“Ahhh… my feet are numb again, don’t take the meditation test again tomorrow.”

Members of Kiyotaka’s group, such as Ishizaki, seemed very nervous during the meditation session.

As usual, Yukimura was as tired as a dog.

And today is the seventh day, and tomorrow there will be a real assessment, that is, a comprehensive assessment will be conducted between the six groups of boys and the six groups of girls. The top three will be rewarded, but the bottom three will be punished, and the last three will be punished. There may even be dropouts, which means that the leaders of the three grades in the last large group will all drop out.

It can be said that everyone feels uneasy because of the serious consequences of this punishment.

And this kind of uneasiness is not limited to boys, girls are also the same.

“I always feel a little uneasy.” The person who said this was not the dangerous Karuizawa, but Ichinose Hoonami.

“Everyone in class A didn’t show too much hostility. It’s probably because they feel that they are assigned according to the current 14+6 pattern, so even if they can’t get the first place, they can’t let the score get too much, so they are very happy. It’s easy, so it didn’t target me, ah, of course, I’m not saying that all the people in Class A are bad guys.”

Qinglong met her again during lunch on the seventh day, and she reported her situation.

Ichinose is in Itanagi’s group, and there are 15 first-year students in Itanagi’s group, but there are 14 students in Itanagi’s Class A, and Ichinose has 1 student, so they are alone. If this happens If there is any bullying, then she will bear the brunt.

“You’re blocking my way.”

And there was noise from the people cooking in front, but the person who caused the noise was very conspicuous.

It was Masa Nagumo, the accountant of the student union who was surrounded by students, and… Sho Ryuuen, the tyrant of class C in the first grade in the past.

During these days, Ryuuen stayed in Hirata’s group and was squeezed out by others, but Hirata would accept him, but he also found that he seemed to have really given up his rule over Class C, so it seems that Ryuuen like this is just Just an ordinary student.

But from the tone of his voice, he is still crazy.

You are blocking my way.

He said politely to Nan Yun.


This guy is crazy.

Nanyun stared at Ryuuen, “Speaking of which, you are the leader of Class C of the first grade. Your eyes are very good. Do you want to participate in the competition between me and the student council president? I can let you bet extra. In my university Choose one of the group and Chairman Horikita’s large group to win.”

“How much is the bet?”

Long Yuan seemed to be interested.

“10,000.” Nan Yun said.

“Hehe—” But Long Yuan smiled and then restrained himself, “I don’t bet on anything less than 1 million. If you can’t afford it, then forget it, the second grade is nothing more than that.”

“It seems that you are really not afraid of me, do you know who I am?” Nan Yun said.

“You don’t need to know, I know you can’t even afford a million, and you don’t dare to bet a million.”

While talking, Ryuuen actually walked forward without Nan Yun.

“…” Nan Yun.


“Who is it?” Nan Yun watched Ryuuen off, but in his heart he had already ranked Ryuuen second on his list of hated people.

The reason why it is second is because the first is Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

On the other hand, Kiyotaka met Horikita Gaku when he was about to leave the cafeteria.

“What do you think about the exam this time? I heard that Nagumo took turns going to the first-year dormitory to play trick games. Did he do anything secretly… Forget it.”

Horikita seemed to have something to say, but then shook his head.

“It’s about your duel with Nan Yunya this time.” Qinglong said directly, “But I’m sorry, you seem to have already prepared.”

“Yes, I’m ready. The team I’m in is very strong.” Horikita said. “At least for now, we won’t lose.”

Is it.

Then you can go to the exam with confidence, isn’t it all right?

This time, as Akane Tachibana said, Horikita was under a lot of pressure in this exam. But Ju Qian has already rejected Qinglong’s help, so there is no need for Qinglong to help her…  

But on the last day of the exam, Hashimoto from the same group returned with a wound on the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to go out at eight o’clock in the evening, and then came back after nine o’clock.

Hashimoto was probably beaten.

“Hashimoto, are you okay? Do you want to go to the infirmary?” Yukimura said just as he climbed onto the bed and got off again.

His physical fitness is poor these days, but Hashimoto, a student from Class A, has helped him, so he is very grateful.

“It’s okay.” Hashimoto said.

Then he glanced at Qinglong without leaving any trace, but Qinglong didn’t meet his gaze.

Because he knew very well why Hashimoto was beaten.

But he was surprised that Hashimoto could do such a dirty trick.

Qinglong remained obedient.

Because he was the one who tricked Hashimoto, making Hashimoto owe him 500,000 yuan, and at the same time he paid 50,000 yuan for the recorder he rented from the school.The price was rented to him.

They didn’t consider that this kind of test can also be used to collect intelligence evidence, so after the mobile phone was confiscated, they lost the ability to record and so on, and Hashimoto was deceived by Kiyotaka’s 500,000 yuan by threatening the recording of betraying Class A. , and then comforted him, saying that he is probably the only one in the school who owns a recording pen, so Hashimoto can use this recording pen to make a big business and earn back his 500,000 yuan.

It’s just that Hashimoto was too nasty, he went to record the fart sound of his classmate, and then deliberately said, XX, you farted, and then used it to threaten this XX classmate, if the other party is unwilling to pay, then record this If it was spread out, it would be fine if it was just an ordinary threat. This kind of thing is disgusting and shameful.

It can be said that she is shameless.

It’s just that he probably messed with people from Katsuragi’s faction, so it doesn’t matter if the relationship gets worse.

In this way, after Hashimoto got back his 500,000 due to disgusting his classmates, the final exam for the camp in the woods came and the results came out. .

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