“Wait for me, Kushida—”

Kiyotaka knew that as long as Kushida left the hut, then this week’s assignment would really be over. He felt he was at a loss, because it hadn’t been long at all, and they were all talking and being cheated by her.

“Don’t look up!”

But after Kushida left such a sentence, he was already walking up the stairs.

Because the terrain here is like a small valley, only the kind of ladder that looks like an airplane can walk.

It’s just that I need to pay attention to safety when I’m going up the stairs after all, so I don’t bring people here anymore.

Thinking of this, Qinglong went around the small wooden house again, but he chose to leave without finding anything of value.

Coming down from the central tower and walking down, Qinglong found a few students from Class A arguing.

“Gecheng has no strength at all, allowing Class D to occupy so many strongholds in vain, and now we live in one stronghold every day!”

“No, if there is no Katsuragi-kun, then we don’t even have a stronghold, even now we can only bask in the sun on the beach.”

It seems that people from the Banliu faction and supporters of Katsuragi are discussing.

But they are probably going around the island trying to find other strongholds.

“What are you doing here?!”

The people who were making noise found Qinglong.

“Who are you? I’ve never seen you before!” said the boy wearing black-rimmed glasses among them.


Don’t they know someone as conspicuous as him? And he also went to sell things to Gecheng, which means that these people don’t know it at all, they are passers-by.

It doesn’t matter.

Qinglong then raised his hands, “I am Dashan from Class C.”

“Students of Class C? Haven’t you already left?” A boy named Machida from Class A asked.

Oh, this is valuable information.

Because Class C paid for the supplies for Class A, naturally there was no supplies in his class to stay on the island and he had to quit, “Ah, I’m sorry 08, I’ll quit right away.”

Qinglong made perfunctory tricks that were very fake and easy to see through.

A few students in Class A looked at each other. They knew from Katsuragi that Class C would abstain because they ran out of supplies, but now it seems that’s not the case.

“Tsk… It seems like you’re just a pawn, and it’s really not easy being a pawn. So how about starting a business? Tell me the leader of your class C, and I’ll give you 100,000 or even 200,000 points!”

And a man wearing glasses directly put his arm around Qinglong’s shoulder.

By the way, isn’t he hot?

“Are you asking me to betray my class? Our class C has already joined forces with you…” Qinglong felt that there were 6 students in class A at the scene, and it was possible to cheat more than 300,000, so he immediately acted as a simple student look.

“Shhh—” the boy wearing glasses hissed, “Then since it’s a union, why do you still come to this kind of place?”

“I just came to report to Long Yuan… No, I didn’t say anything.” Qinglong said.

But such a move made several students in Class A, whether they were Katsuragi faction or Banryu faction, become concerned. “So you, Class C, really have your own plans.”

“Tell me, your plan, including your team leader, we can pay you 300,000 yuan!” said Machida.

And now, both the Banliu faction and the Gecheng faction think this is a good method.

So did you get 300,000?

It’s just that you can’t act too fake, so Qinglong became more thoughtful.

It’s like being tempted.

This made the other two look at each other.

“Three hundred thousand, this is the amount of points your class C can only accumulate in a few months.”

“I don’t know if you will lie to me.”

Qinglong seemed hesitant, “And I don’t have a mobile phone in my hand, and I will be back on the boat today, so if you play tricks…”

“People in our class A can’t lie.” The man with glasses said, but this kind of words can’t convince others at all.

“I can’t convince you, if it’s Katsuragi…”

But Qinglong’s words made the two boys of the Banliu faction go crazy at the same time, “Why?Why would you mention Katsuragi? The representative of Class A is Itanagi! Katsuragi is only a temporary leader! We promise in the name of Banliu that we will definitely pay. ”

“No, our Gecheng faction paid the money, so this news is credited to our Gecheng faction.”

On the other side, there are actually two people hiding in the grass.

They are two students from Class B.

Ichinose 888Y7$2$iKc and Ryuji Kanzaki.

