Everyone: Awakening Myself At The Beginning

Chapter 35: Battle Against The Violent Demon Bear

Nowadays, ferocious beasts are rampant all over the world, and the fate of the entire human race is always threatened by ferocious beasts.

If a super strong man can stand up and kill the top ferocious beasts, then the remaining ferocious beasts will not be a big deal.

Therefore, the warrior exam has always been about selecting geniuses among geniuses and monsters among monsters.

Yun Du did not disturb the violent demon bear and turned to walk in other directions.

Throughout the warrior exam, all of Yun Du's actions were arranged, including the final BOSS, the violent demon bear.

It's just that it's not the time to brush the BOSS yet, and the final BOSS must be saved for the last brush.

Now there is more than a day before the end of the warrior exam.

If you fight the violent demon bear now, you won't be able to fight other ferocious beasts later, which is too uneconomical.

After all, Yun Du didn't dream that he could get away with fighting the violent demon bear.

So, what needs to be done now is to find other lord-level ferocious beasts.

On the one hand, you can master your own strength faster.

On the other hand, the dignity that the BOSS deserves should still be given, and Yun Du needs to make some preparations before fighting.

In fact, when Yundu came to the river beach, as the owner of the river beach, the violent bear had already discovered Yundu's existence.

And when Yundu climbed the tree to observe, the violent bear had even locked him.

If Yundu had done anything that displeased the violent bear at that time, he would have been greeted with a violent attack.

Of course, when Yundu saw a bear beast in the middle of the river beach, he knew that the other party had discovered him.

As a loyal viewer of "Animal World", Yundu still has some understanding of the bears on Earth.

The eyesight of bears on Earth is not too strong, but their hearing and sense of smell are ridiculously strong.

Especially the sense of smell, they can use their sense of smell to lock prey within 500 to 1000 meters from themselves.

However, this violent bear, who is unknown how many times stronger than ordinary bears on Earth, can easily find Yundu from a thousand meters away.

Therefore, what Yundu needs to prepare is to get rid of the nose of the violent bear first, so that it loses the ability to lock.

Yundu was like a black ghost, constantly shuttling through the woods, constantly searching and hunting beasts.

In less than a day, Yundu hunted ten mid-level lord-level beasts.

At this time, Yundu's score on the score list reached a terrifying 4290 points.

This score has broken the highest score in the Canglong City test center in all previous major exams.

But Yundu didn't know that he had broken the record, and he didn't care about this issue.

Because, at this time, Yundu was ready to attack the violent demon bear.

Before attacking, Yundu piled up a lot of branches and leaves around the river beach.

It was just that the audience watching the projection didn't understand what Yundu was doing?

"What is he doing? Not killing beasts, but cutting trees here, is he mentally ill?"

"He must think he has won the first place, so he is arrogant!"


The voices of criticism against Yundu came one after another, but it was not their fault, after all, the drone could not see the scene in the middle of the river beach.

All the people watching the live broadcast only thought that this was a wasteland, not knowing that the owner here was actually the biggest boss.

Moreover, it was dark now, and the audience could not see the surrounding environment clearly.

When Yundu piled branches upwind of the river beach.

As the flames ignited, fresh branches instantly emitted billowing smoke.

Yundu did not avoid the smoke, but stood in the smoke, letting the smoke fume.

The smoke gradually drifted to the center of the river beach.


A bear roar resounded through the sky, and Yundu knew that the battle had begun.

Carrying a bow and arrow, picking up a long stick, he slowly walked towards the center of the river beach with the smoke.

Yundu approached the violent demon bear step by step.

The gravel under his feet gradually changed to broken bones, and then to a relatively complete skeleton.


In the dark night, except for the sound of Yundu crushing the bones, there was only the roar of the beast in the distance.

The night in the wilderness was even more terrifying.

Afterwards, Yundu walked to a distance of only 100 meters from the violent demon bear.

At this time, the drone following Yundu looked at the surrounding scene.

Looking at such a terrifying scene on the projection, everyone understood what kind of beast Yundu was facing.

At this time, the chief examiner Cui Jie had already flown deep into the wilderness.

He had recognized from the outline on the projection that Yundu was facing the most powerful beast in the entire examination area.

Cui Jie had naturally seen that Yundu's fighting ability was not bad, but he didn't think he could fight the violent demon bear alone now.

So, when he saw Yundu was about to attack the violent demon bear, he was still very worried about Yundu's safety.

At this time, it was too late to send a legendary warrior to rescue. Now only he, a saint-level warrior, could reach Yundu's location in a short time.

The arrival of Yundu completely angered the violent demon bear.

The violent demon bear slowly stood up, staring fiercely at the tiny human in front of him.

"Do you like the gift I gave you?" Yun Du said easily.


In response to him, there was only a violent bear roar.

At this time, the violent demon bear was very angry. This tiny human in front of him actually used smoke to cause its sense of smell to completely fail, and its nose was so uncomfortable.

The violent demon bear, which stood up completely, was as tall as a three-story building.

If such a scene were seen by people with poor psychological endurance, they would probably piss on the spot.

However, Yun Du applied the three spiritual patterns one by one on himself without hurrying.

Then, he tightly grasped the long stick in his hand and took a fighting posture.

Seeing that the violent demon bear did not attack him, Yun Du was ready to take the lead and took off the bow and arrow on his back.


Three arrows were fired at the same time, accurately hitting the chest of the violent demon bear.

However, the arrow that could kill a mid-level lord beast did not even break the opponent's defense.

But this action completely angered the violent demon bear.


The violent demon bear roared, and its upright body instantly turned into four legs on the ground, running wildly towards Yundu.

In the process of running towards Yundu, a black aura rose from its body, like the devil's flames from hell, extremely terrifying.

The gravel and bones on the way were smashed to pieces by its powerful force.

After approaching Yundu, its hind legs suddenly exerted force and stomped a big hole in the ground.

The huge body miraculously soared into the air and smashed towards Yundu.

Yundu did not have time to think and quickly dodged to the side.

In Yundu's eyes, the violent demon bear just now was like a truck hitting him from the air.


The huge impact force smashed a huge hole where Yundu was just now.

Moreover, with the violent demon bear as the center, the ground was covered with spider-web-like cracks all around.

Yun Du would not wait for it to get up. With a flash of his figure, Yun Du, holding a long stick, disappeared on the spot.

The violent demon bear just wanted to get up and climb out of the pit, and felt a sharp pain in his waist.


Another stick hit the right kidney of the violent demon bear fiercely.


Another sharp pain came, and the violent demon bear turned around and swept towards Yun Du with his arm like a beam.

Due to the huge body of the violent demon bear, Yun Du could not avoid this sweep anyway.

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