There is something in lovehis consideration.

The rules for class voting are very simple. On the fifth day, which is Saturday, you can choose the names of three people who deserve praise, and then choose the names of three people who criticize.

The names of the two parties cannot overlap. That is to say, choose 3 people who are comfortable with you and choose 3 people who you don’t like to take revenge.

But the rule here is the votes of appreciation minus the votes of criticism.

Even if someone casts a critical vote, if they can get enough favorable votes, then it will be safe.

Airi said this because she felt, “First of all, the members of our team will definitely give Qinglong a vote of appreciation.”

The current team members include Hasebe, Sato, Ike Kanji, Yukimura, and Akito Miyake, plus Horikita, Kiyotaka, and Airi, making a total of 8 people.

And Horikita-san is an outsider, but it’s not good not to take her with you at this time.

“I think so.” Student Chi hoped to hear such words, “We will mark the names of dangerous students, and then the whole group will vote for him. Protect the members of our group.”

This is really shameless. After the pairing test was over, he didn’t want to stay with Yukimura, and felt that it was meaningless to join the Ayanokouji team. But at this time, he didn’t care too much. He had to be shameless in order to save himself.

“Indeed, Ayanokōji-kun is an indispensable person in our team, even though everyone is choosing someone who is useless to the class.

But it cannot be denied that some people may think that Mr. Lingkouji is rich, and then attack him. Yukimura said while pushing his glasses.

He is a loyal member of Ayanokouji’s party, and he doesn’t want Kiyotaka to drop out of school, so it doesn’t make sense to give him a vote of appreciation.

“I also agree.” Sato said.

“I agree too.” Bolijia had no objection. Although she knew that Kiyotaka was super super rich, and he could fully afford the 20 million dropout punishment, but as he said, it would be 16 million yen in money, so why waste the money?

in this way. Aren’t all 8 members of Ayanokoji’s team able to help him?

“But Airi seems to be hated by Karuizawa, so it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t be attacked by Karuizawa, so it’s good for us to give Airi the second vote.” As a good girlfriend, Bolijia suggested .

“I second the proposal.” Qinglong was the first to agree.

“I can also give my ticket to Sakura.” Horikita had no objection.

“I can also give her the ticket.” Sato also said immediately.

“Then there is one ticket left, can you give it to me?” Yukimura said, “Although my grades are very good, I am not good at sports, so I hope you will give me the ticket.”

“Yes.” Bolijia had no objection.

“Okay.” Miyake did not object.

“Okay.” Qinglong agreed.

“???” Chi.



Why didn’t you talk about him.

Student Chi finally felt that he was out of tune with this group.

“That…” he said, “Can’t everyone give me the ticket?”

“I’m also in danger.”

“But are you a member of Ayanokoji?” But this time, Haruka said unceremoniously, “During the summer vacation, Yukimura held a study meeting, didn’t you keep making excuses for not coming? So you are still a member of our group people?”

“Well, at that time, I was playing in Hirata. Hirata asked me to go out with me, not because I didn’t want to study with you.” Chi said in a panic.

“But you beat Hirata today, didn’t you? It’s like a different person.” Boliga said, “I think it’s scary.”

“This—” Chi knew that he had gone too far today.

“But don’t worry.” Boli added, “I won’t vote for you, after all, we used to be in the same group.”

“This, is that so…” Chi felt that he wouldn’t be able to get a vote of appreciation, but it seemed that it was okay not to give him a vote of criticism.

“Then it’s an agreement.” Chi immediately ran to the counter to pay for the coffee of the members of Ayanokoji, “Don’t vote for me.”

While talking, he found that his cell phone rang, probably because other poor students wanted to contact him, so he ran out immediately.

And looking at Ike’s back, Miyake, who had been acting as the background, said, “So we won’t vote for Ike?”

“No, it’s just that I promised not to vote for him, but you can do whatever you want.” Boliaga said casually.


Pomegranate is also pretty bad.

But what she did was very correct.

Find a person in the group who is usually unhappy, and target them. Then, in order to protect themselves, everyone will target this person, so as to achieve unity. For this sacrifice, she chose Classmate Chi, whom everyone dislikes.

“So I’ll give the appreciation vote to Ayanokōji-kun, Yukimura still has Sakura.” Sato-san seemed to have received the message that she was going to leave, and she was sure about it.

This time, no one refused.

However, we also need to pay attention to the critical votes, because if the voting is scattered, then if someone in your group unfortunately gets a lot of critical votes, isn’t it very unsafe? So it would be safer to find someone to cast a critical vote.

The pool just now can be cast.

Then those who can still vote——

“Actually, you can vote for me.” Qinglong said.

“Eh?” The others looked at him. “But you weren’t in class—”

“Yeah.” But Airi nodded, “Qinglong is indeed safe, because probably a lot of girls in the class will give him praise votes.”

“Because… that…” Airi seemedIt seemed a little embarrassed, “Qinglong is very popular among the girls in the class.”

In other words, do the girls vote according to whether they are handsome or not? .

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