Ryuji Kanzaki is not very talkative and somewhat introverted, but as long as you get in touch with him, you will know that he is actually a very kind and gentle person.

Ichinose’s grades in admission are very good, but she feels that Kanzaki-san’s grades are not bad, and the class recommended her as the class monitor, so Kanzaki-san is the deputy class monitor.

Now the whole class has been calmed down, but Kanzaki-san feels that this small island has all kinds of food, so it is undoubtedly an artificial island. And since the school specially asked students to come to this kind of place to occupy the stronghold, he considered whether there is an option to add points. Although most of the current strongholds are occupied by Class D, after the visit, he also found that most of them were really occupied by Class D. Class D occupies it, but is there any other place? For example, the base of the people who take care of this small island, etc., and finding the base of this worker means seeing that the small island is an artificial island, so this should be able to add points. Anyway, being idle at the base is also idle, so he proposed this.

This point coincides with Ichinose, so she also chose to go out on an adventure together, and Kanzaki-san has experience in expeditions, so this is a good partner.

“That’s Ayanokouji-san.”

On the way, they discovered that Qinglong was being stalked by students from Class A.

Ryuji Kanzaki didn’t know Kiyotaka until Ichinose identified him, “That Ayanokōji-san, from the point of view of selling supplies, and from the fact that Class D now occupies so many strongholds, I think it’s a very extraordinary person.” people.”

“Well, I think so too.” Ichinose nodded.

Then they found out that Qinglong bombed the students of Class C, and then cheated the students of Class A out of money.

“I really love money a little bit.” Kanzaki Ryuji said.

Ichinose was also a little embarrassed.

“But it’s true that the students in Class C have abstained.” Ichinose said, she also heard the conversation with the students in Class A just now. It was about the people in Class C teaming up with Class A and then abstaining.

“That’s not necessarily the case. After all, didn’t you take in Ibuki and Jintian in your class?” Qinglong said.

“Ayanokouji-san!” X2

It was only then that Ichinose and Kanzaki realized that they had been discovered by Kiyotaka.

After Banliu faction and Katsuragi faction both wrote him 200,000 IOUs for a total of 400,000, Qinglong casually told the news that Ryuuen was still on the island, and then fooled them, whether they would guess Class C next I don’t know if the team leader is Long Yuan.

“But what are you doing here?” Qinglong said, “And you’re still hiding.”

“Actually, the students in Class C have abstained, so let’s check the situation.” Ichinose said, “I don’t know if all the students in Class C have abstained except for Ibuki and Jintian.”

“That is to say, you have considered that Class C’s abstention may be fraudulent.” Qinglong said, “Why do you think so?”

“Ah… this…” But Ichinose looked embarrassed, “Because the abstention of class C was spent on the original 300 points, it became 0, and there is no substance, so abstain, but after this 0 points, They have another link at the end of the exam on the seventh day, so it’s okay if someone hides somewhere to take points.”

That is to say, because his class D’s 0 points are still here, did the students in class B become wary?

So you are not completely stupid.

“Well… let’s do it.” But Qinglong was not interested in guessing the team leader, because the stronghold points in his class had the most advantage, and there was no need to take risks, so he said, “I explored a hidden stronghold in the morning , I want to sell you the news of this stronghold, don’t look down on this stronghold, this stronghold is the stronghold of the workers of this artificial island, I guess that occupying this kind of stronghold will get certain bonus points.”

So isn’t this the same as their thinking?

Ayanokouji-kun is really different.

Kanzaki and Ichinose thought at the same time, and then they looked at each other, “So how many points are you going to sell this time?”

“I don’t know how many points will be added in the exam, but I don’t want much, 100,000 is enough.”

“One hundred thousand.”

Ichinose and Kanzaki reconfirmed, because the price of 100,000 is really too light.

Obviously, Ayanokouji-kun looks so different, but does he sell the news so easily?

Considering that Class A and Class C have united, Kanzaki and Ichinose discussed for a while, and immediately chose to accept Kiyotaka’s deal, which was to build a bridge of harmony with Class D. They don’t feel expensive either.

