Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 209 Crazy Blake

"Who is Sirius? Is he famous?"

"Sirius escaped from prison!"

"He got out so soon?"

"Why is the Daily Prophet a little late?"

After Sirius appeared, the little wizards around whispered.

"Peter Pettigrew is not dead?"

"He is Ron's mouse?" Harry understood immediately.

"What?" Ron gradually calmed down. He knew from Harry that Sirius was innocent, not to mention that even Professor McGonagall did not regard him as an enemy. But Ron still held Scabbers and brought it closer to him, looking very scared. "What can my mouse have to do with anything?"

"It's not a mouse." Black suddenly said hoarsely.

"What do you mean? Of course it's a mouse--"

"No, it's not," Black retorted fiercely, which made him look more like a madman, "He's a wizard."

"He's an Animagus?--Peter Pettigrew." Professor McGonagall asked puzzledly.

"Sorry, James and I lied to you. We--" Sirius spat in disgust, "The three of us are Animagus, unregistered."

"That's impossible. Scabbers has been with us for almost 11 years!"

"Percy gave it to me!" Ron retorted fiercely. Scabbers screamed like a piglet, scratching Ron's face and neck, trying to escape.

"Give him to me now! The Weasley boy!" Black roared, shaking his wand again, his fingertips holding the wand almost turning white.

The students around whispered, and Ron, Draco, and Harry had uncertain faces.

"Respect our little brother!"

"He is the nemesis of poachers of magical creatures! One of the three musketeers who defeated You-Know-Who-Ron Weasley!" Needless to say, this must be Fred and George.

"Okay, okay! Ron Weasley, can you give him to me?" Sirius looked at Harry, who was the same as James, and Professor McGonagall, who had already taken out his wand. He tried his best to control his temper, but his sunken eyes were still staring at Scabbers, who was pressed tightly under Ron's hands.

"Weasley, your rat - no, Scabbers, can you check it for me?"

"It won't hurt him." Professor McGonagall finally spoke, "And classmates, you step back, stay away from this place."

The students around gradually stepped back, leaving Draco, Harry, Ron, and Sirius.

"Slytherin?" Sirius emptied his eyes, "Little brat from the Malfoy family, you are not going to do anything bad, are you?"

"Enough! Sirius Black, if you were Harry's godfather, I would definitely -, keep your mouth clean, don't slander my friends!" Ron's ears turned red, and Draco's eyes were slightly moist.


"Sirius is Harry Potter's godfather!"


Ron's words made the crowd around him start to whisper.

"Mr. Black, do your business! Mr. Malfoy is a friend of Weasley and Potter. I don't think what you are worried about will happen." Professor McGonagall's tone became slightly colder, but her eyes looking at Black were still full of concern.

"Business? He is a bad seed of Slytherin!"

"James--, no Harry, when did you make friends with Slytherin, just like your mother." Sirius seemed to treat Harry as his dead friend in a trance.

But he immediately returned to reality, which made him a little angry, and began to speak in a sarcastic tone about Lily's behavior that he considered to be a betrayal of Gryffindor.

Lily Evans is a good friend and a respectable person in the eyes of others.

But to Sirius, who regards James as his life, she is a disgusting guy.

"What's your tone?" Harry couldn't help getting angry.

The other students around him all showed surprised eyes. In their opinion, Sirius must be crazy.

During the peaceful period after Voldemort's death, Slytherin's reputation was no longer the same as it was in Sirius's era - not like classmates, but more like enemies.

Although Snape's partiality and Slytherin's bad atmosphere made them very unsociable, at best, in the eyes of most students from other colleges, they were just annoying classmates.

At this time, even McGonagall withdrew from her pity for Sirius. She couldn't help but recall Snape's madness not long ago and her own behavior in that era.

She suddenly realized that she paid too much attention to the world outside the school in that era - because of Voldemort.

This led to the bad atmosphere entering Slytherin, creating a hostile atmosphere at that time.

Sirius looked around, and there were no flowers and applause as expected.

In their era, every time he was in a bad mood and joked with Slytherin, he always received the admiring eyes of others.

He didn't dare look at Harry, the familiar face with a resentful expression.

He realized for the first time that, ah, so much time had passed.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I just-"

"Well, I've given you so much time, Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius's face first showed an apologetic expression, but in the next sentence, it smoothly switched to a look of choosing someone to devour.

"Well, don't hurt it, it's a very old rat and can't stand it." Ron keenly noticed that the atmosphere was wrong, and still carefully put Scabbers on the ground.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall's petrification made Scabbers stay on the ground and prevent him from running away.

Sirius's crazy expression just now returned to calmness. No, it was more like a kind of happiness. He seemed to be asking someone who was not at the scene. "Together?"

No one answered. He smiled again, as if he heard something, "Count to three. One... two... three!"

Sirius's wand emitted a blue-white light.

Scabbers on the ground was suspended in the air, its small black body twisting wildly... Ron screamed... the mouse fell down and landed on the floor.

Another dazzling flash, and then... nothing happened.

"No! This is not true!" Sirius roared, he dropped his wand and stayed where he was.

Sirius's spell interrupted Professor McGonagall's, and Scabbers on the ground suddenly "came to life" and got into Ron's pocket.

"Poor, poor." Ron said as he kept stroking Scabbers with his hand.

"Sirius, you have a lot to say to Harry now, do you want to go to my office?" Professor McGonagall's eyes were red, and she deliberately changed the subject and said to Sirius.

"No, no, Harry must hate me now." Sirius said disappointedly.

"No, no, you just stayed in Azkaban for too long." Harry suddenly said loudly, and Ron followed closely, "Yeah, isn't Scabbers okay? Draco's reputation is not good to begin with."

Draco looked at his two friends and smiled helplessly, "Yeah."

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