Everyone: Awakening To Divine Level After Job Change

Chapter 156 The Leaky Little Cotton-Padded Jacket

Soon, these monsters that lost their lives and fell to the ground under the scythe of the skeleton assassin stood up again at the call of the skeleton summoner.

Their eyes were all burning with ice-blue fire of happiness, and they fanatically surrounded the skeleton summoner who was covered in three layers of protection.

Seeing that the skeleton summoner covered in ice armor was moving so slowly and difficultly, the sensible humanoid snow monster stepped forward, lifted the skeleton summoner, and placed it on his broad shoulders.

The Skeleton Summoner, who is larger than an ordinary person, sits on the shoulders of the huge ice snow monster, and it is surprisingly suitable and stable.

The Skeleton Summoner controls these White Walker minions to surround the giant snow monster to protect their own safety.

It opened its hands, and a line of ice and snow began to spin and dance on the ground. Finally, the ice and snow condensed on the White Walker standing next to the Skeleton Summoner.

A set of ice armor was condensed on their bodies, and even the hands of those humanoid aliens had various weapons condensed by ice.

There are long swords, giant axes, javelins, shields, a giant snow monster under the skeleton summoner, and a thick ice stick in his hand.

This ability is exactly the skill of the Skeleton Summoner [Ice Arms].

Including the set of frost armor on its body, it is also the result of this skill.

The Ice White Walkers team was assembled, and under the command of the Skeleton Summoner, they rushed towards the next space rift in a mighty manner.

With the giant snow monster as a mount, the speed of the skeleton summoner has been greatly improved.

The speed will no longer be affected because the condensed ice armor is too thick.

Because the Skeleton Assassin lurks in the shadows, it doesn't need ice armor. It escapes into the darkness and guards around the Skeleton Summoner.

Follow the White Walker team to the next destination.

These two skeleton soldiers formed a team and have truly taken over the work of the old ice Demon Race and began to accumulate an army of white ghosts in the north.

After the skeleton assassin kills the monsters, the skeleton summoner can use the resurrection skill to transform them into white ghosts and adopt them as their little brothers.

With the Skeleton Summoner, Chen Mo can also start to explode troops and accumulate death legions.

And you don’t have to go to the wilderness to summon it yourself. You only need to lie in bed and wait for the skeleton summoner to work hard ahead.

Chen Mo had eaten dinner. He had experienced several tide surges today, and his energy was a little overdrawn.

And lying on the bed after eating, he already began to miss the feeling of rippling water.

But I'm really tired.

Besides, the Demon Hunting Castle is gone, and he doesn’t know where he will go tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo felt a little sorry for the earth-fire magic circle in the Demon Hunter Castle. It was such a good production place, but it was a pity that it was destroyed by those damn White Walkers.

We can only wait and see tomorrow, when the battalion commander's arrangements will be announced.

I wonder if I will be free now that the demon hunting castle is gone.

If he didn't have to be on duty here, he could choose a wilderness and continue to level up and fight monsters to make money.

Restocking goods in the wilderness can make money much faster than refining artifacts in the city.

Fortunately, now there are Skeleton Assassin and Skeleton Summoner. The two of them have conquered all the monsters in the North. Now these two guys are wandering back and forth between various space rifts.

Chen Mo's experience value has never stagnated and has been rising.

It's just not as fast as participating in the defense of Snow Dragon City and going to Xize Mountain to burn mountains, but it's better than nothing.

This is all we can do for now, it depends on the arrangement of the college tomorrow.

Chen Mo thought expectantly as he lay down early and prepared to rest.

After Li Zhenwu arranged his work, he hurried back home. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Li Man and his wife sitting at the table eating.

The two people were sitting at the dining table, muttering in low voices, not knowing what they were talking about.

And it was mainly his wife who was talking, and Li Man just sat there and listened with a blushing face.

When the two saw Li Zhenwu coming in, their conversation was interrupted. Mother Li rolled her eyes impatiently.

"Why are you back so early today? Is there nothing to do outside?"

"Well, Xiaoman went out to see the city today. The White Walkers have all retreated. There should be nothing to do tonight."

After hearing Li Zhenwu's answer, Li's mother could only let Li Man go for the time being and got up to get him food.

Li Zhenwu took off his coat and sat at the dining table. He looked at Li Man and wanted to say something.

But because Li's mother was present, he had to suppress his thoughts and could only eat in silence.

"Dad, do we have a spacious and quiet house with a separate ground fire array for heating?"

When Li Zhenwu heard his daughter's question, he was stunned and thought for a moment.

"Yes, there is. It's the villa halfway up the mountain, but it's for your eldest brother to marry..."

"I want it."

Before Li Zhenwu finished speaking, Li Man interrupted him and said directly.

After hearing Li Man's words, Li Zhenwu also reacted.

"Since my dear daughter wants it, I'll give it to you. It's just a house. It's not worth much here."

"Anyway, your brother doesn't have a partner. If you like the house, you can use it first. As for his house, we'll talk about it later when he gets married."

"But you have to tell dad the truth. How are you and Chen Mo developing now?"

"And isn't your home good? Why do you still want to go out to live?"

Li Zhenwu had been holding it in for a long time. When he heard Li Man take the initiative to speak, he immediately asked a barrage of questions.

He was a little surprised by Li Man's behavior at first, and found out why she followed Chen Mo out of the city, and she has been acting strange since she came back.

Not only did they confiscate the armored vehicle in which they were patrolling, they also refused to say hello to her Uncle Wei.

Why do we keep coming back after not seeing each other for several years?

A girl who was originally quite cheerful and lively, fearless, came back yesterday and was as shy as a big girl.

There is another point that Li Zhenwu discovered today.

After Li Man drove back to the city, why was he still walking awkwardly? In the past, she was walking as fast as flying, with great speed.

Just the power of falling in love, is it so powerful?

I remember that it wasn't like this when I went on a blind date with Li Man's mother.

Li Zhenwu felt like he almost didn't recognize the daughter he had grown up with.

Li Man's face turned red when she heard Li Zhenwu's question, but she quickly answered.

"I don't live in this house, let Chen Mo live in it."

Although Li Zhenwu has recognized Chen Mo and encouraged his daughter to pursue her, even the news about Chen Mo in Snow Dragon City was a letter he reported to his daughter.

But the two young men had only been out together for half a day, and when they came back, their daughter started asking for this and that.

Is this little elbow turning too fast?

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