Zong Wu Gao.

This is a school with a very high deviation value.

It translates to a school with very high score requirements.

It takes a lot of hard work to pass the exam, and her grades are not very good, but she doesn’t want to stay in the same high school as Ayako and the others.

So I chose this difficult high school.

and work hard for it.

So I came to the cram school.

This is what I begged my mother for a long time before agreeing.


It’s such a difficult school, and this senior girl with a dumpling hairstyle who looks dumb can actually pass the exam?

“So, senior, you are also a student of Zongwu High?”

“By the way, senior, what is your name?”

Yi Caiyu looked at Qinglong.

“Qinglong Biqigu.”


“…” Yubihama.

By the way, this junior doesn’t even know Mr. Qinglong’s name!

It really was love at first sight and then leaned in abruptly!

Tuanzi found that he no longer felt depressed and unhappy.

“Then you are all seniors and senior sisters.”

Yishi said. “I also want to take the Zongwu High School.”

“I will take the exam next year. So I’m a little nervous now.”

“Well, on this point, I may not be able to help you.” Yui said. “My own grades weren’t too good either.”

“I don’t even know how I got into Zongwu Gao.”

In other words, you are in a daze.

And then passed the exam?

“…” How lucky this is!

“That Yui-senpai!” Yi Shiroyu directly skipped the step of calling the other party’s last name, and held the other party’s hand with both hands. “Please give me a little European air.”

“Ou, European air or something, I’m not European!” Suddenly being so proactive by the other party, Yui was a little uncomfortable.

“But it’s better than me being a non-chief!” Yi Caiyu complained frantically.

So the three of them went to have lunch together.

“Then the AA system—”

Yi Caiyu was about to take out the money.

“No need, since we’re dating, yours is mine.” Qinglong said.

Then I went to check out with Yui.

And Yishi stayed where he was.

Oh oh oh.

It’s good to have a relationship like this.

At least I can grab a meal.

A color feather thought.

And at the service counter at the checkout, Qinglong was waiting for the waiter to change the money…  

While chatting with Yuigahama Yui in a low voice.

“Sister Yishi is a bit clingy.”

“And the concept of love has not yet been formed. She has such a tough attitude, so let’s date her casually.”

“Then find an appropriate opportunity to break up with her.” Qinglong said.

“However, this is not good… It’s a bit like playing with her feelings…” Yui felt that there was something wrong with Qinglong’s direction.

“Then do you want me to date?” Qinglong said suddenly.

“Eh… eh? Ask, ask me?” Yui froze for a moment.

She stared into Qinglong’s eyes, and the other’s eyes looked over sharply.

It’s as if she can completely see into her heart.

“Probably I don’t want to.” She said.


But she felt that it was embarrassing to say that, so she changed her words, “After all, Mr. Qinglong still focuses on learning.”

“I think so too.” Qinglong said. “So now I’m not dating anyone.”


Oh oh oh.

That’s right.

KnotYi thought he would listen to it for the time being.

She always felt that the other party seemed to be teasing her from time to time, and was super nice to her, but he didn’t confess his confession, which made her think wildly.

It’s downright bad. .

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