
A small white hand hit his lowered head. This big blow made him instantly stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense like that, my junior sister is here."

Xia Qiu, who was wearing a robe, was a little angry and warned.

"Be careful, I will tell the teacher when I go back that you are harassing my junior sister."

Thinking of the teacher's amiable appearance, Wang Lun was excited and returned to normal instantly.

He said with a smile.

"I was just joking to liven up the atmosphere."

"Sister Xia, please don't tell the teacher that we finally came back from the demon hunting camp to rest, and I don't want to go back to be a nanny again."

"Don't worry, I will complete the task assigned to me by the teacher. I will assist you in completing the task of eradicating the insect plague, and help my junior sister to upgrade."

Wang Lun, who was standing next to the giant wild boar, quickly made a promise, fearing that Xia Qiu would tell the teacher and call him back.

"To show my sincerity, I even thought of a name for our group."

"Look, I am the Frost Knight, Sister Xia, you are the Fire Mage, and Junior Sister Qingxue is the Ice Archer, both ice and fire, so our combination is called Ice and Fire Third Layer Heaven."

"What do you think of this name? Is it cool and impressive?"

"Sister Qingxue?"

Just when the three of them fell into silence, Tang Yueyue, who had returned from leveling in the wilderness, saw Su Qingxue who had already taken out her long bow.

She ran over in surprise.

"Sister Qingxue, didn't you go to Kamigawa Academy? Why are you here?"

Seeing Tang Yueyue jumping over, Su Qingxue, who had a cold face, smiled.

"Sister Yueyue, I accepted the mission and came to assist Senior Sister Xia in cleaning up the insect infestation. I also came here to practice leveling."

"Insect plague? Sister Qingxue, are you going to Xize Mountain?"

After hearing Su Qingxue's answer, Tang Yueyue's expression changed and she asked quickly.

After receiving a positive answer from the other party, she nervously held Su Qingxue's hand.

"Sister Qingxue, you better not go there, it's too scary there. Let me tell you, that insect..."

"Hey - little sister, please introduce me. I am Wang Lun, the Frost Knight of Shenhe Academy. I am ranked 21st on the academy's combat power list."

"What's so scary about just some bugs? You have no idea about my terrifying strength."

Hearing Wang Lun's words, Tang Yueyue rolled her eyes.

She took out her phone, opened a video and handed it to Su Qingxue.

"Sister Qingxue, this is more than ten days ago when we went out for leveling and encountered an insect swarm in Nishizawa Mountain. Take a look at the scene I took from a distance."

Su Qingxue took the phone, and Xia Qiu and the other three gathered around curiously, watching the video played on it.

They fell silent when they saw the overwhelming black tide of insects in the video, rolling and impacting like a wave.

Is this just an insect plague that the teacher said?

Is this a natural disaster?

Wang Lun felt that his whole body was not well.

"I knew that Lao Deng couldn't be so kind as to call him back from the demon hunting camp and say he hoped he could have a good rest."

"He also thoughtfully allowed me to take on a small mission to relax and take my junior sister to level up just by the way."

Damn, Wang Lun felt like he was riding a dolphin into an insect swarm of this magnitude.

I'm afraid it will be gone in a matter of minutes.

There is no doubt that it will be eaten clean by the insects without any trace left.

It's really the kind of rest where you can't close your eyes.

The old guy is so bad, I really believed you.

MD, such a small task commission allows yourself to do such earth-shattering things.

Sure enough, he still has to be a teacher, but with such shame, he still has to study hard.

However, now that we are here, if we haven’t arrived at Nishizawa Mountain yet, we will be scared back by this video.

It's really a bit embarrassing, and it's not convenient to brag when I go back.


Wang Lun composed himself and coughed.

"Don't worry, everyone. According to my observation, the insect tide is not advancing very fast. With the speed of the Dolphin, there is no fear of the insects chasing it."

"Even if we encounter an insect swarm in the Xize Mountains, it will definitely be able to take us out safely."

"You think so, Doudou?"

He returned his hand and patted the wild boar mount beside him, intending to comfort the two junior sisters.

As a result, I almost touched shit.

Looking back, the wild boar Dodo had lowered his head and turned around in shame, with his butt facing his head.

"It's okay, let's just hang out outside Xize Mountain. If we don't find the right time, we will never go in."

"Junior sister, don't worry. Trust me, no one will be killed."

Although Xia Qiu felt that what Wang Lun said was a bit strange, it was indeed true.

People who have come all the way here must go to Xize Mountain to see the situation.

Otherwise, if they go back like this, the teacher will definitely not spare them.

Are professionals still afraid of danger? Then what kind of professional is that? It's better to go home as soon as possible and find a place to drive screws.

The three decided to come down and ride the wild boar together.

Wang Lun sat at the front, Xia Qiu was in the middle, and Su Qingxue sat at the back.

A whistle sounded, and the giant black wild boar led the three people towards the outside of Xize Town.

Tang Yueyue waved goodbye to Su Qingxue, and got in the car to return to Yunhai City with Bai Wei and Ren Xiaowen, preparing to take the college assessment.

Their leveling outside the city went smoothly this time. After more than 20 days of hard work, they finally successfully reached Level 13 today.

The expected goal has been achieved.

After Chen Mo came out of Xize Mountain, he did not stop in Xize Town. He instructed the skeleton soldiers to pull the rickshaw and take him directly back to Yunhai City.

After the guard verified his identity, Chen Mo passed through the huge and thick city gate and walked into the western suburbs of Yunhai City.

After wandering in the wilderness for more than twenty days, I finally returned to the main city full of civilization.

Chen Mo looked at the brand-new buildings in the distance and felt a little emotional.

These days, I have seen too many tragic scenes where everyone was burned by the fire of my own skeleton mage, and everything was scorched black.

Now that I suddenly see these perfect and neat pictures, I always feel that there is something missing.

That's right, it's that sense of crisis and excitement that danger may come to you at any time.

Chen Mo thought for a long time and finally confirmed what he had in mind.

Suddenly, a golden light fell from the sky and hit Chen Mo directly on the head, covering him.

Damn it——

Chen Mo was a little panicked and secretly annoyed that he was being mean-mouthed.

Why are you looking for excitement when you have nothing to do?

After entering the city, just take a good rest in the city. Why do you still think about the sense of crisis?

This time the crisis came, but there was no way to resist.

Just when Chen Mo was thinking about what he did wrong.

With flowers in front of his eyes, he came to a quiet and elegant courtyard with lush flowers.

Chen Mo looked around. He was standing in a pavilion, with a formation engraved with complex runes beneath his feet.

Outside the pavilion is a bluestone path that leads directly to a huge ancient tree in the distance.

There is a white jade table under the tree, and sitting in front of the table is a slender and elegant woman with noble temperament.

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