“Show—” Chabashira Sae is smoking in the evening sun. Although this is a fully enclosed school management system, even as a teacher, she can’t leave the school easily, but she likes this place very much. You can see from here Below are various students who are carrying out club activities on the playground.

Seeing them laughing and laughing, sweating, and looking carefree.

There is a feeling that I can recall my past green years.

Boom boom.

However, it was clearly on the roof and there was no lock, but someone knocked on the door politely.

Chazhu turned her head slightly, she knew who was knocking on the door.

“Come in.” She said in a teacher’s tone, but turned her face sideways, and really saw that the door was pushed open and the figure she was familiar with came out.

He is a very handsome boy.

It’s just that this is just a student.

“Is it you? Why, I said that I don’t have ten million now. Or do you want to tell me that you have already earned ten million?” Chazhu said. At the same time, she took the cigarette from her mouth and squeezed it with her hands.

Actually, she wanted to laugh a little.

“If you don’t give me ten million, I’ll earn it myself, and you don’t regret it.”

These are the cruel words that the other party uttered when they talked to her last night.

It’s just that 10 million won’t be so easy to earn.

The current Class D earns only 800 points a month.

“Well, I’m here to tell you that I’ve earned 10 million.” Qinglong unabashedly held the mobile phone showing the balance in his hand, “So, teacher, you were completely wrong before, and you will regret cheating me.”

Chazhu’s expression was finally moved.

Her eyes fixed on the words 1954.3 on Qinglong’s cell phone.

“Oh~” After confirming, she showed an adult smile. “You actually did such a thing in one day, I should praise you.”

Such a smile, paired with the afterglow of the setting sun, has an unexpected unique beauty. And Kiyotaka also noticed that Chabashira-sensei was very different, because she didn’t wear black pantyhose today, so her fair calves would be exposed.


Even if you don’t wear black stockings, you can’t shake me in the slightest.


Qinglong came to hate Teacher Chazhu.

“However, I didn’t come here to make you boast.” Qinglong said, “I came here to make you regret it.”

“Oh, let me regret it, tell me, are you going to confront me? You have to know that you are also a student in Class D, and you are torturing yourself.” Chazhu said calmly and indifferently.

But in fact, Chazhu’s heart is not as calm as she appears on the surface.

Because it’s only been a day since Qinglong talked harshly with her last night, and then there are already 10 million?

In this school where points are used for consumption, how many points a student can collect can measure a large part of his personal value. The process may be very hard, but it is like being audited by others, and others will only see you the result of.

As far as the current results are concerned, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka is no longer excellent, but too good.

In fact, when Chazhu proposed the 10 million point card yesterday, it was broken.

She knew from Horikita Suzune that the ordinary-looking Kiyotaka Ayanokouji was very unusual, but she was not prepared at that time, so she only caught the weakness of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka’s love for money that she got from Horikita Suzune , so she made up the fact that she had 10 million, but she specifically reminded him that the school might monitor his funds, and she was a teacher and an adult, and she didn’t hide her expressionThere is no flaw, it stands to reason that he will not move the money, but wait until he has saved enough 10 million plus this 10 million before moving.

And as long as a scam is not exposed, it is not considered a scam. But in this way, he has already helped Class D to advance to C or B.

The tea column was actually broken. It would be best if I could fool Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, but it doesn’t matter if I can’t, because she has no cost. The most lost is the prestige of the teacher, but what is the point of such a thing.

It stands to reason so.

As a result, he found out that night. Cha Zhu couldn’t figure out why he told him that if the money was moved, the school would investigate it. He is so smart that he should know that it would be better if he didn’t move it.

The result is like this.

“I’m not interested in Class D.” Qinglong said, “So I’m going solo.”

“Originally,” he said, “I was going to accept your gift, and then decided to change my direction. It would cost 20 million yuan to fly solo, but it’s actually not very difficult to lead others to be promoted to Class A, and it can save money. Isn’t it nice to put down 20 million? And this point can be used as money in the academy, but I think the school must have considered the balance of the students when they graduate, and this school is very unique, too stingy and boring , so there is a high probability that a certain percentage will be used to exchange students into Japanese yen when they graduate. Therefore, the accumulated points are very useful.”

