With the end of the exit exam and the hospitalization of the director’s deputy, life in the school seemed much calmer.

The only pity is that Director Banliu, who Qinglong also thought was a good person, still hasn’t come back. Only seeing Banliu Youqi occasionally, and finding her quite calm, Qinglong felt relieved.

He regards many people as tool people, but he also hopes… Director Banliu can come back, because he is much more formal than Yuecheng. It’s easier to use without guarding against Yuecheng.


Qinglong often feels that his thinking has been assimilated. Why does judging a person always consider whether the other person can use it.

So, he stayed in bed again today.

Not only the students in the class, but the whole first grade seemed to be much quieter because of the incident that the current classmate dropped out of school.

But now there is no need to spur them, they will study hard by themselves.


Because the existence of those who dropped out made them understand that the world they live in is not so easy.

“Do you want to have breakfast together?”

Because it was the weekend, Qinglong temporarily invited Horikita Suzune who had no friends.

“No.” But it’s a pity that this guy still likes to be alone, if it’s not necessary, she basically won’t go out with Qinglong, and there are still a few days before the next exam.

In the elevator he was sitting in, Kiyotaka met the little angel Kushida Kikyo. She was talking with Ibuki and Ishizaki, students from Class D.

After discovering him, Ibuki didn’t speak, but Ishizaki looked at him with a strange look.

“Good morning, Ling Xiao Lu Jun.”

Kushida-san was the first to greet him. Although she was smiling, Kiyotaka knew her very well. She was in the state of a rose with thorns.

This is probably the sequelae of the exit exam.

She has lost too much.

At first, she wanted to bring Koenji into the list of those who hadn’t joined in the Kushida Empire. She thought about it. If Qinglong found out about helping Koenji, then she would compromise. After all, Qinglong’s side is more dangerous. , so she did sell Koenji immediately after being discovered.

Qinglong can do whatever he wants.

Anyway, there is a scapegoat in Shannei.

She had to admit that Kiyotaka invited Horikita Suzune very smoothly, and even left her speechless. If she didn’t act, her popularity would definitely drop, but the second place to drop out was Koenji Rokusuke.

This undoubtedly told Koenji that she, Kushida, had also sold his information to Kiyotaka, so Kiyotaka warned him.

In other words, Kushida Kikyo is not trustworthy.

in this way.

Gao Yuansi ran away.

He won’t tell her his secret at all. It can be said that Kushida didn’t get anything in this dropout and is still losing money.

So when facing Qinglong, the hedgehog froze like a child.

“Congratulations.” Kiyotaka casually paid attention to Kushida, and then greeted Ishizaki and Ibuki from Class D. “Long Yuan won the punishment of exempting from school in this exam.”

“…” Ibuki.

Yibuki didn’t speak.

But Ishizaki looked at Kiyotaka with strange eyes, from head to toe.

? ?

Qinglong felt a little strange.


And Ishizaki finally said, “Ryuuen always mentions you during the rest time, saying that your value is very important.”

“Ling Xiaolu…” He paused, “Can you come to our class?”

“Don’t worry about the 20 million private points, we can definitely make it together. So our class will pay for the 20 million skip class points. You think it too, those idiots who lead class C are very tired, come to our class, you It will definitely be easy,” Ishizaki said.

“Hey—Ishizaki, are you crazy?”

This was probably Ishizaki’s own decision, so Yibuki turned around in astonishment after hearing this, thinking that Ishizaki was simply stupid.

“Think about it for yourself, Ibuki.” Ishizaki explained, “Ryuuen did well in these exams, but our class keeps losing to Class C. What is the reason? Because of the existence of Ayanokōji! The enemy, but if we poach him, isn’t it the enemy?”


Kushida-san couldn’t help coughing.

So, can you still do this?

andBesides, this is too much, isn’t there only Kiyotaka Ayanokōji in the class? Isn’t she human? Isn’t Horikita Suzune human?


If Horikita Suzune gets scolded, then Kushida will be happy.

But, wouldn’t it be great if the annoying Ayanokouji went to Ryuuen’s class? She is free.



Perhaps, it will be a tragedy.

Because he won’t bring her to make money anymore. In the class, I can’t even imagine how much the students in the class will have in the final class evaluation score. In other words, she will live a frugal life from now on.



Kushida was considering the danger of this matter. .

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