of the third grade.

However, the combination of the maximum score and deducted points in this test may result in a score gap of 400 points, or 500-600 points.

So, the breakthrough point of this exam is here.

This test can establish the final class evaluation score of the third grade. If Class A of the third grade holds on and gains enough advantages in this test, then the test will be held three months before their graduation, and their Class A The position will be absolutely firm.

On the contrary, if they lose here, it is hard to say whether Horikita Gaku will be able to graduate in Class A.

But this is only the case of the third grade, and for the first grade, the huge see-saw of scores here is also an absolute test for Class A.

[This special exam is a sleepover with the main purpose of spiritual growth. For this reason, you will start with the basis of surviving in society, check whether you can successfully build relationships with people you don’t usually meet, and learn from each other. ”

That’s what Chazhu said. Check out her words.

[Survive in society]

In other words, this exam is quite important. And do ordinary students need to test whether they survive?

So after comprehensive thinking, Qinglong came to a conclusion.

To put it simply, this time the school is probably giving Class B of the first grade a chance, and at the same time giving Class B of the third grade the last chance.

This is the significance of this exam.

Whether Class A of the first grade and Class A of the third grade can defend the title, if they don’t defend the title, they will be overtaken!

“That is to say, the more important this kind of exam is, the more opportunities you can get a lot of money.” Qinglong said, “So little ones, be mentally prepared and work quickly!”

Who are your little ones!

Kushida glared at him.

But Qinglong is willing to take her to make money this time, so she is still willing to look forward to it. .

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