Because she has figured out a lot of things, and Sakayanagi’s ability to directly subdue the Katsuragi faction and boast of being the future student council president probably understands that he has completely guessed her thoughts.

Then she could also guess that Qinglong wanted to elect her as the new student council president.

So at this time, I don’t know what to say.


Someone suddenly broke into the space where there were only the two of them, breaking the strange situation.

“Oh, I didn’t expect there to be students here. How are you~” This is a man in a suit.

She had that habitual flattering smile on her face.

About forty years old.

But there was an aura of incompatibility with this school, whether it was students, teachers or staff, etc.

In other words, neither Qinglong nor Sakayanagi have ever seen him.

He is very talkative, “This is my first time visiting this school. Do you know where the teacher’s office is?”

“Are you going to the teacher’s office? Then you really went to the wrong place. But I’m sorry, who are you?” Sakayanagi said.

“I—” The man smiled enough, “I’m Yue Cheng, who will act as the director’s agent this time.”

He waved his hands politely and showed a kind smile.

And almost when he introduced himself, both Qinglong and Sakayanagi understood what this guy was here for.

But to my surprise, he has appeared now, but he didn’t even take a look at Qinglong.

Instead, he focused all his attention on Sakayanagi.

“Hehe, that’s right. But he happened to get lost and came here. The deputy director seems to be a person who gets lost easily.” Sakayanagi also maintained her demeanor and smile, “Or… did you find it through the camera? After us, they ran over to check on the situation. This place is before the exam, um, last night——the place I visited during the secret meeting with Ayanokōji-san. If someone has been watching us, it is very easy to come here What about it?”

After listening to this, it reminds me of when I made an appointment with Sakayanagi yesterday before the voting exam, Sakayanagi deliberately looked at the camera with an unnatural gaze.

I’m afraid she had already figured out the setup at that time.

Thinking, if someone is really staring at them, seeing that they are meeting now, maybe they can be lured out.

That’s what she came up with. That’s why she bought the snacks, and it was also to delay time here on purpose, waiting for the other party to find them. And now the acting chairman of Yuecheng appeared, and he obediently took the bait.

It can be said that this is Qinglong and Sakayanagi’s official meeting with Chairman Yuecheng.

Agent Yuecheng continued to show a smile on his face, so as to skip these words.

“You really said something very interesting. Oh, I’ve heard that this is a very interesting school before. Are everyone students like you? Then, I’ll be rude first.”

He walked over as if he was going to pass between Qinglong and Sakayanagi.

“If you are going to the teacher’s office, please go back the same way. This building is a special building, and you have mistakenly built it.” Sakayanagi’s demeanor did not change at all.

But the smiling Yuecheng just like this, the moment he passed (cgad) Sakayanagi, he suddenly attacked and kicked away Sakayanagi’s crutch that reminded him so politely.

Sakayanagi naturally couldn’t cope with this unexpected behavior, and was about to fall down.


And Qinglong had long waited for Yuecheng to do this.

He didn’t think the new chairman who planned the exit exam was so upright, so he hugged Sakayanagi who was about to fall very safely.

But Yuecheng seems to have been waiting for a long time. He didn’t attack Sakayanagi in the first place, but he was sure that Qinglong would go to support her.

So when Qinglong made such a move, his violent elbow had already attacked.

Yuecheng should be a ruthless person.

When he first arrived at this school, he had already issued the first instruction to add an exit exam for the first-grade students, and he even tried to resist the crowd.

The rules for the exit exam given at the beginning are different from the current ones.

He suggested that each student should have a critical vote against other classes, and this would cause a large number of people to canvass for votes, panic, and cause the entire first grader to collapse.

Later, because of the efforts of the teachersFight hard, and then exchange the criticism vote for everyone’s appreciation vote.


Yuecheng came to the school five days ago.

And now.

Not only did he say that he was here for the first time, but he also pretended to be a newcomer and approached them.

Whether it’s for Qinglong or Sakayanagi.



Yuecheng must be trying to do something by pretending like this.


It really was as expected.

Yuecheng shamelessly attacked Sakayanagi, who was handicapped, and kicked her crutches away, but when he was suddenly doing this, Sakayanagi couldn’t react at all, so Qinglong had no choice but to come over to help.

He insisted on withstood Yuecheng’s attack, and only in this way was he able to force Banyanagi to sit down safely.

But to Yuecheng, his act of pity and pity seems to increase the intensity of his violence.

Once a person releases his attack, it is almost impossible to take it back, and his emotions will be exploded. .

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