“Ayanokoji, get ready. You should drop out of school.”

Teacher Chabashira was smoking a cigarette and looked calm, but what she said was not easy at all.

Drop out?

Qinglong was taken aback for a moment.

Because the current state is completely incomprehensible, a teacher who has sacked him and his dreams have been shattered, actually forced him to drop out of school?

“Teachers cannot arbitrarily expel students without a valid reason.” Teacher Chazhu added, as if she also understood that she had misunderstood her statement, “But there are valid reasons.”


Chazhu Sae was silent for a while, as if he didn’t know how to speak, “A man found the school.”

“He asked Ayanokōji Kiyotaka to drop out of school. The school is unprecedentedly open-minded to students and works hard to cultivate them, so this kind of groundless request is naturally stopped by the school. You have to know how much pressure the school bears. Classmate Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. ”

Is it.

But this statement actually means that a man came to the school, and the school was put under pressure.

“Who is this man?”

Qinglong asked.

In fact, he was on the bus directly after crossing, and he didn’t know anyone.

“You know.” Teacher Chazhu looked very dull, “But it doesn’t matter if you drop out.”

Because he rejected her, is her ideal shattered?

“Then it doesn’t matter if you don’t drop out?”

Qinglong said, “From your words just now, it shows that the school is protecting the students.”

“Yes, but you also have to know how big the risk is, and you don’t know a rule.” She said. “There are three possibilities for withdrawing from school. One is that the student fails to pass the school and is punished by the school to withdraw from school. The other is that the student chooses to withdraw from school independently. The third is that the head teacher uses legitimate reasons to withdraw the student.”

Qinglong kept quiet, because he knew that Chabashira would continue talking.

“And that man found me, and he gave me a bank card.” Chazhu actually took out a bank card as he said so. “There are ten million yen in it, but the condition is that Kiyotaka Ayanokouji will drop out of school. The time to make a decision is the end of this trip.”

“And I…” Chazhu continued. She found that Qinglong was listening to her seriously, so she kept calm and said, “Your fate will be determined. You know that money is not important to me.”

“I have obsessions, so as long as you agree to lead Class D, then I can do my best to protect you. And if you refuse me, then I will agree to that man’s request and let you drop out of school.” Chazhu put down the cigarette Yes, and then quietly waited for Qinglong’s answer.

He should know how serious this matter is.



Qinglong laughed directly.

“What?” Cha Zhu didn’t understand how he could still laugh now.

“Wait a moment.” Qinglong said, “I want to call someone over.”

“Call someone?”

Chazhu frowned.

Because this is different from what I imagined. Yes, Qinglong acted very strong in front of her, and even Tuxiazao begged him to be useless, but now he is so weak that he wants to call for help?

Chazhu didn’t refuse.

Instead, she waited quietly for him.


About five minutes later, the person who was called finally arrived.

“Ha…” While trotting, the door leading to the deck was pushed open by a person, who was still panting.

And after running to the deck, she bent down and pressed her knees with both hands.

This is Horikita Suzune with jet black long hair.

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka and Horikita Suzune are at the same table, and they often act together, and last time she wanted to threaten Horikita Suzune, and Horikita immediately called Kiyotaka out, so Chabashira knew that the two The relationship between people is very good.

So she wasn’t surprised that Horikita appeared here.

Chazhu looked at them calmly, to see how they would deal with this situation.

It should be said to see how they choose.

Ever since Kiyotaka immediately asked Horikita to come out, Chazhu knew he was going to win.Because she was struggling because she didn’t want to quit school, quitting school was the bottom line for Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, which made her who had given up once find hope again.

Forcing Ayanokōji Kiyotaka to drop out of school, he would choose to help her realize her wish.

“Teacher Chabashira, do you want Ayanokouji to drop out?” Horikita Suzune ran over directly, so she was out of breath, but she asked immediately after she calmed down a little.

Because this is also a very important thing for her.

Because, when Ling Xiaolu loves money and is expelled from school, then she will almost die.