“It’s just that, Teacher Chazhu, you disappointed me so much. You actually deceived a student. Is this what a teacher can do?”

“…” Chazhu closed her slender eyes. “So, how do you want to make me regret it?”

“Did you abandon Class D and go to Class A after proving how good you are?”

“It’s not.” Qinglong said, “I’m just telling you, if you didn’t lie to me, then what would happen to Class D.”

“What will happen?” Chazhu looked at him seriously.

She doesn’t think that Class D can change at this stage.

“It can directly become Class C, or it can be infinitely close to C.” Qinglong said, “The current class evaluation scores of each class are 1336 for Class A, 720 for Class B, 590 for Class C, and 8 points for Class D.”

“So you can reduce the nearly 600 points gap with Class C to almost within one month?”

“Yes.” Qinglong nodded.

“…” But this made Chazhura suspicious, because the highest reward for this month’s midterm exam was only 100 points.

Where else can I get 500 points?

“First of all, you can sell the past test papers I got, so that the three ABC classes can also buy them, or let them buy them from senior students.” Qinglong said.

“Isn’t this meaningless? It has become a plan where everyone gets the exam, and Class D has no advantage.” Chazhuru judged.

The mid-term exam in the second semester of freshman enrollment is indeed a test, but the test is not the content of the test, but the reaction of the students and whether they are old-fashioned, because old-fashioned and old-fashioned cannot survive in this college.

“No, it’s very useful.” Qinglong said, “You can report it, and report that all four classes of ABCD bought test papers, which is common sense [violation and cheating] behavior. And because they are all the same fault, so it should be the same punishment.”

“Why do you want the same punishment?” Chazhu was puzzled.

“Simple.” Qinglong said, “In this way, we can test whether the 8 points of Class D are deducted, whether it is 0 or negative.”

“What would you do if you had a negative score?” Chazhu asked again.

“Give up some shady methods and choose the various exams proposed by the school to earn points in a regular manner, but this is probably hopeless, because I have been pulled too far from the beginning, so I will probably earn points.” Run away if you have enough 20 million.” Qinglong said.

It sounded like a cold choice, but Chazhu knew it was a smart choice.

“Then, what if the deducted points are not negative points but 0 points?” Chazhu said. Because she knows very well that after becoming 0 points, it will not become negative.

This is in consideration that if the scores are spread too far, then the competition mechanism will not be able to compete, so the final bottom score of each class is 0, not a negative score.

“Then you can implement what I said is infinitely close to C or the same score as Class C.”

Qinglong said, “Knowing that my class will not become 0 points, it seems pitiful, but this is actually a time bomb.”


Chazhu became interested.

Because what Qinglong said next is likely to be the development plan of Class D.

“Because other classes want to maintain the points they have already obtained, like this situation where all four classes were caught cheating and deducted points at the same time, we have nothing to deduct, but they have a lot of points deducted. And the less Ya, then those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet, so they can engage in violent acts, such as fighting, such as mocking, etc. In the end, they need to be stabbed at the student union, and then both parties will have points deducted, but Class D It doesn’t matter if it’s 0 or not, but the opponent’s class is really losing points. And this behavior can be placed in class C.”

“Even if you do this and repeat the number of times, you can only pull down about 100 points. Wouldn’t the student council president, Horikita, be fooled three times in the same way.” Chazhu said. “And the previous cheating in the purchase of test papers was dealt with. Let’s say that each class was deducted 50 points. Therefore, the current Class D is still 3 points behind Class C. How do you deal with this 5 points?? How can I deduct so many points. ”

“Teacher Chazhu heard that the first grade test paper was leaked during the lunch break.” Qinglong said.

“Oh.” Actually, Chazhu didn’t hear about it. She was sighing in the office at that time, and after Qinglong found out that the point card was only 100,000, she was thinking about how to continue to fool him.

So I didn’t notice what happened outside at all.

