However, their roars awakened more zombies in the distance.

The walking corpses that were piled up on the ground all regained their vitality, stood up and rushed towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo, who had been fighting against the Zerg for more than 20 days on Xize Mountain, naturally felt nothing when faced with this situation.

The skeleton archer's figure flashed, and eight wind element clones appeared in the team.

Nine bows and arrows attacked continuously, and green wind element arrows shot towards the group of corpses in front like a heavy rain, quickly creating a passage among the group of walking corpses.

Chen Mo led the skeleton team quickly through the corpses and headed towards the center of the city.

Soon, his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes, leaving only a dense crowd of angry zombies who had been awakened.

The awakened zombies saw that they could no longer catch up with Chen Mo, who was running away.

He immediately turned around and rushed towards the new professionals who had more flesh and blood.

"Holy crap, that's Chen Mo, right? The combat power of his skeleton summons is too strong. He can kill monsters with one arrow."

"That's right, that skeleton archer actually has the clone skill. He can create so many archer clones at once, and the key damage is still so high. This is too weird. He must be cheating, right?"

"I'll go out and report him later. One person can kill monsters faster than our team. It's a joke. I'll just flip the table over and no one will take the exam."

"Is this Mortal Level Root Bone? Who can believe that I am Dasha X? Look at my wise eyes, do I look like someone who is easy to fool?"

"You don't believe it, but some people do. Dean Xie of Shenhe College and Director Liu of Zhongdu College didn't even notice it."

"I heard that they seemed to have come to Yunhai City again today, but they seemed to have heard some news and went back in despair."

"What other news is there? Didn't you see that the admissions director of Xianhua College has been busy with Chen Mo in the past two days, like a nanny, he must have been specially recruited."

"He's already been specially recruited, and he's still here to take the assessment? Stealing our points. This is too much. You must report him after the exam."

"Stop talking about it now. Let's form a team quickly. All the zombies are coming here. If it's later, it will be too late."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and form a team. I'm not ready yet. This guy Chen Mo has attracted so many zombies. It's so fucking damaging."

While the new professionals outside were being chased away by the zombies, Chen Mo had already rushed into the city.

Here, the situation here can no longer be seen from the outside, and the number of walking dead beasts has increased significantly.

It was already too much to cope with the attacks from the skeleton archers alone.

He no longer held back and ordered the skeleton team to use full firepower.

Head towards the city center.

That's where the points are high, with good drops and lots of points, it's a battleground for the Prodigy.

Chen Mo planned to rush in to grab the points as soon as possible. As for the large number of zombies outside, he would let them kill them first.

Under Chen Mo's order, the skeleton tank standing in front of the team began to charge forward quickly. As it ran, its body was wrapped in thick earth armor.

It knocked away the walking corpses along the road, and forcibly opened a passage in the dense group of monsters, reaching deep into the group of monsters.

The blood-red taunting halo turned on, and instantly a mountain of corpses piled up at the location of the skeleton tank.

Even so, there were still countless zombies climbing up the corpse mountain.

The Skeleton Mage followed closely, and the Epic Level skill Flame Storm was activated.

The fire elements all over the sky gathered and rotated at an extremely fast speed, forming a fire storm in mid-air, sweeping towards the mountain of corpses gathered by skeleton tanks below.

The blazing high-temperature flames of the Epic Level fire spell will directly incinerate the zombies on the mountain of corpses into ashes as soon as they come into contact with them.

They are cremated very quickly, and they are much easier to burn than those bugs with hard shells.

The huge wind and flame storm soon reflected half of the sky red, and was extremely conspicuous above the abandoned city filled with yellow sand.

The huge movement here was naturally seen by the new professionals who were still fighting with the low-level zombies on the periphery.

But the distance is too far to see the real and specific situation.

You can only see the forbidden spell-like flame spell from a distance, spinning violently in mid-air, bringing up thick black ash, like a red tornado, raging and circling in the ruins of the city.

"Don't tell me, that terrifying fire spell was also created by Chen Mo?"

"Who else could be there besides him? Now these professionals, disturbed by him, are blocked by these zombies who wake up early and cannot get in at all."

"This is too exaggerated. Is he really at the same level as us? If you say he is a high-level professional, some people may believe it, right?"

"Well, let me make it clear first. I was not involved in what you were about to report just now. It has nothing to do with me."

"What do you mean? Who said you want to report it? If you keep talking nonsense, I will sue you for defamation!?"

"That's it, you dare to spread rumors? No one said anything about the report. Who heard it? If you keep talking nonsense, I will beat you to death, believe it or not?"

Chen Mo didn't know about the new professionals outside, because he was already making a lot of noise.

And even if he knew, he didn't have time to care, he was busy grabbing points.

Anyway, now I can no longer hide the information about these skeleton soldiers, and it is no longer possible to keep a low profile.

I just came with the big one, just to test the energy of my teacher Jiang to see if he could save himself.

The skeleton team with full firepower has extremely fierce fighting power and clears monsters very quickly.

With Skeleton Tank as the pioneer, he has now rushed into the inner city.

Encountered the first BO SS Level monster, which was a hairless hunting dog with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

[Virus Predator (BOSS)]


[Root Bone Qualification: White Silver Level]

[Talent characteristic: rapid healing]



[Skills: long tongue hunting, latent attack]

[Introduction: It was originally a cute and obedient puppy, until it used its tongue to hunt the virus stock solution that its owner accidentally spilled on the ground in the laboratory]

This guy was lying on the side of the abandoned building, trying to sneak attack Chen Mo, but was discovered by the skeleton soldiers in advance.

The skeleton archer stood in the distance and raised his bow to shoot. It moved very quickly, and it escaped several attacks.

However, under the pressure of several penetrating arrows from the skeleton archer, the virus hunting dog could only escape down the high-rise building with a small hiding space and choose to attack head-on.

The giant tongue in the predator's mouth, like a tough long whip, quickly extended and whipped towards the skeleton mage in the middle of the skeleton team.

It has discovered that the main force in killing the virus zombies is the guy who sets fire everywhere, and must be killed as soon as possible.

It was extremely fast, and its long, tough tongue made a violent sound in the air, heading straight for the Skeleton Mage.

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