It was about ten o’clock in the evening, and all the groups in the class had already gone to listen to the teachers’ explanation of the rules of the preferential test.

And the effect is also remarkable. Except for one member of the horse group who has not been remembered, the lists of the other 11 groups are all complete.

In the end, he still underestimated the students’ obsession with money. Although the current evaluation score in the class is 702 points, only ordinary students have 40,200 points for living expenses. But the students still accepted the task he sent to obtain the list of each group.

Of course, not everyone can receive the money, but the two people who sent the answer to him first will be accepted. The reason for the two people is that they are worried that the students in Class D will make mistakes or lie to him, so they have insurance.

And the double list of a group is 4000 points, that is to say, 44,000 points have been spent besides his rabbit group.

What Qinglong didn’t expect was that among the students who were assigned to the dragon group, the first person to send him the list of group members was none other than Horikita Suzune.

“I didn’t expect you to participate at all.” Qinglong wanted to complain. “And you actually asked me for money.”

“Because this is the task you posted, isn’t it? Post the task, and you can get rewards when you complete it.” Horikita felt that there was no problem with her thinking. “It’s just that you still want to confirm the identity of the preferential treatment tomorrow. Have the other students agreed?”

The news that Lingyin got from Qinglong was that the exam this time needs to break away from common sense to look at the essence. For example, why did the teacher deliberately waste manpower to break up each class and explain it separately?

Do you really want to personally test every student?


This is like doing a cover-up, so it is not a smart answer to follow the school’s method to find the preferential treatment and to find the most suitable method for the class.

Perhaps, the selection of preferential treatment is really regular, and it is fair every day.Each class has 3.

Obviously she hasn’t seen such a fact yet, but she has passively believed in Qinglong.

It’s just that she also remembered that she was in Class D.

The students in Class D will not cooperate.

“They have already agreed. We will meet at the small British-style restaurant at 7:40 tomorrow morning.” Qinglong said.

“Agreed to agree—” Horikita felt a little inconceivable, because the group of people was quite noisy.

“In fact, it’s easy to understand.” Qinglong said, “They got a lot of points at once, and the teacher suddenly notified the privileged person to take the exam. They may not fully understand the rules of the exam, but they also know that if the exam goes wrong Not only will their points not increase, but they will be deducted. Because of this level of worry, I am full of reliance on me who brought them a lot of points.”

“Then…” Horikita felt that being dependent was a good situation, “Will you choose to lead them? If they are obedient…”

“No.” Qinglong said without hesitation, “Because they don’t have the qualifications of Class A, even if they are sent up, they will be quickly eaten up, but they still have the qualifications of Class C. At least they won’t be as dull as they were at the beginning gone.”

Are you stupid?

Horikita felt that Kiyotaka was scolding her, because she was cheated out of points on the first day of school? She also regretted herself for being like this.

“It’s just that even if they rely on you, they have to be divided into 12 groups. Once they get the status of preferential treatment, they haven’t learned any psychology, and they won’t hide it. They are easy to be seen by other classes. .Or I want to hide it, but my acting skills are poor, etc. Or I want to swallow the reward of the favored person and become stupid, etc. ”

“There is no need to worry about this.” Qinglong said, “Because I will confiscate all the mobile phones of the abusers before the message is sent tomorrow morning, and they can’t move even if they want to. Because they don’t know Are you a favored person~ˇ.”


It’s simply insane.

Horikita felt convinced.

Because he was worried about his classmates’ poor acting skills or selfishness, this guy directly blocked everyone’s right to know.

So it was the next day.

Seven forty-five. All the students in class D of the first grade gathered in the British restaurant, which can accommodate more than 40 people. So the students in class D immediately felt full after sitting in.

They are discussing here in order to deal with the preferential test. In the words of class leader Hirata, I hope that everyone can keep the class evaluation score in this test.

This is what everyone in debt thinks.

So this time surprisingly no one objected to all gathering here in the restaurant.

“Then next, please take a look at these materials.”

Kushida-san, who was always smiling, was still standing, holding a stack of documents in her hand.

distributed it.

“Isn’t this the information about the rule that I didn’t understand last night?”

“The teacher in Class A said that we are not allowed to take pictures or take away… how did you get Kushida?”

After getting the information in their hands, the students exclaimed.

Some people, or most people, have read the materials, but they don’t fully understand them. I just learned from Mr. Hirata that if you fail the exam, everyone will be deducted points, so many people were scared.

“Relying on memory, I checked with other students, and then printed it out.” Kushida said with a smile.

But I don’t know how terrifying what she said was?

Most people can’t remember all the contents of the documents they got, but now that they have them in their hands and read them one by one, they feel like they are looking at the original documents.

So how powerful is this kind of memory?

“Little Kushida is too powerful!”

“It was a great help again.”

The students talked a lot.

“I love you… Kushida-san—”

There were also shameless people inside who yelled some terrible things in the chaos.

“Is this guy shameless?” Qinglong said speechlessly.

“Kushida-san is so cute.”

“I also think you are great, Kushida-san.”

But even if someone expressed doubts, praise like this would never stop.

“…Can you save face?”

Horikita Suzune, on the other hand, seemed powerless to complain.

Because after discovering that someone shameless was taking advantage of the chaos to confess, Qinglong beside her also took advantage of the chaos to confess.

