Everyone: Awakening To Divine Level After Job Change

Chapter 134 Exploring The Ice Demon Valley

And if the monsters here really gather on a large scale somewhere, there will often be a huge wave of monsters.

These huge numbers of monsters with no visible edges hit the border defense line like a tide.

The scene was extremely dangerous, literally a matter of life and death.

So this place is really not a good place for professionals.

Not only is the weather bad and leveling up slow, but most importantly it is very dangerous.

If you encounter a wave of monsters or an army of White Walkers on the wilderness ice field, you will really die.

As a disciple of Dean Jiang, how could he be sent to this place to die?

Even if he makes a mistake and gets banned, wouldn't it be enough to just find a copy of the Secret Realm space and let him grind monsters and level up there without coming out?

But now that they saw the equipment on Chen Mo's skeleton summons, they would no longer doubt Chen Mo's identity.

Apart from the Transcendent family, only big guys like Dean Jiang can do this by equipping Yellow Gold Level equipment to skeleton summons.

Otherwise, how can ordinary professionals have such wealth and resources?

Li Dahe stared and looked at the White Silver Level shield and one-handed hammer in his hand, which he spent all his money to exchange for.

Looking at Chen Mo's skeleton soldiers again, they were obviously equipped with much better equipment than his own.

He didn't say anything and followed the battalion commander silently.

The three of them finished their preparations and began to move carefully into the valley.

The deepest part of this Ice Demon Valley is the lair of the Ice Demon Race.

These ice demons are best at resurrecting the dead and summoning undead white ghosts to attack the human border. They are also cunning and cautious, hiding behind the white ghosts and rarely showing up. They are the biggest enemies in the north.

A large part of the reason why there are so few monsters in the North is that these Ice Demon Race people are also hunting monsters and turning them into white ghosts.

The purpose of their entry into the valley was to explore the movements of these ice demons, as long as there were no traces of ice demons and ghosts within a few kilometers of the entrance to the valley.

This shows that these ice demons are quite honest, and if they want to go out, they must go out in large numbers.

The valley is narrow, and if it has to accommodate so many White Walkers, it will definitely leave traces.

As long as they find traces of ice demons and ghosts here, it means that these ice demons have become restless again and want to come out of the valley to attack the empire's borders.

At this time, they, the professionals in the frontline demon hunting camp, were about to prepare to retreat.

No professional can survive in the dense army of White Walkers. They must rely on the defense of the solid city wall behind to fight these ice demons.

Battalion Commander Wei and Li Dahe moved forward cautiously in front, while Chen Mo followed closely behind with three skeleton soldiers.

The sides of this ice valley are extremely steep, and the mountain walls are extremely high, reaching straight into the sky, like a line of sky.

This was the first time for Chen Mo to see this spectacular sight. He walked behind and looked around, looking at everything around him curiously.

The three of them walked about three kilometers into the valley. There was no trace of any monsters inside. Only the shrill cold wind blew from the depths of the valley, making Chen Mo shiver with cold.

"Okay, let's stop here and return."

The guard commander stopped, breathed a sigh of relief, and said.

After hearing his words, Li Dahe's tense body relaxed.

In this somewhat dark valley, the psychological pressure is really high as we head inside.

In particular, they also knew that deep in the valley was the home of the White Walkers. If the three of them were discovered by those White Walkers, there would be no return.

In fact, the three of them went a bit far into the valley this time to explore.

Normally when people like them do inspections, they just take a look at the entrance of the valley. As long as there is nothing abnormal.

This time, Battalion Commander Wei took Li Dahe and Chen Mo into the valley to exercise the courage of these two newcomers.

This is also his responsibility as a teacher at Xianhua Academy.

Li Dahe was indeed trained. His body was tense and his movements were stiff throughout the process. He was also careful when moving forward, for fear of making too much noise and attracting some strange ghosts.

As for that Chen Mo, in the opinion of Battalion Commander Wei, he didn't know whether he was conceited or powerful and confident.

In this dark and depressing valley, he was still in the mood to enjoy the scenery, and his walking felt like a walk.

Not affected at all.

Battalion Commander Wei saw that Li Dahe was reaching his mental limit, so he simply stopped the training session.

Going further, he was really afraid that the tall and tall Li Dahe would wet his pants in fear.

"Captain Guard, wait a moment."

The three of them turned around and were about to walk back when Chen Mo stopped them.

He opened the summoning space and summoned the skeleton assassin, letting him stay here to monitor the situation here.

With this skeleton assassin, they don't have to take risks to patrol the Ice Demon Valley.

Just let it stay here.

As long as there is any movement here, Chen Mo will know it immediately.

Battalion Commander Wei and Li Dahe saw Chen Mo making a move. He was holding a huge black scythe in one hand. He was wearing a black hooded robe and had purple flames in his eyes. He looked like a death-like skeleton assassin.

Walk out of the black space vortex.

Then it felt dazed for a while, then hid in the shadows and disappeared from the eyes of the two of them.

Looking at the skeleton assassin, a chill ran down their necks.

This Chen Mo actually has an invisible skeleton soldier?

This is too versatile.

Looking at the weapons held by the three skeleton soldiers beside him, the two of them could probably guess the fighting style of these skeleton soldiers.

A warrior with a shield in one hand, and a Martial Artist with a spear in one hand, these two skeleton soldiers should fight in a similar way to the two of them.

In addition, Chen Mo also has a skeleton soldier with a long bow in his hand who can attack from a distance.

Now, he actually summoned an invisible skeleton assassin?

How many skeleton soldiers does this guy have?

The battalion commander was sure that Chen Mo must have other skeleton soldiers, and the combat effectiveness of these skeleton soldiers was not weak.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the new professionals to take part in the college assessment, and they could only stand on the sidelines and watch him fight monsters without being able to intervene.

Li Dahe didn't know as much as Battalion Commander Wei, and he hadn't been in the Demon Hunting Camp for a long time.

Originally, I was just envious of the equipment on Chen Mo's skeleton soldiers, and planned to challenge this junior brother when he returned.

Now that he saw the invisible skeleton assassin, his thoughts were immediately extinguished.

What professionals like them are most afraid of are the elusive assassin professionals.

It's okay if you have high HP and high defense. You can hit it twice and have a chance to counterattack.

And those with low blood volume and no means of saving their lives may die without knowing who did it.

Compared to being cautious when entering the valley, they exited the valley much faster.

Not long after, they were back in the car.

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