Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 171 The Three Goddesses of Fate

Chapter 395 The Three Goddesses of Fate

As a born god who can distort reality with his mind, why has the wizard now become a poor creature who can only do some magic without a wand?

Forced by the development of Muggles to grow in a circle.

This is actually all because of those old six mentioned by Ryan just now.

Among the first batch of wizards who appeared, those who possessed omnipotent power were also like the current wizards. Because of personality, mind, and even blood factors, they had their best side.

Some of them were good at controlling celestial phenomena, some were good at changing themselves, and some could even control time like drinking water and food.

After an unknown period of time, a group of wizards among these gods began to regard their own strengths as forbidden.

They cursed the wizards born later.

"My kingdom lies in the cracks of time. How dare the later ones overstep their bounds?"

"Flames are my hands and feet. If you want to use the void to call my name!"

"Shadows are my chambers!"

"Resurrecting the dead is a crime of great disrespect!"

Some of these curses failed, but more of them succeeded.

When Ryan was studying magic, he encountered several situations that should have worked, but failed inexplicably.

And this time was no exception.

Ryan's eyes became cold, as if they contained a whole world.

The magic of nothingness turned into a spider web, wrapped around his brain, and then penetrated deep into his mind.

In the vast galaxy, a giant god outlined by dots of stars opened his eyes!

"Destiny is our right. Those who touch destiny will..." When Ryan once again restored his true self, under his "thinking" in this mode, three intermittent, old, beautiful, and milky female voices gushed out from the river of destiny.

"The three goddesses of fate representing the past, present and future?"

"They really bully the weak and fear the strong." Ryan was speechless.

These dead leftovers always like to do some moths.

Ryan has been spying on fate for a long time.

Last time, he found Webber Boot through the Muggle name of William Seward Webber.

At that time, the so-called curse did not react.

It targets ordinary wizards who want to explore higher realms through experiments.

Facing a near-god like Ryan, he turned a blind eye.

The curse is so disgusting that ordinary and even Voldemort's curses will fade away because of their death.

But facing the dead and unclean god wizards, it means that unless they cancel it themselves, it will exist forever.

"I blamed the Department of Mysteries wrongly." Ryan suddenly sighed.

With so many old sixes, it is normal that their research has no results.

Ryan waved his wand, and a magic beam like golden sand flowed out from the tip of the white wand and flew towards the magic circle that was still running.

Hiss, hiss, hiss! The golden liquid in the crucible began to rotate toward the center, rotating endlessly, as if there was a hole at the bottom of the crucible.


"Felixir - Eternal Potion Edition." Ryan waved his wand again, and 5 clean crystal bottles suddenly appeared in the air, and golden liquid gushed out from the bottom of the bottles.

"Jack!" With Ryan's shout, the house elf Jack appeared beside Ryan with a fanatical face, and subconsciously glanced at the Lord God with resentment.

"Master, or as usual?" Jack knew where they should go when he saw the number of crystal bottles.

"Well." Ryan nodded, and Jack disappeared on the spot holding the crystal bottles.

The owners of these 5 bottles of Felixir were Penelope, Kate, Fleur, Hermione and Luna.

As for the side effects caused by their excessive drinking due to curiosity?

They all had Ryan in their hearts, and the relationship between them and Ryan was similar to that between believers and gods. Ryan's power would automatically wipe away the side effects caused by them drinking the potion.

They also couldn't use the sudden increase in luck from drinking the Felicia Potion to create a Shura Field.

With Ryan automatically pointing to the right power and his blessing, fate will develop in the direction he hopes.

However, Ryan didn't bless Harry and the others.

Because if there really was such a blessing, it would mean that the movie "Harry Potter - The Real Savior" would become a bland puppet show.

Then what's the point of him going to school.

Thinking of this, Ryan turned around and plunged into the gray membrane again, appearing in the empty dormitory.

At this time, Harry should be testing his new body with Ginny on the Quidditch field.

Ron, while watching Hephaestus with Draco, combined what he learned in Moon City to prepare a surprise for Fred and George.


The next day, at six o'clock in the morning, when Harry got up to take medicine and exercise.

Ron also got up early.

With Ginny as an insider, Ron already knew how and when they would come back - by train, at 7 o'clock in the morning.

So, in the cold wind and morning mist, Ron wrapped in a fur cloak, holding his wand tightly in his hand, tremblingly walked towards the train station.

Ryan was in the mist, floating high in the air, as if there was an invisible chain between him and Ron, floating with Ron's future.

"It's amazing, only Ron can do it!" Ryan never thought that Ron would do this.

He did not choose to wait at the gate of Hogwarts, or guard the road that Fred and George must pass.

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Instead, he walked stubbornly towards Hogsmeade Station.

Under Ryan's gaze, Ron walked out of the castle, along the path by the lake, and walked towards the path where Hogwarts students need to take a carriage to arrive on time.

He passed through the magnificent cast iron gate, many stone pillars on both sides, and winged wild boars on the stone pillars.

After an unknown amount of time, Ron crouched in the woods beside the small platform.

On the rails and the platform, a crimson steam locomotive stopped next to the empty platform.

One familiar face after another poured out of the locomotive.

Ron widened his eyes and looked at every body that might be Fred and George.

Ron didn't care at all about the mud on his robe and the black mud filling his fingers due to excessive excitement.

He didn't forget the pain of being on a blind date and being abandoned by Fred and George.

These days, he has been using the knowledge he learned from "The Magic of Emotions" to fill the pain and resentment of these days into a seemingly ordinary spell.

He knew he could ambush in front of the Hogwarts gate, but Fred and George must have been prepared.

So now he was lying in ambush in a place that Fred and George could never reach with their feet.

They would never have thought that he would run so far to get revenge for getting up early.

Moreover, in their imagination, the time of their arrival should be a secret known only to the two of them, Percy, and Ginny.

Faced with an ordinary spell, they would not subconsciously dodge.

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