[All the first graders are asked to gather on the deck according to their class. A special exam is coming soon! ]

[All the first graders are asked to gather on the deck according to their class. A special exam is coming soon! ]

[All the first graders are asked to gather on the deck according to their class. A special exam is coming soon! ]

The broadcast was played three times in a row.

And the first graders also came out from various parts of the ship, but most of them were still confused.

For example, the students in Class D.

“Why is there an exam?”

“Didn’t you say it was a holiday?”

And there was some noise in Class C. It seemed that some students were holding binoculars from a high place and kept looking in the direction of the island.

From the identification point of view, it was Long Yuan and the others.

“What is Class C doing? They are standing so outside, it’s easy to fall, it’s too dangerousIt’s dangerous. “A student said.

No, they were cramming, and you don’t know anything.

Qinglong stared at this girl who likes to take the initiative to stir up topics. It was Karuizawa Megumi, who had contacted her when she was defrauding Class C before.

“Did Ryuuen and the others get any news?” A voice came from behind Kiyotaka, and 08 was Horikita’s voice.

“You’re here.” Qinglong turned his head.

Kiyotaka asked Horikita to go back, saying that he wanted her to read a book, but in fact, he knew that she was unwell, so he asked her to go back and rest. And now Horikita has also changed into a red sportswear as required. I don’t know if it’s because of the color of the clothes. Now Horikita feels sick and weak, although she is indeed very weak now.

“En.” Lingyin nodded. She didn’t know if it was an illusion. She felt that Qinglong’s attitude towards her now…was gentler than usual.

“Hopefully, the exam can end as soon as possible,” she said.

But just after she finished speaking, a male teacher with a trumpet stood at the highest place.

That’s the teacher of Class A, called Mashima Tomoya.

It’s not just him, Mr. Chabashira from Class D is also there, and standing at the front of the line of Class C is a tall, thin teacher wearing glasses, who is called Digi Sakagami.

It is worth mentioning that the head teacher of Class B is a gentle and good-looking woman whose name seems to be Zhihui Hoshinomiya.

The reason why Qinglong knew that the boys in the previous class also ranked the teachers after they found out that there was a ranking of beauties. Gong Zhihui.

With soft floppy hair and exquisite facial features, she is indeed a teacher of the lovely department.

Judging from the information obtained, she is actually one year older than Teacher Chazhu, but she looks several years younger, so to say that Teacher Chazhu you are majestic is a loss of points.

Where she was standing, there was a big bag containing a bunch of mobile phones.

The broadcast asked the students to bring their mobile phones, but it seems that… all the mobile phones were confiscated. But it seems that the head teacher is in charge, so for the time being, there are no voices of dissatisfaction and opposition.

And the teachers also talked to Mr. Chabashira not only about the difference in salary, but also for this kind of organization and speaking, the teacher of Class A would also speak, because Mr. Chabashira was standing aside boringly.

It’s just that on this occasion, Teacher Hoshinomiya walked towards Teacher Chabashira. Standing with Chabashira Sae with a gloomy face like this, her liveliness was highlighted even more. Seeing such a scene, Kiyotaka couldn’t help staring at Kushida Kikyo in front of him.


Kushida probably sensed the sight, so he turned around and showed a sweet smile.

“-Hey, did Kushida-san smile at me just now?”

“I’m afraid you are not dreaming. She obviously smiled at me.” A small commotion was immediately caused. And standing on Kiyotaka’s left is a student of Class C. It can be said that although Class C is forbidden to come and go because of Ryuuen, she is a super cute beauty. Girl. There is no flaw in that.

It’s just that most of this is just pretending.

Kushida knew she was cute, so she acted in such a cute manner, so did that Hoshinomiya teacher know that Chabashira was gloomy, so he set off his cuteness by her side and then went to take care of Chabashira?

In fact, Kiyotaka has always felt that Chabashira-sensei’s gloomy and unscrupulous appearance is actually somewhat similar to Horikita.

By analogy, then that Hoshinomiya teacher is probably a bitch like Kushida.

And his mind-wandering didn’t last long, because Mashima-sensei from Class A had already started explaining the rules.

“Then from now on, today’s first special exam will be conducted. The time will be a whole week from now to noon on June 24th. We will live together on this uninhabited island for a week. And this special exam The exam is based on the quality you will have when you join the company in the future. Cultivate and display your ability to work together.

That is to say, during this week, you are not allowed to board the ship, and you have to stay on the island. Whether it is the campsite where you are stationed, the food you need for life or other resources, you need to find them yourself. As a basic configuration, each class will be assigned two camping tents, two flashlights, and a box of matches at the beginning of the exam. And there is an unlimited supply of sunscreen, and as a special case, girls’ sanitary products can also be provided unlimitedly, if necessary, you can apply to your class teacher—”

only. The head teacher of Class A hadn’t finished reading the rules yet, but the people below had already exploded.

“No way…”

“On a desert island.”

“And it’s still a whole class…a week…”

“I haven’t heard of it at all! Didn’t you say you can take a vacation?”

There was a lot of commotion, from Class D to Class A, every class had it. Especially class D.

Let’s not talk about what group life is, just… just can’t enjoy the convenience on board!

This is simply too much!

“One week.” Horikita felt a headache. She felt that her condition today was worse than yesterday. Maybe I can’t hold on, so it’s better to abstain now, so as not to cause trouble to others.

“in addition!”

And Teacher Mashima continued, “Any student who is unwell and cannot continue to take the exam will bring a 30-point penalty to his class. Please take care of yourself. The specific rules will be relayed to you by your class teacher. I will on the 24thWaiting for you here at noon, and announced the test results. above! ”


After Kiyotaka watched Mashima-sensei propose to deduct points for withdrawing, Horikita put down the hand that was about to be raised. .

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