Because of the insanity, as well as the lack of cooperation of Class A and the ignorance of Class D, the students in Class BC became very tormented, while the students in Class C seemed to have not fully understood the content of the exam, so the two-hour “talk” “After the end, Ichinose Hoonami sighed.

“I don’t know how to take the exam if this continues.” She was very troubled, but it was not just the rabbit group she was in now, but worried about the other 11 groups. If all of Class A did not participate, and none of Class D If people know the identity of the preferential treatment, then it is really impossible to take the test.

“Ayanokōji-kun, are you…?” Sighing alone, she found that Qinglong was walking up the third floor. If he was going to the deck or back to the dormitory, then he should go down.

She quickly chased after her.

“I’ll pick up Horikita-san.” Qinglong said. “Her discussion is probably over.”

“Ah, you and Horikita-san have a really good relationship.” Ichinose Hoonami said with slightly flushed cheeks.

But this is probably a misunderstanding.

Misunderstood that he was dating Horikita classmate and so on.

“No, I want to return the phone to her.” Qinglong said, “I originally wanted to deceive people, but I didn’t have a chance to use it.”

Return the phone to Horikita-san?

Could it be that Ayanokōji-kun is holding Horikita-san’s mobile phone now.

And Ichinose’s brain is very smart, she immediately understood what Kiyotaka wanted to say, probably if someone wanted to ask him if he was a special treater, then he would just take out his phone and show the [not selected] As a privileged person], but he is holding someone else’s mobile phone, so he may really be a privileged person. But it is also possible that it is just a suspicion. In fact, he is not a preferential treatment person and deliberately makes people suspect that he is.

How treacherous.

Ichinose felt even more of a headache, because if students exchanged mobile phones without carefully checking personal information, it would be easy to give wrong answers.

After I go back, I have to tell the students in Class B.

So Kiyotaka continued to walk forward, but he found that Ichinose-san also quickly followed.


“I want to persuade Katsuragi from Class A, hoping that he will give up the non-participation plan of Class A.”

Ichinose walked on Kiyotaka’s right hand side and said, “Or did you feel troubled by walking with me?”

She seemed to be beaten.

will not bother you.

Because Ichinose didn’t know what kind of shampoo she used, she always had a fragrant smell on her body, which was not annoying to Kiyotaka.

“Actually, Ichinose, what do you think of the results of the last Kojima exam?” Kiyotaka asked suddenly.


And Ichinose was stunned for a moment, because this was a serious injury to Class B. Afterwards, they analyzed the reasons why they became 109 points, except for living expenses and staying in the stronghold of Class D by mistake on the first day. In addition, it is possible… to be guessed as the team leader by two classes in a row.

And Class D had no contact with them except for the time they sold things and the time they took them to the stronghold, so Class D could hardly find their leader.

Although I don’t really like to be suspicious, the current situation seems to be that Jintian and Ibuki may be spies sent by Ryuuen.

In this way, Ibuki or Jintian found the team leader of their class, and then told Class A, and then their class was deducted points by two consecutive classes.

“I thought this school was very sunny, and I am very happy to be able to live here with everyone for three years.” She said, “It’s just that now it seems that this school is not just for us to live happily, so our class B My classmates also have to cheer, and I will also cheer for them.”

This answer was a bit irrelevant, but Kiyotaka already understood that this meant Ichinose’s seriousness.

And the reason why Class B is still Class B is because they are strong enough, so they can pass the exam without thinking about it, just like the last midterm exam. Seeing the way to buy and sell past papers, I honestly went to do it in accordance with the general routine requirements.

thisThe class is really a different kind of existence in this school.

“Then I’m looking forward to it too.” Qinglong said, “I look forward to the fact that you will grow up and accept me when the time comes.”

“Accept?” Ichinose blinked.

“You don’t know yet, you can go to the class you like if you have accumulated 20 million points, and I don’t like Class A very much. I think your class B has a good atmosphere.”

They are all silly and sweet, and they will count the money for you after being sold, which will make people feel very relieved.

“So Ayanokōji-kun doesn’t want to stay in Class D anymore?” Ichinose asked cautiously.

“Well, you’ll know about this exam. If it wasn’t that they were too useless, why did they not even know whether they were preferential treatment recipients or not. It’s because they were worried that they would be spotted by others and the class would deduct points.” Qinglong It looks like it’s overwhelmed.

And this seems to be small talk, but it is actually conveying that this time the exam is decided, all the students in class D just don’t know who is the preferential treatment, so don’t bother Ichinose, even if it is A Class cooperated with you to join the conversation, but the students in Class D are still ignorant, and he will not change this.

And Ichinose is also smart enough, from the fact that she immediately turned into a bitter face, it can be seen that 0… She has already been assigned.

Knowing that Qinglong would not cooperate in this exam.

Then she can still choose Katsuragi.

“Ichinose. What are you doing here?” The members of the dragon group came out of the room, and Katsuragi saw Ichinose Hoonami as soon as he looked up.

As a student of Class A and also a leader, he is very concerned about Class B, who is very close to them in both academic ability and physical fitness, so he has done a lot of homework for the boss of Class B, Ichinose Hoonami.

“Since you know that I will come here, then you know what I’m going to say.” Katsuragi was tall and muscular, but Ichinose didn’t waver at all, “Why did you ask the students of Class A to refuse to join the conversation? It’s as if Katsuragi-san is rejecting this exam.”

“That’s right.” However, Katsuragi leaned directly against the wall, “I’m refusing the exam.”

“For this kind of exam that cannot control all students uniformly, it is easy to have various loopholes.” Ge Cheng said.

But Ichinose remained silent, which made her look a little bit off, because she found that what Katsuragi said was very close to Ayanokouji-san just now, that is to say, Ayanokouji-san can actually be placed at the level of Class A what?

“So we chose not to join, because we are Class A. For this kind of exam, we just need to maintain our class status.” Katsuragi said calmly.

And this is indeed a safe approach, but it is because Kojima failed in the exam. Because of the loss, he has to cherish the feathers even more, and cherish every point so that it will not be deducted.

The school’s class ranking ABCD is based only on class evaluation scores, and students who are assigned to class A at the beginning will have a sense of superiority and pressure at the same time.

They don’t want to fall, because they will be ridiculed if they fall, and it will also prove that they are not capable enough.

So they are under a lot of pressure.

“Not just for this exam, but I will continue this policy even for future exams.” Katsuragi seemed to have discovered Kiyotaka, so he looked away, “I have heard about your class contribution system, so Ayanokōji, in order to maintain the 200 class contribution points you have obtained, you will also try your best not to continue to be deducted from the class so as not to affect your 200 points, so you understand my approach.”

Of course, Qinglong understood that this meant that one had to think at a certain height.

“What are you kidding!”

However, there are still students in room 2303, but there are noisy voices coming from inside.

Just hearing this voice, Qinglong immediately walked inside, because the person who said such words was none other than Horikita Suzune. .

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