Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 64: “Miscalculated” exchange rate

Quiet, extremely quiet, but fortunately the breathing sounds that could be heard slowly later proved that the ears were still functioning normally.

It was not yet dinner time, and I sat on the soft coral sofa, looking through the windows on both sides at the changed environment around me.

At this moment, the outside was approaching the deep darkness, and I must have dived very deep, with only a little sunlight reaching it with difficulty. Many strange fish that I couldn't name swam around the Poseidon, as if they didn't notice it.

This was good, so I didn't have to worry about being caught by deep-sea squids and ruining the journey.

"Ryan, do you remember what it looked like when the surroundings were transparent just now?" Kate asked, leaning on Ryan's left arm with her head tilted.

"Nothing." Ryan had guessed what Kate wanted to do.

"Right, then, if I say a spell, will this sofa disappear?" Kate stood up in advance at this time, "Thetis!"

The surroundings suddenly became dark, and nothing could be seen, and then the top began to emit soft lights sporadically, and the sofa was still there unexpectedly.

Looking down at the ground, there were all kinds of strange creatures. Ryan could barely recognize the ugly anglerfish and the viperfish with protrusions like spikes.

At this time, Ryan seemed to have come to a foreign land, while Kate looked around with half excitement and half fear.

The Poseidon swam very fast and ran straight. When it was about to hit some monsters, the monsters would involuntarily dodge, and she didn't notice it at all.

Ryan even saw a huge sperm whale. In Ryan's vision, this behemoth was covered with scars and full of traces of fighting with the giant squid.

The lights on the top of the Poseidon, combined with the darkness around, made everything at this time seem like a dark universe.

Kate couldn't stand anymore and sat on the sofa involuntarily.

"Thetis!" Kate couldn't help shouting the command again. Seeing that the surroundings returned to normal, Kate returned to normal.

"Ryan, what were those magical creatures just now? Why is the seabed so dark?" Kate shrank her neck and leaned over.

"Kate, this is the deep sea, where the sun can't reach."

"And you have to understand, since it's the deep sea, most of these creatures are not usually seen on the sea surface, and I don't know many of them." Ryan replied while playing with Kate's little hand.

After a brief tenderness, the relationship between the two couldn't help but deepen. Is this the suspension bridge effect?

It's time for dinner, and the stone table that was just flat began to be filled with food.

Maybe because it's on the seabed, although the food is still curry, the main ingredients are replaced with arm-thick lobsters and octopus tentacles, and the staple food is rarely replaced with normal rice.

Wow, there are so many things for a 100-gold Galleon trip. You know, the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider is 100 Galleons/pint.

Although all the ingredients are local, and may even be free of cost, all three journeys are grand scenes.

The currency in circulation in the British wizarding world is gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and copper Knuts.

Among them, 1 Galleon = 17 Sickles, 1 Sickle = 29 Knuts, so 1 Galleon = 493 Knuts.

Recently, Ryan learned that 5 pounds can be exchanged for 1 Galleon.

If the exchange rate before Ryan traveled through time is used, the horror journey is 500 pounds, which is 4251.85 yuan.

Of course, the price is not calculated in this way. After all, it is only 1988 now. Ryan uses the exchange rate of 2021. The reason for thinking so is that Ryan is not an economics major and traveled through time before going to college.

If calculated by purchasing power, it will be different.

A lot of snacks Harry bought on the Hogwarts train: 11 Sickles and 7 Knuts, Knight Bus Ticket: 11 Sickles,

Three cups of butter beer: 6 Sickles, Advanced Potion Making Textbook: 9 Galleons (more expensive than the wand).

If calculated by the prices of the above items: 1 Galleon is about 255 yuan, 1 Sickle is about 15 yuan,

1 Knut is about 5 cents.

Then the snacks Harry bought were worth about 168, a glass of butter beer was 30, and the Advanced Potion Making textbook was 2295 (my god, it was really expensive).

And Harry's 7 Galleons wand was even about 1785.

Then the cost of this trip was more than 10,000 per person, which was still too cheap.

But from this point of view, the Weasley family was really poor in the original book.

Arthur Weasley, for his hobby, spent a total of 50 gold Galleons (), bought a scrapped car and modified it.

Percy even gambled with Penelope, and spent 10 Galleons, which was more than 2,000, but in the end he shamelessly didn't pay, worthy of being the most un-Weasley Weasley.

The Weasley twins were different, very Weasley, and took the startup fund to gamble with Ludo Bagman.

However, the Weasley brothers are too good at making money. When Harry was in the third year, which was also their fifth year, they had saved 37 Galleons, 15 Sickles, and 3 Knuts (9661.5). No wonder they were so anxious after being denied by Ludo Bagman.

Overall, the Weasley family tradition should be to spend money as soon as they have it. When they won 700 gold Galleons (in the Daily Prophet), they almost used all of it to travel to Egypt.

Ryan suddenly remembered that Dobby's salary at Hogwarts was 1 Galleon/week, which was a little more than 1,000 yuan a month, but you have to know that Dumbledore was prepared to pay 10 Galleons/week, which means a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan.

Hogwarts is really rich, not to mention the income of those professors.

The prize money for Harry's fourth-year Triwizard Tournament is 1,000 Galleons, which is about 200,000.

Sirius Black's bounty of 10,000 Galleons is 2 million. When Ryan thought of this, he almost forgot that he was rich. He wanted to quickly and unnoticeably let Black escape from prison, and then catch him for the bounty.

"I already have money now." Ryan strongly hinted to himself that Sirius was innocent, and at most he was a little annoying when he was young.

What's going on? The more I look at Black, the more I hate him. It must be that I am too upright and can't hide the stain in my eyes.

However, this is all based on purchasing power. In reality, it shouldn't be the case. If I hadn't traveled through time, my salary in the first year after graduating from college would not be as good as Dobby's without a discount.

It must be a miscalculation! Black, let it go!

"I am such an upright wizard!" Kate looked at Ryan, who suddenly boasted, with a look of a fool.

"Here, this is a coupon for St. Mungo's, 50% off." Kate took out a green coupon with a serious look, and it was real.

"Who wants it? Here, go eat your meal." Ryan threw the coupon back, picked up a lobster claw covered with curry sauce, and stuffed it into Kate's mouth.

Then he mischievously recited the spell again - Thetis, admiring Kate who was eating despite the discomfort.

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