Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 77 Harry's Curse

The unfamiliar name of Tom Riddle and his book, which many wizards consider to be nonsense, should have caused protests from many young wizards and their parents.

But perhaps even Rita Skeeter did not expect that after her report, coupled with the photo of Riddle that was accidentally revealed.

Everything changed.

The purebloods who were ready to protest and ban "Magic in the Muggle World" also inexplicably shut up.

On the contrary, they did their best to recommend the book.

Dumbledore's fans also supported Riddle because of Dumbledore's support.

Some onlookers supported Riddle because of the handsome photo of Riddle and the scandal between him and Dumbledore.

Now, after Riddle officially appeared in Hogwarts, the young wizards found that he was more charming in person than in the photo.

Therefore, this also made Lisa Dupin's words particularly influential.

Even Harry, who was next to Ron, couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

What surprised Harry was that Ron seemed to be in high spirits under the gaze of so many people.

Instead, he became calmer. Professor Riddle? Well, I'm not talking about him.

Professor Lupin is a friend of Harry's father. We all know he's very powerful!

You know, he was once a prefect of Gryffindor. Ron became calmer and calmer as he spoke, and even drank a sip of pumpkin juice, as if the person he was talking about was really not Riddle.

Ron's place immediately became quiet, and Lisa Dupin also smacked her lips regretfully.

And Ron was actually a little unsatisfied.

However, the news that Lupin was a prefect of Gryffindor also made Dean turn his head. He was from Gryffindor? And a prefect!

Fortunately, there is still a reliable one.

I know why there are two professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts!

Professor Lupin must be a substitute for Professor Riddle!

The content we are studying may be taught by Professor Lupin, and Professor Riddle is just a qualification.

Because, I think Professor Riddle must be Dumbledore's son! . He just bought a wand some time ago. According to me, he probably grew up in the Muggle world. Dean whispered, fearing that the little witches who liked Riddle would hear him.

Seamus also stretched his ears, but because of the small quarrel with Ron before, he didn't say anything.

Well, maybe. Ron suppressed his laughter and nodded to Harry.

Obviously, knowing important news that others didn't know made Ron a little happy.

But Harry felt that if Ron was replaced by Dean, the story he thought of would probably be even more outrageous.

For some reason, Harry still wanted to punch Ron in the eye.

Why am I like this?

It must be Dudley who led me astray. Harry thought.

He looked at the Hufflepuff table, his cousin Dudley whom he hadn't seen for several months.

Merlin's beard! Harry exclaimed.

What's wrong?

Harry, are you okay?

What happened? Ron, Ginny, and Dean couldn't help asking.

Others also looked at Harry curiously.

Look at Dudley! It's my cousin! Harry said.

He pointed tremblingly at a sturdy back not far away.

But that back had nothing to do with obesity.

Did he drink some kind of weight loss potion? Ron was shocked and a little suspicious.

Because as far as he knew, there was no such potion.

Moreover, Dudley had become angular at this moment, looking like a tough guy. If Dudley was like a fat pig before, he was like a lean bull now.

Harry, you didn't curse him during the summer vacation, did you? Dean said suspiciously.

He didn't know that Harry was with Draco and the others during the summer vacation.

He mistakenly thought that Harry had cast a vicious curse on him in order to avenge his cousin.

A double negative equals a double negative, making Dudley handsome.

But the next second, Dean denied his thoughts again. No, if that was the case, Harry, you shouldn't be surprised.

Harry spent the summer vacation with us. Ron said, still thinking, thinking about whether there was such a potion. So, this curse took effect? And it also had an extraordinary effect on Dudley? Dean confirmed his thoughts.

It's not a curse! Harry denied.

He began to doubt whether he was right to think that Dean was more reliable than Ron.

And Harry's performance was obviously guilty in Dean's eyes.

As Harry's friend, he knew what a disgusting family Dudley and Harry's uncle and aunt were.

If it was him, he would also cast a curse for revenge.

As for why it was not discovered by the Ministry of Magic?

Are you kidding?

That's Harry Potter!

The savior who defeated Voldemort!

Harry must have magic beyond everyone's imagination.

Harry! Great, you actually hid it from me.

It seems that your curse should not be used on fat people. Now even Ron thinks so.

Hey! We can let Sirius publish your curse in the Daily Prophet, and the title should be Fatty Gospel, the Wonderful Magic of the Savior Potter!

Combined with Dudley's photos last year and now!

And he is a celebrity. Although not as famous as you and me, he has been on the Daily Prophet before, and his photo is on it!

How many gold Galleons can we make from this! Ron said excitedly.

A business empire has been established in his mind.

Ginny covered her forehead again, feeling sorry for having such a brother.

We? Harry was too surprised to think of anything else.

He never thought that Ron would come up with another money-making idea based on his wild thoughts.


Let me handle your GG language, business planning, and sales! And Fred and George have always wanted to open their own store, they must have good ideas.

This won't delay you, after all, you are the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and we have to re-select players this year!

You know, Captain Johnny, Dennis, Woody, and Arrow have all graduated, and the batsman and goalkeeper are vacant.

Ron frowned worriedly, wait, Harry, let's not talk about the team, you won't leave me alone to do this business, right!

I said, I didn't curse anything! Harry said word by word.

Just when Harry was about to go crazy, the plates on the table became clean and shiny again.

This means that the meal is over, and Dumbledore stood up again, all right! Now that we are all well fed and watered, and I have delivered my speech before the Sorting, well, it is getting late, and it is very important that you go into class tomorrow morning refreshed and clear-headed. Go to bed! Quick!

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