Looking at Lei Weier who was dusting himself, Qinglong really wanted to say that there was no dust on his body.

Among the three of them, the one with the most dust on her body should be Lei Nalei, this fallen angel!

However, after thinking of Lei Nalei, she had framed him, saying that he liked cute boys.

Qinglong’s affection for this fallen angel suddenly disappeared, and he didn’t bother to mention her name.”Okay, you turn around!”

After hearing Ravel’s words, Qinglong ordered her to turn around, because there was no dust in front of her.

When Ravel turned around, Qinglong patted the dust on his hands, and was about to pat the dust on Ravel’s clothes.

Then, he discovered an embarrassing problem, that was, there was no dust on Ravel’s top.

What’s more, on Ravel’s skirt, it’s a bit embarrassing, I don’t know what to do.

“Ravel, you’d better do it yourself!”

After listening to Brother Qinglong’s words, Lei Wei’er was a little disappointed, so she had to do it herself to pat the dust on it.

“What about you? Go out? Or stay?”

“What are you going to do?”

When Lei Weier was asked to do it herself, Qinglong began to ask Lei Na Lei who had been silent all this time.

I wanted to ask her if she was staying in the dungeon or if she wanted to go out.

“Get out! Get out, definitely get out!”

Seeing that it was finally her turn to speak, Lei Nalei said quickly, wanting to go out.

There is no need to choose. Now, if she continues to stay in the dungeon, something will happen.

“If you want to go out, hurry up and use this, otherwise you won’t be able to get out!”

After taking pictures of the dust on the skirt, Ravel took out a demon chess piece from her pocket.

Afterwards, it was placed in the hands of Lei Nalei. This attitude is obvious, and she will not be reincarnated as a demon.

It’s impossible for Lei Nalei to go out from the dungeon. Qinglong next to her saw this scene.

She didn’t say anything, and under the watchful eyes of the two, Lei Nalei quickly used the demon chess pieces.

Apart from this, she has no other choice. It is better to reincarnate as a demon than to die of old age in the dungeon.

“Brother Qinglong, this is the demon chess piece that Sister Serafulu wanted me to give you. Now Lei Nalei is using one!”

“Before, Sister Serafulu, she promised that there is also one of my pawns in it!”

After handing over the devil chess pieces to Qinglong, Ravel explained to him beside him…

Moreover, in order to prevent Brother Qinglong from leaving her a devil pawn, he deliberately repeated what Sister Sarafulu said before leaving.

“Then I’ll give you this one! Knight!”

After completing the identification of the devil’s chess piece, Qinglong took out the devil’s chess piece that symbolized the knight in his hand.

“okay then!”

After hearing that the devil chess piece she was going to give to herself was a knight, Ravel was still very happy in her heart.

After all, Qinglong’s brother will definitely leave chess pieces like the queen to his fiancée Rias.

At the same time, he glanced at Lei Nalei meaningfully. In fact, just now, he gave Lei Nalei the devil chess piece.

In fact, it is her devil chess piece, this is also to prevent Lei Nalei from obtaining the devil chess piece.

Will jump out, and dance with her, after all, after Lei Nalei reincarnated as a demon, the collar on her head.

It will definitely be taken down. At that time, it is very likely that she will seek revenge from her, in order to prevent problems before they happen.

She had no choice but to strike first. Anyway, her chess piece was brother Qinglong’s chess piece, so it’s okay. .

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