Horikita Gaku transferred 50,000 points to her younger sister.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to turn around more, but because his younger sister is so stupid, he is worried that no matter how many turns, he will be fooled by the next door Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

“Ling Xiaolu!” And Horikita Xue didn’t fully accept the current ending, “I’ll ask you to take care of my younger sister. You have to know that you sold the position of secretary of the student union from me.”

That is to accept his love.

“Understood!” Qinglong nodded.

He still likes a sheep like Horikita who can keep paying money.

And he already got 2 million from Horikita Gaku. One-fifth of the goal of 10 million has been completed.

“Hmph, then Suzune, you should think about it yourself. If you want to survive in this school, you must struggle hard, or just drop out of school like this. You are not suitable for this place.” It seems that there is still something to do later, President Horikita looked at the phone just leave.

And when he left, Qinglong received another message.

It is a transfer message. The source is Horikita Gaku.

The remark is [Don’t lie to my sister again, I will give you 50,000 points every month. ]

Oh oh oh.

“Brother Horikita is really a good person.” Kiyotaka praised.

“I’m really weak.” But Horikita Suzune seemed very timid.

This is her previous state in front of her brother. “It’s not just a self-proclaimed excellence, but it turned out to be an idiot who was evaluated as a class D.”

Oh oh oh.

This is really a serious evaluation.

So she felt ashamed with the relief points given by Brother Horikita and felt that she was causing trouble to Brother Horikita?

“Then you drop out of school!” Qinglong said.

“Don’t you have any sympathy!” Horikita Suzune stared at him all of a sudden.

“I’m just stating the conclusion that you dare not say. In fact, you are already retreating now.” Qinglong said.

And Horikita Suzune pursed her lips.

Obviously, he guessed right.

Kiyotaka found that even if Horikita didn’t speak, he could read her thoughts.

“But you will definitely not be reconciled in your heart, so I have an alternative choice here.” Qinglong said.

“What is it?”

Horikita looked over at once.

“A way to regain your confidence.” Qinglong said.

“Could it be.” Horikita Suzune had an idea, “Are you going to return the money to me?”

She acted so cowardly in front of her brother. On the one hand, it was because she was this kind of person, and on the other hand, she was cheated out of her points by Qinglong when she entered school, so she felt even more ashamed.

And if you get the money back, at least it won’t be so uncomfortable.

“Of course not.” Qinglong said naturally. “But we may be able to cooperate. I need a lot of points, and saving 20 million is my goal, but you, there is another way.”

He paused and continued, “This is the news I got by spending 1000 points.”

“Can all the current information be sold?” Horikita Suzune frowned beautifully.

“You don’t have to think about it, it’s time to sellI have sold all the things that can be sold to other classes, and the seniors, they know more information than you than me. “Qinglong shattered her fantasy, “So you actually have an honest plan, that is to either lead Class D to be promoted to Class A, or save enough 20 million like me to fly directly to Class A.” ”

“Twenty million.”

Converted into Japanese yen, it would be 20 million yen.

This is worth a house in the outside world.

How could he say it so casually.

It’s just that my brother transferred 1 million to Ayanokōji Kiyotaka casually, so Horikita Suzune doesn’t really understand the current purchasing power.

“That’s right, 20 million, so I can share some with you. Otherwise, you will get 100,000 points from the school every month, so it won’t be enough!” Qinglong said, “And Do you do other things to get points? For example, part-time jobs? This college probably won’t allow part-time jobs, because you also went shopping, and you didn’t see students doing part-time jobs, right?”

That’s true, Horikita nodded.

“So it’s unlikely that the school will hire students, but it’s not like you absolutely have no other sources of points.”

“What is it?” Horikita asked curiously.

“You probably haven’t realized that you are actually quite cute. And cute girls already have some other ways to get money.”

! !

Horikita Suzune took two steps back and kept a distance from him.

She followed the example of her elder brother Horikita, so she also contacted martial arts. She was sure to subdue Kiyotaka, but she was also worried that he would be deceived by his rhetoric again.

So avoiding is a very correct answer.

“Don’t worry.” Qinglong said, “I’m not interested in you.”

Is it.

It was obviously a reassuring answer, but Horikita-san was a little upset.

