Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 39 Uncontrollable Instinct

The next morning, a soft music sounded, and Ryan woke up from his meditation.

Ryan suddenly found that he had been floating in the air without realizing it. After stretching his body and exhaling a breath of turbid air, a curious look came from Ryan's right side.

"What kind of magic is this, Ryan, why are you sleeping while floating?" Kate blinked her misty eyes.

"This is instinct." Ryan didn't say much.

Indeed, this is instinct. Magical creatures like phoenixes do not rely on wings to fly. They are born to get rid of all constraints, including gravity.

They are born to be the monarchs of the sky and immortal gods.

"Huh? Ryan, you are so clean." Kate exclaimed. No matter how beautiful and perfect a person is, they will have oily and bad breath after waking up, but Ryan is so clean that he seems to be glowing.

The cleanliness at first glance even makes the eyes that look at him become refreshed, like the first sight of natural scenery after living in a big city for a long time, soft, as if merging with everything.

"Kate, this is also instinct." The fiery red magic ignited, and Ryan, who changed into a fiery red new dress, turned his head.

How could an immortal creature be stained by the mortal world? Keeping clean at all times and places is just instinct.

Ryan, who had just woken up, had not yet had time to restrain his own strangeness. The charm of magic filled every inch of Ryan's skin and every hair at this time. As a short-lived species, the involuntary desire for immortal life firmly trapped Kate's eyes.

The closer to magic, the more powerful wizards can see more beauty. Kate, a wizard and a short-lived species, should also be different at this time.

In just a moment, the powerful wizard intuition brought by the investigation and the magic of thinking made Ryan understand everything at this time.

When at home, the eyes of the house elf Jack have always been fanatical and sincere, and Ryan would not notice his own specialness.

The increasingly powerful, extraordinary, and perfect body made Ryan's thinking more adapted to the perspective of the gods, especially after trying to obtain the lv6 death curse.

Which came first, the phoenix or the fire?

The correct answer to this Ravenclaw door knocker question is to repeat it in a cycle, without any order.

After possessing the phoenix ability, Ryan found that this answer was not accurate. The phoenix, like the ghost Peeves, is a gathering of the yearning for eternal life, and a population formed after the polishing of time.

Moreover, Ryan also found that after he did not break free from the wizard group thought by turning 17 normally, but bypassed this invisible curse through the phoenix ability, he became less and less like a mortal. Some of the spell-like abilities in the novels began to solidify in the body. These abilities have nothing to do with the ability of body transformation. Using magic power to replace diet, sleep, and even keep the rhythm of breathing with the world.

Now Ryan has discovered that when meditating, in ancient times, the uncontrollable magic charm of the phoenix when it was first born also began to radiate, which is a feature only possessed by the first generation of phoenixes.

Adjusting his thinking mode, Ryan changed from the mentality of an immortal god to that of a mortal Ryan.

Just like waking up from a dream, Kate shook her head, as if she thought she was just being infatuated, and pretended to be indifferent while suppressing her shame.

"Well, Ryan, it seems that we have arrived at the destination." Kate changed the subject.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside." Ryan also went downhill. After all, Ryan was still not going to tell Kate some secrets. Ryan also understood some characteristics of Ravenclaw. If the relationship is not in place, don't give others the opportunity to betray you.

Ravenclaw always compares their grades. In terms of academic achievements, Ravenclaw also has considerable desire.

Rita Skeeter and Lockhart are also Ravenclaws. They will frame others in despicable ways in order to get higher scores, and the same is true for other students.

In the original book, Hufflepuff's prefect Gabriel Truman once pointed out that Ravenclaws are very proud of the fact that their house has produced celebrities, such as Laverne de Montmorency, and they claim that all outstanding people come from their house, such as Bridget Wenlock.

In fact, Wenlock is from Hufflepuff.

All people with Ravenclaw traits also have bad sides, such as Hermione and Ryan himself.

In the last part, the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw is the least left except Slytherin.

And Hufflepuff, who was secretly looked down upon by the other three houses, Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff and Seamus Finnigan from Gryffindor, who were born in Hufflepuff, rushed directly to the hall under the protection of Harry's Shield Charm after being almost hit by Voldemort, and joined the fierce battle without hesitation.

As a Gryffindor, Seamus Finnigan naturally has no lack of courage.

Although Hannah may be out of hatred, after all, her mother was attacked and killed by the Death Eaters.

But between life and death, they still choose to join the battlefield. Ordinary Hufflepuffs can also show surprising courage.

Too much wisdom often makes people judge the situation and lose the most precious things in human nature. Ryan knows that he is such a person.

He exhaled lightly and walked out of the complicated thoughts. The hook-nosed wizard was already waiting in the entertainment hall.

After a few simple exchanges, the hook-nosed wizard respectfully handed over a brochure, which wrote about the place to eat and rest, and even the trap layout that was not recommended to watch, and the start time of the next journey.

The hook-nosed wizard disappeared in the original place with a quick apparition. In this castle, it was just Kate and I.

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"No, no, no, it's not rigorous enough. The most important vampire actor can also be considered half a person." Ryan thought.

About ten minutes later, Kate, who changed into a hunter's costume, walked out of the bathroom.

"Kate, here, this is the schedule for today." Ryan handed over the manual.

"It's still early. It's 7 o'clock in the morning. There will be breakfast in the castle's auditorium. After 9 o'clock, ring the prepared bronze bell, and the vampires will attack and start attacking us." Ryan saw that Kate was very excited and didn't look like reading the manual at all, so he introduced helplessly.

"What are we waiting for, let's go! Vampire hunter Kate is here." Kate was eager to try.

Pushing open the door of the carriage, the escalator emerged from the ground, and what came into view was an ancient castle with dark clouds and lightning above its head.

Well, it has that flavor, it's really interesting, vampires and castles.

Ryan followed Kate, who was running around like a deer, and commented on the decoration of the castle.

"This is a weather spell, I wonder why vampires come out during the day." Kate guessed.

"Yes, it's a weather spell, but it's not accurate enough." Ryan reminded.

"Why is it not accurate enough?"

"This is an ancient magic, the predecessor of the weather spell. If it is really a weather spell, at least ten advanced wizards must cast a spell on this castle together to ensure that the lightning above is just a decoration, not hitting our heads." The ancient magic master Ryan appeared.

And ten advanced wizards? It's too expensive and difficult to gather them all at once.

"The weather spell is not a very difficult spell. You can learn it in the fifth grade?" Kate was puzzled.

"Only when you have a deep understanding of magic can you change its effect, such as this weather spell that does not thunder. This ancient magic was developed by a wizard with vampire blood."


When they came to the gate, Kate pushed it open like a muggle. There was no magic mechanism that could open the door automatically, but Kate was very excited and said that this was authentic.

I understand. In the magic world, you don't need magic, which is authentic.

After the door was opened, there was a long dim corridor with torches on both sides, and the sound of bat wings flapping could be heard from time to time.

After walking for about a minute, they arrived at the auditorium, which was filled with a rich breakfast full of Romanian style. Kate liked it very much, but Ryan was very distracted and thought he had come to China.

It was a block made of cornmeal that looked like steamed cakes, corn porridge with milk, nuts and fried eggs, and the fried eggs were still runny.

But at least there was a very oriental breakfast. Isn't it time to eat something different when traveling? Made from sheep's milk, telemea is a Romanian cheese that is semi-soft, crumbly and slightly salty. Irregularly shaped donuts flavored with vanilla extract and grated lemon and orange zest finally gave Ryan a different feel.

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