Near the vending machine near the parking lot, Kiyotaka handed over a bottle of matcha green tea to Mr. Hiratsuka who was sitting down.

“for you.”

“Although it’s not good to drink ice early.”

“But you have to calm down now.”

Mr. Hiratsuka sat there, taking the canned tea that Kiyotaka handed over with both hands.

“It’s just that this is an exaggeration—”

she said. “I always felt young.”

“Being suppressed by some troublesome jobs in school also felt that this was a test for young people, but now… my students actually got married earlier than me!”


Hiratsuka-sensei showed signs of crying again.

Hey Hey hey.

Teacher, do you want to be so cute?

Because she is very cute, Qinglong decided to appease her.

“First of all, the teacher knows Yang Nai.”

“Then you should also know that her marriage must be very unusual.”

“So especially when it comes to marriage, it’s better to say it’s a change of burden on the shoulders, so this is not something that makes people feel happy.” Qinglongroad.

“That is to say…”

Teacher Xiaojing turned her head gently, “Did you get married by Yang Nai?”


Why do you and Mrs. Yukinoshita think in the same way, thinking that Yang Nao can deceive people?

Obviously, Ming Yang is the victim.

“It’s not a fraudulent marriage. It should be said that I still like her quite a lot.” Qinglong said. “And, I also know that she has a great burden on her shoulders.”


“I know too.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka held the bottle with both hands, “I have always felt that her condition is very dangerous, but she is very strong, or if she is not strong, no one can help her.”

“It’s just that she couldn’t bear it in the end.”

It seems that Xiao Jing is Yang Nai’s true friend.

Yang Nai was a student of the previous Sobu High School, and Xiao Jing was also her natural course teacher, but Mr. Hiratsuka saw through at a glance that what Yang Nai usually did was a mask.

Just to make a perfect mask for the heir of the Yukinoshita family.

So I talked to Yang Nai, and finally the two became friends.

It’s just that Xiao Jing is also very clear that with Yang Nai’s family status, she can’t help her. At most, she can only talk to her, which means that Yang Nai has a place to tell the truth.


In the end, Yang Nai still didn’t persevere.

This is both a pity and a joy.


The burden falls on the person she chooses…that is, Mr. Hikigu.

“Do you feel pressure?” She asked softly.

Being selected by Yang Nai and registering for marriage, Xiaojing felt that Qinglong should have known about Yukinoshita’s family.

“No.” Qinglong said. “For now, I just passed Mrs. Yukinoshita’s test.”

“So it will probably be arranged to take over the affairs of Yukinoshita’s family soon.”

“But it’s good for me to have this identity.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Because I want to participate in politics and run for office.”

“Become Prime Minister.”

“Or become a supporter of the current or next prime minister, so that the prime minister can say what I want to say.”


Hearing this, Teacher Xiaojing quickly looked at Qinglong. His words were exaggerated, but looking at his side face, there was an inexplicable confidence that made people trust.

“Then what can you say if you want to become the Prime Minister?” Xiao Jing was a little curious.

“I want to be polygamous and marry Yang Nai. I also want to marry her sister. I like her sister.”


Xiao Jing felt lucky that she didn’t drink tea.


Your statement is very dangerous.

But looking at Qinglong still looking very energetic, this also made Teacher Jing feel a little more at ease.

ps: Push your other books.

[Comprehensive Manga: Signing in at the beginning of the game is divided into five equal parts]

[Comprehensive Manga: Adoption of Qiongmei at the beginning].

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