Qinglong was just taking a leave of absence from school, so the school still kept his desk.

His seat is near the window, so he is easy to identify.

And the students helped with cleaning, so the table was still clean.

Qinglong put the textbook in.

And the students gathered around curiously.

“Before I met some things and suspended my studies, now there is a turning point, so I came back.” Qinglong didn’t tell them so much. Just made some introductions.

“Then, the class schedule is the same as last month, hasn’t it changed?”

“Yes, I have.”

“The history teacher is on maternity leave.”

“So her class was changed to physics.”

“Like today’s first class is physics.”


Qinglong thanked this classmate.

But he also took a look at his schoolbag. There are no physics books.

“I’m going to borrow a book.” As he spoke, he stood up with his mobile phone in his hand.

Because the mobile phone has received a lot of information since just now.

“Do you need my help?”

Ye Shan asked. “I know a little more students from other classes.”

Hayato Hayama is really considerate.

But Qinglong felt that he had something more to say to him.

And Qinglong has never been very interested in cultivating a relationship with boys.

So instead of choosing him, I might as well look at my phone.

When he returned to his seat, the phone vibrated non-stop.

He added a special notification tone to Tuanzi’s number, that is to say, it was Tuanzi who sent him the message just now.

“No need, I know someone.”

Qinglong rejected Ye Shan’s kindness.

He went straight to the outside of the corridor.

I looked at the prompt on the phone, and it was indeed a message from Tuanzi, and the content was very direct.

Ask him why he came to school suddenly, is the company all right?

Did you get fired by the company?

Still encountered something.

Do you need her help?

If she can, please feel free to use her.

The last sentence is really easy to misunderstand.

But Qinglong still gave her a reply.

[Miss Ayako recently said that you are not energetic. ]

[I think you were bullied at school. ]

[So come back and have a look. ]

After editing, I pressed the send button.

On the other hand, Tuanzi immediately picked up the mobile phone information prompt and looked at it.

“Huh?” (cgae)

“This, what’s going on—+”

Tuanzi probably never expected this to be the reason.


Isn’t it like… Doesn’t it seem like he cares about her very much, so he rushes over because of her little abnormality?

That is to say.

Hikigu-kun… this is…

Sure enough.

He likes her.

Eh! ?

Obviously some time ago, Ma Ma was still consulting her about love affairs, but now, is she about to encounter such a thing?

This suddenly made her mood very complicated.

And Qinglong also came to borrow books from classmates he knew.

Came to Class J of the first grade.

That is, the outstanding elite class where all the girls are in the class.

He knocked lightly on the door.

“Excuse me, is classmate Yukino Yukino here?”

He directly asked the students sitting by the door.

“Brother-in-law… No, Mr. Biqigu?”

Yukinoshita Yukino stood behind him.

At first, I thought about the news that [sister] accidentally revealed [married] when she came to stay at home, so Hikigu-kun should be her brother-in-law.

But she also felt that Mr. Hikigu in front of her was wearing a school uniform, and she had a strange feeling that a student of the same grade was her brother-in-law, so she finally adopted the title of Mr. Hikigu. .

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