Ayanokouji Kiyotaka changed from Ayanokouji’s love for money to Ayanokouji’s lack of money.

Before, his lunch was basically a luxury set meal of 2200 or 2600, but it is different now.

It became a free mountain vegetable set meal.

The mountain vegetable set meal is indeed like what the students in class D sprayed, no salt, not even oil or water.

And Qinglong’s current balance is 42,000, but according to this situation, the money that the school sends in every month will not be much, that is to say, if you don’t want to find a new way, you will have no money.

Then do you want to go back and lick Teacher Chabashira?

No no no.

Qinglong is a person who doesn’t like to look back on the past, so he will not choose the same path as the past. So he gave up trying to extort 2/3 of Teacher Chazhu’s salary. After all… taking Class D with him took a lot of effort, and the effort was not directly proportional to the reward. So not to choose is the right answer.

And he watched a few students in the same class who also ate the vegetable set meal pass in front of him, and felt that he could take a break.

Did he eat it on purpose?

Of course they ate it on purpose.

Qinglong was just putting on a show. In the past two days, the students in the class could only eat the vegetable set meal because they had no money. As a result, people began to borrow money from him one after another. If they borrowed money, they might not be able to pay it back. Will be isolated by some disgusting people, so what to do?

It’s just to show that I am picky, so that they will be embarrassed to ask for a loan when they see it.

So now I’m eating the mountain vegetable set meal.

It was almost a polite refusal to others, and Mr. Hirata, who was very talkative just now, was probably entrusted by someone to talk to him, but it turned out that he was eating a vegetable set meal, so he had to shake his head and leave.

It’s just that the current balance is only 42,000. It really won’t work if you don’t make some preparations.

It’s not just that the family in Chunwu World is so poor that they don’t deal with the debt, Komachi may also have to bear this debt when he grows up.

But there is another way, the father there commits suicide, but in this case, the whole family will be broken up.

Qinglong is an only child, but he has always been looking forward to having brothers and sisters, and now that he finally has one, he doesn’t want to just watch his sister live a miserable and miserable life like this.

The family’s debt is 300 million yuan, and due to the existence of the converter system, the conversion ratio with the points here is 5:1, which means that as long as he saves enough 60 million points, he can solve the family’s debt problem. For him, not a lot. After all, here is aIn a world where power is paramount, the third graders are still graduating and still have money in their hands, enough for him to blackmail.


However, just when Qinglong was deep in thought, a voice suddenly sounded beside him, and he also smelled the smell of luxury set meals.

“You are……”

Qinglong watched the two girls.

One is a white loli with silver hair, even her stockings are white, while the other is tall, has purple hair, and interestingly wears two hairpins in her bangs.

They sat down in front of Qinglong.

And the very tall girl was holding a luxurious set meal in her hand, but she put the set set meal directly on the table.

“There’s no one here.”

Qinglong said.

He probably thought it was a table sharing.

But the purple-haired girl pushed the luxury package to him.

“this is–”

Qinglong looked at them strangely.

“You are a first-year class D student.” The silver-haired Loli said, “I heard that your class no longer needs to worry about this exam.”

“You are—” Qinglong looked at her strangely.

“We are students in Class A.” The purple-haired girl said, “My name is Kamuro.”

“You are eating cheap now… No, you must feel very troubled by the free mountain vegetable set meal.” She said, “After all, the class evaluation score of this month is only 8 points. So don’t you want to taste the luxurious set meal?”

Luxurious package.

And the luxury set meal was pushed directly to Qinglong by Kamuro.

So, is this really bought for him?

“I don’t really understand what you mean.” But Qinglong didn’t accept it directly.

“I need the test papers sorted out by your class.” Kamuro said, “You pay me a price.”

“Class A also needs this kind of thing?” Qinglong seemed surprised, “Then I want 50,000.”

“10,000!” Kamuro-san.

“50,000!” Qinglong did not back down.

“20,000.” Kamuro raised the price a bit.

“40,000.” Qinglong temporarily reduced the price.

“20,000!” Student Kamuro was unwilling to increase the price.

And Qinglong looked at the silver-haired Lolita.

The other party showed a sweet smile.

It’s really a despicable method, deliberately using beauty tricks.

“Wan.” Kiyotaka admitted defeat, so Kiyotaka got a luxurious set meal, but the review materials compiled by Kikyo Kushida were packaged and sold to Kamuro-san from Class A.

Shenshi and Banliu left together.

But Masumi Kamuro was a little impatient.

“Why don’t you find seniors to trade?”

They were talking about buying papers.

Kamuro asked, “From the seniors, you can not only get papers, but also get more information.”

“But.” However, Banliu sighed quietly, “You know it’s a deal, so what if someone finds out? If you are photographed and used as evidence to report, then you will be punished, or even implicated. Class evaluation points are deducted. So it is safest to come to Class D to buy the sorted [materials].”

“And why do you buy test papers, Kamuro-san, don’t you understand?” Ban Liu sighed, “It’s because there are scumbags like you in our class A, so we need to prepare a ticket for you to pass. ”

Student Kamuro had nothing to say.

Because she is indeed a rather unusual object among the students in Class A, and her studies are not good.

“Di! Your account has reached 50,000 points.”

On the other hand, Qinglong received a monthly call from Horikita Xue to take care of his younger sister’s living expenses.


He was a little surprised that Itanagi Yusu, who was in the same grade as Katsuragi in class A, would come to buy the test papers in person.

In the original book, Banliu knew Brother Lu.

And Qinglong was also looking at Banliu during the transaction, but it seemed a pity that the other party always used social words, not the way he was facing acquaintances.


Qinglong remembered that in the original book, Banliu only confirmed the identity of the hero when he ran far beyond ordinary people.

In other words, he and Sakayanagi Youqi are strangers now.

“200,000 points have been credited to your account.” The voice reminded me at this time.

? ? ? ?

Qinglong clicked on the transfer postscript, and there was only one sentence on it.

[It must be hard work in Class D. ]

? ? ?

ps: I caught a cold in the morning, my body temperature was measured at 37, and I panicked a lot. I will stop here today. I have to drink water and rest first. .

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