Can this guy show some face?

“No, I just helped her increase her popularity.” Qinglong said without changing his expression.

In fact, it was he who found out that he had also joined in to take advantage of the chaos to confess, and Kushida-san’s angelic face froze for a moment.

Probably Kiyotaka remembered what Kushida said when he slapped the railing in the past, if he confessed, she would spit at him, so he wanted to test it out, but Kushida really didn’t like him.

“And I also think it would be good to leave the collection and distribution of materials to Kushida.” Qinglong said without changing his face. “There are a lot of troubles in Class D, and if Kushida is brought up to make her look capable, then other students will not come to me again if they encounter other troubles. I was actually asked by Hirata yesterday. Very annoying…”

I see.

Horikita understood that this guy was just using Kushida.

And it doesn’t count as being used, Kushida just likes to buy people’s hearts or be praised.

she won’tHelping Qinglong casually, so the excuse he gave was that tomorrow’s rule commentary will say that the information obtained was obtained by her.

This can give her a lot of popularity.

So, she immediately agreed.

Then just like today, he became everyone’s angel.


After everyone got the information, Horikita poked him with his hand, reminding him that it is already 7:50, if he doesn’t do something, it will be 8:00 in 10 minutes and the school will send a message whether he has been selected as a preferential treatment .

Qinglong exchanged a glance with her, then stood up.

“Everyone, listen to me.” Qinglong walked to the front. “Now from the back to the front, everyone uploads their phones one by one.”

“Why!” As expected, they encountered resistance.

“Because I want to intercept everyone to obtain information about whether you are a preferential treatment person.” Qinglong said, “You are willing to follow my instructions because you don’t want your class’s public points that you have accumulated so hard to be deducted, so naturally you have to do what I say. ”

“That is to say…” Hirata was not notified that Qinglong wanted to collect his mobile phone, but he seemed to understand a little bit.

“Think about it for yourself. After you know that you are the preferential treatment, are you sure to hide it from other classes? And in the end, who will be blamed for the deduction of points in the class? Can it be counted on your head, for example It was discovered that the preferential treatment class deducted 50 points because of you, then you have to bear half of the loss every month, which is 25 points, and then X100X40 people, that is, you have to spend 100,000 per month Give the points to the whole class.”

After Qinglong said that, everyone fell silent.

Because paying a fart.

Now that the exam is over, there will only be 40,000 points a month next month. How can it be possible to give 100,000 points, and to give it every month.

“` “It’s not fair. Someone stood up immediately, “Didn’t it mean that only the reward points are half of the reward and half of it is given to the class?” ”

“Then you ask other people, are you willing to share the points deducted for your stupidity?” Qinglong’s face remained unchanged.

For him, this kind of rebuttal is almost nonexistent.

And the student who stood up immediately found that his companions all lowered their heads.

It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to.

Because the points you deducted should be shared equally by everyone?


Although they really don’t want to admit it, most students are not willing to have their living expenses deducted for nothing.


And Hirata hastily stood up now, he knew that there would be cracks in the class if it went on like this.

Whether it’s adding points or deducting points, he thinks it’s normal. If you count them one by one, you won’t be at peace.

“This is indeed my slip of the tongue.” Qinglong also knew that they should not be pushed too hard, “It is still half of the reward points to the class and half to the person who made the contribution. As for the deduction of points, there is no need to set a rule .”

It’s just that if you say this, you don’t say it. After reading the information given by Kushida, I finally understood what the test questions are about, and then I found that it’s super cool to be a privileged person. Others ate it.

So now students are worried about losing points, but not because of class loss, but because of their own mistakes.

“So I’ll say it again now. You hand in all your mobile phones and send them to you after the exam. What’s your opinion? As for the exam period, you can use this black mass-produced phone to contact and resume after the exam is over.” Factory settings are fine.”

Kiyotaka said, and Horikita just stood up from her seat at this time, and everyone found that she was carrying a bag in her hand, which contained the same model of mobile phone as the school (good one), but it was black.

“Are you so well prepared?” Koenji Liusuke sat on his seat and watched Qinglong’s performance.

To him, there was nothing wrong with Qinglong’s performance, because maintaining the scores of these students in class D also maintained his 100 points.

For him, his 100 points are actually not stable, because if the students in class D do not change so easily lose points, then even if his 100 points are not included in the class, they will be deducted by the school . So his current state is a cooperation.

Because he has 100 points, but Qinglong has 200 points. His side is the big head. So Qinglong will take precautions.

“It’s just that if one of us is selected as the preferential treatment—” But the students still have a little dissatisfaction, “then the school’s reward.”

“If no one finds out about your privileged status, then the school will naturally put the reward points into your private account, so you don’t feel that you don’t know anything, and then wait until the end of the exam to find that your account has an extra 500,000. It’s good ?”

50… 500,000!

“And the 500,000 other people don’t know about it. You can hide it secretly.”

Are you hiding it?

“Since you said so, put your phone away quickly, it’s going to be eight o’clock.” A student said skinny.

“I’ll give you my mobile phone first.” Another girl said.

“Hurry up and put away your phone.” Then more people agreed.


It seems that it is better to explain the relationship of interest than the relationship of interest.

The students in Class D seem to be… well suited to him.

As long as you love money, you can control it.

Qinglong thought so. .

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