Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 42: Cave Journey

Harry felt like he was going to collapse. Why didn't he think of this?

He actually wanted to delay it.

During the time they were preparing, he went to Sirius to tell him everything.

But he forgot that this was the boiler room with lots of wood.

Next to it was the kitchen with lots of oil.

Even rags, Kreacher's room had lots of them.

Harry, we're all ready.

There's a lot of wood outside, for cooking.

Kreacher is ready. Ron, Draco and Kreacher said impatiently.

So, Kreacher took a bottle of oil and soaked the pile of clean, colorful rags with it.

Even the bag that had been cast with the traceless extension spell, Harry didn't have a chance to find an excuse to take it to hold the wood.

Draco had it on him, and for the first time, Harry felt that it was not a good thing for Draco's family to be too rich.


Under the familiar squeezing feeling, in a blink of an eye, they had arrived at the place.

This is a smooth rock island, about the same size as Dumbledore's office. There is a large flat black stone slab, which is empty except for the light source that emits the green light.

Harry and the others, who already know the layout of the island, naturally understand that it can only be a stone basin.

But even so, Ron couldn't help but walk towards the green light. The light turned out to be the emerald green liquid in the stone basin.

It flickered with glittering phosphorescence.

There is a base under the stone basin, which seems to firmly set the stone basin on it.

Okay, Ron, let's review what we did first.

From Kreacher's story, we already know that the Inferi will attack people who are close to the lake.

And we only need to find Regulus among the Inferi in the lake. Harry emphasized.

They all understand that the most annoying thing about the Inferi is his contagiousness.

As long as there are more than three Inferi, the living people who have just died near them will become the same existence.

In the era when Voldemort was rampant, in addition to Dementors, Inferi were also a common means used by dark wizards.

And Regulus, without a doubt, has also become an Inferi.

Okay, Harry, I'm just taking a look. Ron said as he took out a bottle filled with pumpkin juice.

Why not?

I remember it was full? Ron said as he looked at the empty bottle.

Ron, I think this should be some magic left by Voldemort. He wanted to make those wizards who were powerful enough to still retain some magic after drinking the basin of liquid, unable to quench their thirst with the liquid they carried with them or the water they summoned.


verto! (Latin: I convert, I exchange.) Draco took out a piece of wood from his pocket and used a Transfiguration spell to turn it into a cup.

He could only do this. He couldn't do a more advanced Transfiguration spell to turn air into a cup.

Clear water like a spring! Draco pointed his wand at the wine glass and shouted, and the glass immediately became full of clear water.

But in the next second, the water in the glass disappeared out of thin air.

Voldemort is so insidious! Ron said indignantly that he had no time to rehydrate because he was in such a hurry.

You know, he had just played with Harry and the others for an afternoon and stayed in the boiler room for nearly an hour!

Okay, I'll assign the tasks first.

Kreacher, you wrap the oily cloth strips around these woods. Harry looked at Kreacher.

Okay, Master Harry! Kreacher said half fearfully and half happily.

The environment here aroused his fear, but the joy of bringing Regulus back made him passionate.

The magic of the elf was magical, Kreacher waved his fingers a few times, and Harry took out the pile of rags from Draco's bag, and the wood was quickly tangled together. Ron, Draco, let's insert these woods into the ground along the lake.

But we have to leave some and make a circle around us. Harry then looked at Ron and the others.

In less than ten minutes, a fence and a simple circle were built, and Harry and the others stood inside the circle.

Finally, I counted one, two, three.

Ron, you use the spell to summon the lake first, and wait until the Inferi are close to me and Draco before lighting these woods.

Kreacher, you are responsible for finding Regulus.

If not, we will burn them directly with the flames.

Ron, you continue.

But if we find it, Kreacher, you will bring Regulus to us immediately! Harry ordered.

Ron and others nodded in agreement.

One, two, three! Harry said.

Anything is fine, right, Wingardium Leviosa! Ron used the levitation spell and pointed his wand at the dark water.

Ron's magic startled the things in the lake, and the lake surface was no longer as smooth as a mirror, but was violently churning.

They looked up and saw white heads and hands emerging from the dark water everywhere, men, women, and children, all with sunken, sightless eyes, floating towards the rocks. A large number of dead bodies emerged from the dark lake.

They climbed up the rocks, their withered hands grasping the slippery rocks, their empty, misty eyes staring in the direction of Harry and the others, their tattered clothes soaked by water dragging behind them, and their sunken faces exuding evil.

Now, the flames are blazing! The flames came out of Harry and Draco's wands, and the surrounding wood was burned all at once.

The Inferi that climbed up the shore began to stagger and sway.

They could not move forward because Harry and the others were in a circle of flames.

They couldn't retreat back to the lake either, because there was a fire behind them.

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Kreacher! Harry said.

But before Harry could say anything, Kreacher rushed into the group of Inferi with a torch in his hand.

Found it! Kreacher found it! Kreacher shouted.

Sure enough, Regulus was dragged down by the Inferi at the lakeside, and he should be at the lakeside.

Harry looked in the direction of Kreacher, who was holding a torch in his left hand and a dead body in his other hand.

The Inferi that should be Regulus wanted to hug Kreacher, but didn't dare to get close.

All petrified!

Zombies floating! Harry used his wand to chant to the Inferi.

Kreacher, let's go! Harry shouted.

With tears of joy, Kreacher pulled the Inferi that couldn't move and was already floating in the air and rushed towards Harry and the others.

Then there was the familiar feeling of squeezing.

The next second, they appeared in the boiler room again.

Master Regulus! You're home! Kreacher takes you home!

Kreacher took out a towel that had been prepared long ago and wiped it carefully.

Harry and the others had a chance to look at Regulus.

Perhaps because he was a wizard, unlike other Inferi, his appearance was still intact, unlike other Inferi with hollow eyes.

Except for the marks of rocks rubbing on his body and pale skin, he was almost the same as a living person.

He had the same black hair as Sirius. Although he was not as handsome as his brother, he was also handsome.

Harry, did we succeed just like that? Draco looked incredulous.

Yes, now we just need to call Sirius. Harry nodded.

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