But she didn’t dare to vent it.

She understood that she still didn’t want to drop out of school.

Of course, Kiyotaka is not interested in her, because her brother is the president of the student council, and he has given him points for taking care of Horikita every month instead of looking at the monk’s face and the Buddha’s face. dropped out of school.

And Qinglong consulted the system at noon, and the answer he got was that the 10 million points to open it had to come from the mobile terminal, that is to say, it was bound by this school and could only be obtained here as a student.

So being fired is an absolute blood loss.

“I’m colluding with you.” Qinglong said, “When you are in school, I will be the main one, and then I will share part of the profits with you.”

He discovered that it is absolutely impossible for the regular points issued by the school here to be 10 million, let alone 20 million, so he had to change his way of thinking.

And selling news is never a good plan, because after other students realize that they can buy news from the senior grades, the senior grades will not be so expensive by then.

“what you up to?”

Horikita Suzune didn’t count as a rejection. She also discovered that if the school earns 100,000 points every month, it will only be 10,000 in three years, and it is even more terrifying but impossible to be 100,000 points per month, which is fluctuating. This is the news that she bought it from Qinglong for 100,000 yuan.

So relying on her head alone, she felt that she couldn’t earn 20 million points. So it may be an option to rely on this extremely unscrupulous man.

“Of course it’s a scam.” Qinglong said casually, “You have also visited the supermarket today, so you know that you can still have a lot of money left after buying daily necessities.”

“…” Horikita Suzune only had the 10,000 points that Kiyotaka returned to her, and she bought all kinds of things that were relatively cheap, and even took some free things, and if she spent money to buy them all , then the layout of the basic room will not exceed 30,000 points.

In addition, it is the first day of enrollment, and the points in the hands of the freshmen are more than enough.

“Could it be that—” Horikita Suzune froze for a moment. Quickly realized, “You want to extract money from them.”

“What you said is really ugly, take it back quickly.” Qinglong said, “It’s borrowed. Otherwise, it’s slandering me.”

“…” He must be lying when he said that.

Horikita Suzune has a little understanding.

“What do you want to do? Not everyone is as stupid as me.”

Oh oh oh.

Seeing Horikita’s disappointed expression, Kiyotaka said immediately. “If I’m talking about investment. Now many freshmen have spare cash on hand, and if they were given a project, what would he choose?”

“They won’t believe you.” Horikita Suzune said, “And I won’t let you use my brother’s name.”

This is really a little clever ghost.


Working with Horikita is because of her identity. She is the younger sister of the student council president, Horikita Gaku. Students come from all over the country, so who knows who? Who will believe whom? It’s okay that he is a student of class A, but he is a student of class D.

So it’s a pity that there is no credibility. Even if you want to collect the points in everyone’s hands in the name of investment projects, it will be difficult to complete. But if there is a student council president, the card will be different.

The president of the student council, the number one person in the school, can’t run away.

But Horikita Suzune has already discovered this and directly resisted it.

It shows that she is not stupid, and this is her bottom line.

Thinking about it, she almost wanted to drop out of school just now, in order not to embarrass her brother, so how could she let her brother get involved in danger again?

And her brother is the third grade Class A and the president of the student council, Horikita Suzune will collapse because of her ruining her future.

Probably this is what she fears the most.

“Understood, so let’s change the way and create our own credibility.” Qinglong said. “I’m going to pretend to be the heir of a big family, and then discover a project as a rich man with business acumen. At that time, many people will be hooked.”

“It’s just that you really have a project? What if something goes wrong?” Horikita Suzune questioned this proposal.

Of course, they just ran away after collecting enough points. Who would stay? So Horikita will take the blame for you.

It’s just that doing this is like breaking up with an unmarried and childbearing girlfriend. The other party has nowhere else to go, but when they return to their house, they find that the house has been sold. It’s so miserable.

It’s simply scum.

Qinglong still can’t do this kind of thing.

So this can’t be a scam.

And he just wants cute girls to be by his side, and then being witnessed by others, he feels that his identity must be very different, he is very rich and worthy of cooperation.

Even if you can’t succeed, you can still get a wave of satisfaction from being surrounded by beautiful girls.


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