“But it was a fake leak, which I used to test the school. The result is obvious. If there is a real leak like this, then the school is very likely to change the test paper, and changing the test paper will inevitably bring a lot of failures. ”

“But this is the way of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred.” Chabashira Sae didn’t quite agree. “Students in Class D will also fail, and there are many of them.”

“That’s why you don’t understand Mr. Chabashira.” Qinglong said, “The academic ability of Class C is not much different from ours, that is to say, if there is a written test and those who fail to drop out of school, then there will be a lot of them. People drop out of school, but in class D, those who drop out happen to be people with insufficient academic ability, which is actually beneficial to future development, so it can be regarded as a means of selection.”

These words are extremely cruel, but Chazhu can understand that what Qinglong said is absolutely true.

What if they are all defective products? By removing the more flawed ones, an acceptable quality can be maintained.

That is to drive away some people in Class D who really have no characteristics and strengths, and those who remain are commandable and capable.

Quantitative change has been transformed into qualitative change.

“Besides, is it really just being expelled after failing the exam?” Qinglong continued, “I investigated Class A of the second grade, and they were promoted from Class B, and the number of them is 38, which means that expulsion is possible. Yes, but will there be a limit, for example, more than 10% of the number of students will withdraw from school, that is, 40 students in a class, and then no points will be deducted for 4 students who drop out, but after exceeding, how many points will be deducted. A large number of students in class C drop out, and their class evaluation scores can drop all of a sudden, close to 0 or become 0. I don’t want to shorten the distance with them, but let them be on the same level as us first. ”

“Afterwards, when you are at the same level as Class C, you can sign a contract and crazily pull down the scores of Class A and Class B together. It is equivalent to killing an enemy, but there is an extra helper. But the disadvantage is that maybe the third grade graduates At that time, the four classes of ABCD were eating the mountain vegetable set meal, because everyone was pulled to the point where the score was close to 0, and they had no money.”


Chazhu didn’t speak, she just looked at him silently.

And all of this may just be his speculation, but she can responsibly say that what he said is correct.

ABCD’s class ranking is fluid and is based on class evaluation scores. However, there is a requirement for the class that wants to be promoted continuously, that is, the dropout rate of the students in this class must not exceed 10%, that is, it must be controlled at 4 or less than 4.

Otherwise, you will be directly judged to lose the ability to climb up.

And if there are more than 4 students in a class who drop out, 50 points of class evaluation points will be deducted for each dropout, that is to say, the gap with the rest of class C only needs to make the students in class C have 9 points in total. One dropout is enough, but Class D has become 0 points, even if there are 20 dropouts, there is nothing to deduct.

However, since he wanted to be promoted, then Qinglong should have considered not letting the students of Class D drop out, because if there were more than 4 dropouts, Class D would have no chance to climb up.

Then this class may really become, when the third grade graduates, all four classes of ABCD have 0 points.

At the same time, there is no possibility for any class to be promoted, because they all dropped out of school and exceeded the standard.

In this way, the school will definitely formulate the rules again.

In short.

“It’s indeed an excellent plan.” Chazhu clapped his hands.

“I admit, I’m very happy to be bullied by you.” Cha Zhu said. “Because I started this good plan.”

In other words, she didn’t give up, she started the plan from Qinglong, and then she wanted to find someone to implement it?

“I advise you to give up this plan.” Qinglong said, “Because as long as at least 20 people in class D will drop out after leaking the questions, then the real class A is hopeless, and if it is found that there is no hope in such a miserable situation, the other students in class D probably There will be another wave of voluntary dropouts, so there may only be a few people left in the final D class. In this way, your so-called plan to fly with D class will be really ruined. Or you can let the students out after leaking the question. All the students in Class D have passed, but can you do it? You can’t.”

“…” Chazhu closed his eyes.

But then she made a move that even Qinglong was not prepared for.

“I’m really, really sorry!”

Chabashira Sae actually directly performed the doge seat on him.

This is an expression of guilt to the extreme.

She knew that Qinglong would not help her anymore, which meant that she had missed the biggest opportunity.

ps: rua! Do you still have flowers? It’s about to reach 120,000 words, and 120,000 words will be put on the shelves. You will be compensated for your owed updates at one time, and 15 updates. .

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