She didn’t have the confidence to ensure that she wouldn’t embarrass her brother, nor was she confident that she wouldn’t be expelled from school, so she had to keep Qingtaka Ayanokouji.

“Yes.” Teacher Chazhu was not polite even when facing girls, “I temporarily gained the power to deal with him.”

Chazhu decided to simplify things, “And he or you have only two choices.”

“Drop out.”

“Promoted to Class A.”

“And I will only give you 30 seconds to think about it.”

Saying this, Sae Chabashira became lazy, but what he said seemed calm but unusually indifferent.

Or in other words, they don’t give people a chance to choose at all.

But she found that Qinglong had no expression on his face.

But Horikita sighed.


Cha Zhu felt that this development seemed wrong. It stands to reason that if a student is controlled in this way, then the other party will either be angry or despair, and then admit defeat, instead of something like this… Sigh?

It’s as if she didn’t do something right here.

“Teacher Chabashira.” Horikita Suzune said, “You are still too young.”

“Although I don’t know the exact cause and effect, you can’t drop him from school just because of you.” Horikita Suzune said. “Because this guy…”

She pushed Qinglong, “Take out your transfer records.”

And Qinglong was also waiting for her words, so he took out his phone. An account with private points was transferred.

Then click the annual income.

The income is 22.073 million.

Seeing this number, Horikita Suzune continued, “With 20 million points, people can be promoted to the class they like, including Class A.”

“But before you drop him.” Lingyin paused. “He can choose to go to other classes directly. I think the teachers of other classes will welcome and even protect such a student who can make money. So, I advise the teacher to give up this stupid idea.”

Please call him excellent, don’t use making money to describe him, as if he has nothing good at all.

Kiyotaka was also complaining in his heart, but Horikita’s performance really exceeded the standard.

What Horikita is doing now, what he is saying now is almost predicted by him, and it is very simple for him to find Horikita Suzune.

His points were eaten by the system, and it is stupid to show the balance by himself, because there is no 20 million on it, but he does not have other point cards, so let Horikita say that he does it, it seems very credible high.

So with this false 20 million, you can directly stop Chazhu’s mouth.

Not only that, in fact, Qinglong didn’t panic at all.

Even if Chabashira really had the right to drop him out of school, it would be meaningless, because the man Chabashira mentioned should be a lie. The reason is that if that man really existed, then Chabashira Sae should not have been on a leisurely vacation. I didn’t want to wait for two days today, but came to find that man immediately on the day he appeared.

The reason why it is today is probably because she conducted the simulation herself, then planned it, and finally turned into this situation that made him choose not to drop out and take Class D to be promoted to Class A.

So the time difference is her biggest flaw.

“` “…” Chazhuru was already speechless by Horikita.

She is already considering whether to perform the Dogeza again, but she heard Qinglong say, “Actually, Mr. Chabashira, you are so obsessed with Class A, and then you keep targeting me. Then (good Wang), let’s make a deal.”

“Last time you lied to me with fake money, so this time you use real money to trade with me. I will take class D to climb up to class C, and you will give me half of your salary.”


In fact, it was Cha Zhu who actually wanted to cheat him, so Qinglong also wanted to cheat her back and cheat her back.

At first, I thought it was not good to cheat her because I didn’t follow the way of Chazhu, but now, I really have to cheat a little as my compensation.

The current class evaluation scores of the four ABCD classes are as follows.

Class A scored 1436 points.

Class B: 790 points

Class C 670 points

Class D scored 94 points.

And the difference between Class D and Class C here is 1 point.

In other words, you have to get 3 points in this exam!

This is not a difficulty, but the difficulty of hell.

Chazhu thought for a while and immediately said, “Then you can promote Class D to Class C in the exam this holiday, if you can do it, then I’m not only half, I can give you 2/3 of my points until graduation .And if you can’t…I’ll keep you, but I want your 10 million!”

Is the teacher so greedy for money?

“Okay.” Qinglong continued. .

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