
Yukinoshita’s family.

Yang Nai is busy.

Because she received a message from Qinglong at nine o’clock, saying that her mother would be back tonight, and there should be a showdown.

So she quickly put away all the things she had played in the past few days.

The Otome games are also put away.

And the Shibuk pictures sent to Hikigu-kun are also deleted.

Make it seamless.


At this time, there was a knock on the door. “Is Yang Nai still awake?”

It was my mother’s voice.

In normal times, it would be a little better.

But now?

What should I say.

Yang Nai felt that there was nothing left of the image of her mother.

What are you mopping the floor with your hips up, and being fooled into singing love songs in a very frenzied night.

It’s that simple.

However, a meticulous person like Mrs. Mother is quite easy to deceive.

Yang Nai pushed the door open and let his mother walk in.

Mother walked in and sat down in front of her.

And Yang Nai also noticed the clue, Mother pulled her hair up again, but it was really shorter than before, so she really pretended to be her to test Mr. Biqigu.

The wife doesn’t know that everything about her is under the nose of her daughter.

“Yang Nai, your restraint has been lifted.” The wife said solemnly. “I will never stop your marriage with Mr. Hikigu.”

“Let him inherit the Yukinoshita family, and I won’t do anything again.”

(cgae) “You can do it for yourselves.”

“You find an opportunity to introduce him to the people in the group.”

“Go back to the company tomorrow.”


Yang Nai listened.

Yang Nai listened.Then nod.

Actually, what she wants to say now is that it’s useless to go back to the company. Because Mr. Biqigu just sent a message, saying that he will not come to work tomorrow.

Yes. Qinglong not only does not go to work.

He also went to school.

“Oni-chan, that’s too weird.”

“Didn’t you suspend school and go to work?”

Komachi looked at his brother in shock in the morning.

Because my brother changed into Sobuko’s black jacket uniform.

Although it looks handsome, it is obviously an unexplainable past.


Qing Long pulled the tie of his school uniform.

“I always feel that the distribution is uneven, so I still have to go to school.”

Recently, he has been staying at Yukinoshita’s side, and he didn’t pay much attention to Yui.

So after thinking about it, I have to go back to school.

And more importantly, Mrs. Yukinoshita probably went back, so tomorrow is the real Haruno’s return.

In Yang Nai’s case, it’s okay to see you anytime.

So there is no need to rush at this moment.

On the other hand, Yui really hasn’t contacted her for a long time.

Miss Caizi sent him a message in the past two days, saying that Yui was not in a good mood recently, and then pestered her to learn how to cook, which made Qinglong a little concerned.

So I decided to go and investigate for myself.

Thinking so.

He just looked at the previous class schedule, carried the textbooks on his back, and was ready to set off.

They used bicycles placed in the yard.



Qinglong turned his head suddenly, because the back seat suddenly became heavier.

Younger sister Komachi just sat on it with her unladylike doublets open.

“Ride fast, O’Neill, and please come pick me up after school.”

“…” Qinglong.

“You mean that I will take you to and from school?”

“Isn’t this natural!”

Komachi said. “You haven’t sent me to school for a long time.”

“Besides, Oni-chan is married…”

“I’m already alone.”

“Aren’t I still at home?” Qinglong complained.

It seems that after taking her to meet Yang Nao last time, after letting my sister Jiang confirm that he really has a wife, Komachi became more clingy.

It’s just that, as a sister-in-law, probably no brother would hate being clinged to.

With that in mind, Qinglong reminded her to change to a ladylike sitting posture and sent her to school.

ps: Push your other books.

[Comprehensive Manga: Signing in at the beginning of the game is divided into five equal parts]

[Comprehensive Manga: Adoption of Qiongmei at the beginning]

ps: 300 more words today, not 1,000 words for a chapter! .

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