Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 103: Ball Fish and Soft-clawed Land Shrimp

Chapter 54 Land Shrimp


The rushing water beats against the colorful pebbles.

The water splashing on the green moss shines beautifully in the sun.

A small spherical fish with two webbed feet was sneakily biting Ron's pants while he was swimming in the pool.

Neville on the side was holding up an unknown shrimp that was light gray with green spots and looked like a lobster.

His muscular hands grabbed its head and pliers, "Look, what did I grab?"

"Is this a lobster?

Maybe we can have extra food tonight! "Ron swam over suddenly.

The twelve-inch long body of 'Lobster' immediately caught Ron's attention.

Then, a butt with transparent down exposed in the sun appeared in front of everyone - Ron's pants fell off.

"You-" Draco was speechless.

He had just been conducting a serious analysis of Harry's 'lie', and gave advice to the silent Harry - Hagrid was careless, Harry should pay attention to it, and so on.

But from the right angle, he could see something that made him want to blind his own eyes right now.

"Ron Weasley!" Ginny rushed to Harry and covered his eyes.

And Ron, "Neville! Watch out for the shrimp!"

Then, Neville was startled, and his hand subconsciously relaxed.


The shrimp is gone.

It swung its thick swimming feet and the tail fin connected to its plump abdomen, and disappeared from everyone's eyes, swimming down the stream.

"Ron, pants." Neville, who had come to his senses, prompted.

"It's so fat! It's gone just like that!" Ron didn't pay attention to the reactions of the people around him or his exposed lower body.

He squatted down in the pool in despair, leaving only his big, hairy head above the water.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ginny also released her hand from covering Harry's eyes.

Even Harry, who had just been depressed, couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

He looked at Ron and said, "That's not a lobster.

It's called the soft-clawed land shrimp.

It is a type of magical creature.

The tail can be used to make potions.

Being bitten by one has an unusual side effect - it can make everything go wrong for a week. "

"Have you eaten?" Ron came back to his senses as soon as he heard the shrimp.

Although he had just realized that his pants were gone.

But he was more concerned about whether it could be eaten.

He couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Growing up here, he didn't even know that there were 'lobsters' in the stream.

"It cannot be eaten. Although it looks like a lobster, it is not suitable for eating because people who eat it will have a high fever and develop a green rash.

Soft-clawed land shrimp usually lives on the seaside.

It is thought to have come from the coast of Ilfracombe, Devon.

Or maybe it was brought by your relatives when Ginny and I were engaged some time ago.

But Ron, you better watch your pants. Harry said with a smile.

I have to say that Ron's funny behavior just now and his current reaction (when Ron heard that shrimps were inedible, his face drooped and looked more like a golden retriever) made Harry feel happy.

"Repair it as before!" Ginny on the side couldn't bear to look at it and repaired Ron's pants back to their original appearance.

She waved her wand again, and her pants bunched up together, floating on the water and approaching Ron like a speeding boat.

Ron didn't take the pants. He suddenly fluttered and said, "My feet! What are they!"

This time it was Ginny who spoke, "Polyfish?

What else could it be?

They are not dangerous, but they will bite swimmers' feet and clothing. "

"Is it really not dangerous?" Ron waved his hands under the water to prevent the thing that had just nibbled his heel from approaching again.

"Not dangerous.

Its bite is only a little itchy at most.

Luna and I caught a lot of them. Who told you that you didn't like coming here to play in the water before? Ginny rolled her eyes.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief, put on his pants, and climbed up to an exposed rock.

"It's all ready. I still need to analyze it with Harry!" Draco glanced at Ron angrily, then looked at Harry again.

"Where did he come from?

Let me think about it. It seems to be Hagrid's advantage.

He is a hybrid giant who is naturally good at hand-to-hand combat.

I once heard Hagrid say that he went to the Forbidden Forest to fight with trolls and raise wolf cubs under his bed in the first grade.

Although it sounds a bit ugly to say.

Hagrid is actually born as cruel and destructive as a giant.

But Hagrid has become a peaceful and kind gamekeeper after years of training.

From my point of view, Dumbledore probably also saw the change in personality after Harry and the evil you merged.

He wants Hagrid to teach you how to control your inner demon - your desire for destruction.

This way you don't have to mess around with puddings and go to the Mirror World to wreak havoc. "

"What? I mean how do you know-" Harry was speechless in surprise.

"Malfoy, you bald monster!

Didn't you promise not to disclose it? "This is Ron.

"Reveal what?" Harry looked at Draco and Ron.

Immediately, he noticed the looks in Ginny and Neville's eyes.

Do they all know?

Or did Ron discover it?

The pudding thing might have been because he was too serious at the time and didn't pay attention to being seen by Ron.

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But he accepted his evil side and caused destruction in the mirror world. How did Ron know?

"I know." Ginny looked at Harry apologetically.

Then, she talked about how Ron accidentally saw part of Harry's memory when he just left the mirror world and found that Harry and his evil side merged into one.

And she saw Harry hurriedly enter the mirror world and Draco's analysis later.

Harry looked strange about this.

Draco's analysis was almost right.

He did vent the negative impulses from Voldemort by being intimate with Ginny and destroying the mirror world.

Although it was a bit inaccurate, it was completely because the information Ron gave was not comprehensive.

Ron did tell everything he saw.

But due to the perspective, he didn't know that Harry was honing his magic control ability with the pudding.

He didn't know that those negative impulses came from Harry accepting Voldemort's power.

Not because of the evil Harry.

"Wait!" A flash of lightning suddenly flashed through Harry's mind.

Is this a true lie?

All the arguments are true and valid, but because of the information gap, the conclusions drawn are almost the same, but full of flaws!

He thought of it!

How to conceal his strange actions in this semester to revive his mother!

He just needs to connect these actions with the truth - to deal with Voldemort who is about to be resurrected.

This is a true lie!

Dumbledore and others will only draw wrong conclusions.

The mistakes and omissions caused by the mind and experience can be completely compensated by his ability to lie!

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