After the verbal agreement, Qinglong immediately showed them the way, but because it was a bit late, he only said a few words and left.

But Ichinose and Ryuji Kanzaki came to the No. 41 stronghold.

They saw a cabin under the valley.

“It’s really 100,000.” Kanzaki-san didn’t go down, and neither did Ichinose, because there used to be a rope hanging here, but the rope is gone, and now there is only a soft stick like an airplane sticking out. How could it be possible for the students to walk up the stairs with peace of mind, and then go down to occupy the stronghold.

If something happens, it’s over.

“In short, since this stronghold existsIt’s very dangerous. In order to prevent other people from going down rashly, we’d better get rid of the stairs. Said Kanzaki-san, sawing off the rope of the stairs with a knife.

He is a gentle boy.

on the beach.


“Hey, Palace of the Stars.” Mashima, the teacher of Class A who was observing the students’ movements on the beach, noticed that the computer of the teacher of Class B was fluctuating, and two students were walking towards the No. 41 stronghold.

And Xingzhigong went to pester Chazhu, and was not working at all.

“Really.” Teacher Hoshinomiya looked complacent, “After all, they are students in my class. I think they are great.”

“But they seem to have gone away. They didn’t come back after that,” said the number on the board in Class C.

So they obviously found out that this is a stronghold, why no one went to occupy it, you must know that there are 50 bonus points for nothing! It is equivalent to occupying a stronghold 50 times!

? ? ? ?

Several teachers looked confused, but in the end, early the next morning, they decided to collectively organize to check there to see if there was any problem there.

But when I got to the central tower and saw the stairs going down, I couldn’t help but make a speechless voice.

Because there is only a kind of ladder that is not easy to go down from here, but now that ladder has been cut off with a knife. I can’t go down.

“This is definitely not a student in my class.” The teacher of Class B, Xing Zhigong, quickly blamed him.

Because if you don’t occupy this stronghold, you can’t use this stronghold, and if you destroy it, you will also be deducted points.

“Naturally they are not students in my class.” Teacher Chazhu said, “They left after they came here.”

“So someone must have taken advantage of the darkness to come over last night and sabotage it. Maybe it’s a class A student.”

“My classmates in class C have all abstained, so it must not be them.” The digital teacher on the board also said. “No matter how you think about it, the only ones who are doing damage are the students of Class A.”

“…” I believe you asses.

Mashima-sensei sighed. These guys are all in the class that shielded him, and now they want to blame his class A. So have to fix the equipment here.


And in the afternoon, the digital teacher on the board of Class C suddenly discovered that someone from the No. 41 stronghold repaired by Mashima-sensei had passed by.

Now the only people staying on the small island are Ryuuen, Ibuki, and Jintian, but the GPS of Ibuki and Jintian are both in the stronghold of Class B, so now only Ryuuen is free.

As expected of Longyuan.

In this way, 50 stronghold points can be collected for nothing.

“So, the leader of Class C who stayed on the small island must be Long Yuanxiang. Long Yuan is obviously cooperating with us, but he still hides something.”

And people from the Banliu faction and the Gecheng faction also notified Gecheng Ryuuen that he was still on the island.

“Long Yuan… Actually, I didn’t believe him either.” Ge Cheng said. He is equipped with a radio walkie-talkie here, and gave two spies, Ibuki and Jintian, one respectively, so that they can report to him when they find the leader of Class B or D or have evidence, but Ryuuen should not stay in the small island.

So this point is a consolation, allowing Class A to earn 50 points for guessing the leader of his class for nothing.

On the other side, Long Yuan also received a message, “Your Class A is really rubbish.”

Because a student of the Banliu faction in class A disclosed to him the information of the leader of class A, the purpose is to prevent the Katsuragi faction from getting involved.

So Class C can earn 50 points for guessing the leader for free from Class A.

It’s a great mood to take the test and still make money.

Qinglong had a good night’s sleep tonight. .

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