“Your account has reached 100,000 points.”

Ryuuen left directly after transferring the money, while Hirata and Karuizawa, who stayed where they were, still maintained expressions of surprise.

“Long Yuan actually transferred the money.” Hirata said in a daze.

“In other words, even news can be sold.” Karuizawa hasn’t reacted yet.

“Hurry up and get used to this school too.” Qinglong said.

Actually, I’m a little jealous because he’s still single, but Hirata has already dated the cutest beautiful girl in the class.

“But when did you date?” He asked.

“No relationship.” Hirata Jundao, “But no matter who in the class may be bullied by other classes, I will stand up.”

Oh oh oh, so you are everyone’s Hirata-kun.

There is a strange phenomenon in the class, that is, the most popular person in the class is not the little angel-like Kushida, but the warm sun-like Hirata-kun in front of him.

In Kojima’s exam, Hirata beat the students of Class C for Sudou. It was a violent method, but it made him more popular, whether it was a boy or a girl.


Boys also like Hirata-kun very much.

“Then let’s eat.” Qinglong said, just before Megumi Karuizawa came over, he packed some food with Hirata. Although he was not in a good mood when he came into contact with Karuizawa, but he picked up 100,000 for nothing, and his mood is still good.

“Wait, Ayanokōji-kun, is it true that you said there will be an exam next?” And Hirata-kun can’t forget what Kiyotaka said just now.

“There should be.” Qinglong said, “Because I didn’t find that there are still four days before the end of this month? But the ship has no intention of returning.”

“So, then…” Hirata-kun now

“I will definitely bring extra points to the class.” Qinglong said, “After all, if the extra points in the name of an individual can give me half of the points. As long as this rule continues, then I will definitely contribute to the class , You don’t need to worry about this, Hirata-san.”

“Yes, yes.” Hirata seemed relieved.

Because during the Kojima exam this time, he discovered that Qinglong and Gaoyuanji were very good students. If they were willing to make a move, then the living expenses of Class D and the cohesion of the class would all increase.

The cost of living is certain, so what about unity and cohesion? This point will also increase, because everyone’s goal is to get more points and be promoted to the upper class. As long as there is a common goal, we will work hard.

“You are really doing anything for points.” Karuizawa said, but found that Qinglong ignored her, so she turned her head away again.

And on the way back from the restaurant, he met Horikita Suzune who seemed to be tired of reading alone, and then went to the deck to enjoy the scenery.

The long black hair blown by the sea breeze, coupled with the (aieg) outstanding appearance, inexplicably makes people feel excited.


Probably because of the aloofness and loneliness exuding from her body, no one dared to strike up a conversation until now.

Qinglong walked over directly.

“Ling Xiaolu?” Lingyin turned around, but saw Qinglong stretching out his right hand to her, “Now shake hands in public.”


Horikita thought it was weird, but she still stretched out her hand, and Kiyotaka touched her soft fingers. The stimulation like an electric current made his heart beat faster.

Then he withdrew his hand.

“Then you go back.” Qinglong said.


Horikita didn’t understand at all.

Because Qinglong himself couldn’t understand himself.



Like a pervert.

He walked out of the cabin, and then watched Horikita blowing the wind on the deck. For a moment, he inexplicably wanted to have skin contact with her, so he chose to shake hands.

And now it has been achieved.

So it’s really a problem. Ever since Xiaojima accidentally saw Horikita’s welfare, he became a little uneasy, as if he suddenly liked her +30, obviously Horikita Classmates are just tool people.

And his personality is absolutely incompatible with him.

It’s just that I was still dreaming about her yesterday, that’s why I had the strange thought just now.

This is simply sick.

It probably needs some treatment.

Qinglong judged himself that this must be a problem of puberty.

“Kushida, come here.”

Kiyotaka found that Kushida-san was looking at the seashore by himself not far from the guardrail. He guessed that Kushida must have tried to contact Horikita again and was driven away.

It’s just that it’s a public place now, and it’s probably not easy for her to kick the railing in a public place.


Kushida-san is like an angel in the eyes of others.

In the eyes of other people, Kushida-san is probably listening to the complaints of the rubbish Class D students like an angel again. Because Kushida-san also plays the role of a close sister like Hirata-kun in the class. So why are there so many broken things in Class D?

It’s true that there are a lot of things wrong.

“Are you crazy?” Kushida looked very dissatisfied.

Because she followed Qinglong into the cabin, but when she reached the corner and found no one, Qinglong suddenly hugged her from behind and attacked her.

Not only the location, but also his actions are too much.”This is for this week.” Qinglong said, “It only takes a few tens of seconds.”


It’s just for a while, so it’s acceptable.

Then this week’s share can be offset.

But Kushida realized that Kiyotaka let go of her dozens of seconds later, and she quickly straightened the clothes on her crumpled chest.

“So, what’s the matter with you?” Kushida was taken aback by his sudden attack just now, because he is not a beast, or is it that suddenly…a special desire for her?

Kushida felt her heart beating faster.

“At first I thought I had reached the Q period, which troubled me a lot, so I wanted to test it.” Qinglong said, “But I found out that it seems to be the case.”


So you came here to use her body for testing? And still can’t get up.

Kushida-san felt that Ayanokōji Kiyotaka was the person she hated the most.

So Kushida-san left angrily again.

After being dumped by the girl, Qinglong walked back to the deck, and then went back to the cafeteria.

“Airi—” he said in a timely manner.

And Sakura Airi, who was looking left and right, was startled.

“That, that, Ayanokouji-kun, okay, what a coincidence.” She said.

No no no.

Sakura-san has been following him since the cafeteria. But at that time, when he was talking to Hirata-kun and the others, she didn’t dare to get close, and then Qinglong left alone, and she lost it. It was really embarrassing, so Qinglong took the initiative to go back and call her.

“Did you keep looking at me in the restaurant?” Qinglong said.

“Hey… hey!!”

Words with unknown meanings came out of Airi’s mouth, like a frightened little rabbit, and she felt like jumping.

“Yes. I’m sorry—”

And he shrank his shoulders and turned around directly. He wanted to run away directly.

Because she remembered that Ayanokouji-kun had told her and asked her if she hated stalkers, but she hadn’t realized it at that time, but in the past two days, she had filtered through everything that Ayanokouji-kun had said to her, Then he found out here, does it mean that he has discovered that she is often following him?

And now he was caught.

This, this, this, what should I do.


But at this moment, a radio broadcast from the school rescued her.

[I hereby inform all students. The school has just sent an email with contact details to all students. Please confirm your mobile phone and follow its instructions. Also, if you do not receive the e-mail, please apply to the nearby teaching staff. Since the content is very important, please do not miss anything in the confirmation. Repeat again──]

And Qinglong and Airi quickly took out their mobile phones, and they did receive a message from the school.

ps: I want to ask if

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