Horikita will not suddenly express her thoughts in the class. She doesn’t like to be in the limelight, and at the same time, she has long saved the idea of ​​getting 20 million early and then going to Class A.

in this way,Her sense of belonging to this class is not strong.

And there is only one reason why she pays so much attention now.

The school has conducted an exam every month since entering school, but it’s only the middle of the month, and the forest exam has just passed 3 days, hasn’t it? Why do you have to take another exam.

It is strange to have two exams in one month.

But Horikita-san probably isn’t worried about this. She might be worried about the senior grades, or the third grade to be precise.

Because her elder brother Horikita Gaku’s third-grade class A is about to graduate, and because there are only 3 months left, according to the usual practice, there are 3 exams, and the gap between her brother’s class and B class is now 1000 points , In this way, with three more exams, my brother’s position in class A will be as stable as a mountain.

But if, like now, there is one more exam suddenly, and then one more exam every month, then there are still 6 exams, then the status of my brother’s Class A may be shaken.


Horikita-san couldn’t help being nervous.

And this kind of her is very easy to understand.

At least Qinglong already understood what she was worried about.

“Yes, this is a sudden notice from the school.” Teacher Chabashira replied to Horikita.

“Then what is the content of the special exam?” Hirata asked next.

He also felt that it was strange that there was suddenly one more exam every month.

At the same time, he is a little afraid of exams. It’s not that he thinks the exams are difficult, but that he will drop out of school every time he seems to fail the exam. If so, the students in the class will become very dangerous. He didn’t want to see any students quit this situation at all.

Chazhu, however, seemed to sigh, and waited for a while before opening his mouth, “It’s the easiest exam that everyone will know’ 々.”

she said. “In the next four days, you will have free time for the class meeting every morning. During this time, I will not occupy it, and you will need to evaluate the classmates in the class. Then choose what you think should be appreciated and criticized. Three students from each will vote on Saturday’s exam day. That’s what the exam is about.”

Chabashira wrote the rules on the blackboard while talking.

This exam is a bit unusual.

Although the tea pillar is writing on the blackboard, anyone who pays attention can find it.

The exam is on Saturday.

The weekend is a holiday time.

But it was still used for the exam.

Isn’t this very unusual?

And the rules are also listed.

Evaluation exam.

Additional Examination · In-Class Voting

The rules are as follows.

The students were given three votes of appreciation and three votes of criticism. On the fifth day, which is Saturday, a formal in-class vote was held and the results were drawn.

Rule 1

Appreciation votes and criticism votes interfere with each other. Appreciation votes – criticism votes = results.

Rule 2

No matter whether it is a vote of appreciation or a vote of criticism, you cannot vote for yourself.

Rule 3

It is forbidden to vote for the same person multiple times, not to fill in, or to abstain.

Rule 4

The exam will be repeated until the first and last place are decided. The last one will drop out.

Rule 5

Each person also has an extra vote of appreciation to vote for students in other classes. It is mandatory to fill in and vote for this vote.

The above is the content of the additional exam.

And the exam form that will be distributed to everyone on the day of the Saturday exam is also drawn.

It is probably the names of the three classmates who can fill in the compliments, the names of the three classmates who want to criticize, and the seventh name to fill in the votes of approval from other classes.

There is no doubt that the exam is very simple and pure. That’s why Chazhu said it’s the easiest thing anyone can do so far.



The content of this exam can also be said to be the cruelest so far.

Because Chazhu went on to say, “I think it’s not the first time for you to experience the exam, and the so-called exam will definitely not be so simple. But please rest assured, this time the exam will not be linked to the class evaluation score. And this time There will be two results in the voting test.

One. It is the student who gets the most praise votes in each class, he/she will get one protection. And this protection refers to a right that can be invalidated even if it is punished with expulsion. Even if you fail the exam, as long as you hold the protection reward, you can use the reward to invalidate the expulsion from school. However, this protection reward cannot be transferred to other people. ”

Although what Chazhu said still had an official meaning.

But it’s not difficult to understand Uncle.

Almost immediately after she said (Qian Qian is good), premature movements appeared in the class.

This is a hotter impulse than any previous morning movement.


This is an opportunity to avoid dropping out.

Chabashira understood their cheering mood. “You can understand the power of this kind of protection reward. In essence, it has a value comparable to 20 million personal points. Of course, in the eyes of outstanding students who don’t have to worry about dropping out, it may not have that level of value. ”

The first half sentence makes people happy, but the second half sentence is nonsense.

Which outstanding student can hate the protection of dropping out of school. This is something even Horikita won’t refuse, okay?

But for Qinglong, this right cannot be transferred and can only be used by oneself, so it can’t be sold for money, which is a little bad. .

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