"That idiot doesn't even know how much he weighs, and he dares to take advantage of our girl Xiaoman."

"And don't I already know the strength of brother Chen Mo? His skeleton soldiers are so powerful."

"If you want to teach Xu Xiankun a lesson about that thing with incomplete balls, isn't it just like playing?"

"So I told that guy the news that my little sister found her boyfriend, just in time for Brother Chen Mo to beat him for his arrogance."

"So that he can know who he really is."

"That Xu Xiankun is full of evil and arrogant. A fool like him still wants to marry a girl from our Li family?"

"I bother--"

Li Zhenwu stood in the yard and laughed angrily when he heard Li Er's words. He laughed and cursed:

"Young man, in terms of the bad water in your stomach, how much better is Xu Xiankun than you?"

"Okay, get out of here, don't delay our family's affairs."

"Besides, be careful about Xu Xiankun. Don't let him stumble you behind your back."

When Li Er heard Li Zhenwu's words, he knew that he had passed the test this time. He breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly:

"Uncle Li, don't worry, can I still be afraid of that brainless guy?"

"It's not that I look down on him, he's like that, and ten more heads won't be enough."

"Uncle Li and Aunt Li, you are busy, I will leave first."

As Li Er left, the courtyard door was closed, and the courtyard became quiet again.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Mother Li glared at Li Zhenwu standing next to her with dissatisfaction.

Gave him a warning look.

If this old guy hadn't been drinking and causing trouble this time, how could there have been so many bad things happening today?

Moreover, they were embarrassed in front of their future son-in-law. What did Chen Mo think of their family?

When the Li family saw someone with better potential, they got rid of the poor one before. Are they being snobbish towards everyone?

For those who don’t know, they might think that the Li family is in favor of being popular, and dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

When he comes home in the evening, I must teach him a lesson.

Let this bitch always drink too much. If he doesn't admit his mistake tonight sincerely, he won't even be able to climb into my bed.

After giving Li Zhenwu another complaining look, Mother Li turned around and put on a smile.

With a face full of curiosity and gentleness, he walked towards Chen Mo.

The speed at which his face changes is so fast that it is a unique skill that is simply hard to master.

Chen Mo also felt chills running down his back when he saw it.

He glanced at Li Man.

Fortunately, this girl is too shallow and not very talented. She has never learned her mother's unique skill.

The main reason is that Li Man's character is straightforward and carefree, and he can't play with these things.

Chen Mo could only express sympathy for Li Zhenwu in his heart.

Mother Li moved lightly with a smile on her face and came to Chen Mo.

She looked at the tall and handsome Chen Mo in front of her, and her heart was full of joy.

This little girl Li Man is really good at finding boyfriends, much better than she was back then.

This Chen Mo is not only clean and handsome, but also makes people like him at first sight.

His professional talent is also top-notch, and he is already so strong at such a young age.

The main thing is that Chen Mo's talent is not just potential, his talent has begun to be realized.

His performance in the Snow Dragon City defense battle in the past two days has proven his true combat effectiveness.

Chen Mo became famous in one battle at such a young age, and he is now a man of the hour in Snow Dragon City.

There are few people in the entire Snow Dragon City who don't know Chen Mo.

His powerful skeleton soldiers with different fighting styles left a deep impression on the entire Snow Dragon City residents.

Everyone is praising it.

At first, Li's mother heard from her sisters how awesome this Chen Mo was.

Because she was responsible for logistics and treatment during the guard battle, she did not see the situation on the front line.

It was just that it was clearly felt that the number of casualties in Snow Dragon City during this White Walker attack was obviously abnormal.

In the past, she had to be very busy in the treatment department.

But this time, only a few slightly injured soldiers came to the entire treatment department.

Originally, she thought that there were few casualties at the beginning because the White Walkers had not yet attacked the city wall.

Because the biggest casualties every time were when the White Walkers rushed up the city wall and came into close combat with the city guards.

But after waiting at the rear for a long time, they received a notice that the battle ahead was over.

The White Walkers who were attacking the city had retreated.

What's this?

Before Mother Li could inquire, she heard from everyone's discussion that Chen Mo's outstanding performance in the battle to defend the city.

It was precisely because of his skeleton soldiers that the White Walkers who attacked the city did not climb the city wall.

Even this time the White Walker Army, even the flying White Walkers they had never seen before, were dispatched.

The result was also in vain.

It can be said that Chen Mo stopped the White Walkers army outside Snow Dragon City entirely by himself.

Mother Li was originally curious about what Chen Mo looked like, but she heard Li Man who came home yesterday saying that Chen Mo was her boyfriend.

Hearing the news, Mother Li was extremely happy.

She knew that Li Man wanted a house for Chen Mo to live in yesterday, so she hurriedly dragged Li Zhenwu to Banshan today to see what Chen Mo looked like.

But she didn't expect that because of Xu Xiankun's provocation, she would see Chen Mo's skeleton soldiers at the scene.

I saw with my own eyes the fighting ability of these skeleton soldiers.

These skeleton soldiers are indeed powerful. In her opinion, Chen Mo's skeleton soldiers are absolutely invincible in the same class.

Although Xu Xiankun sometimes has trouble with his brain, he is a true Taoist-level professional after all, and his talent and strength are both Apex Level.

Moreover, with the support of his family, the skills and fighting methods Xu Xiankun learned were all suggested and guided by high-level professionals.

Therefore, Xu Xiankun's true combat effectiveness is already considered to be in the first echelon among his peers.

As a result, this Prodigy seemed unable to defeat even one of Chen Mo's skeleton soldiers.

Not only are the attribute values ​​​​not comparable, it seems that even the skill level is quite different.

Xu Xiankun's Black Ice Blade Saw spell skill should be a blue Yellow Gold Level skill.

Skills of this level are already relatively rare and precious.

Even the larger Transcendent families may not have even higher purple dark gold level skills.

As a result, such a high-level skill could not even break through the earth element armor of Chen Mo's skeleton soldier.

Instead, he was caught in someone's hand and crushed.

In this comparison, how high is the earth element armor skill of Chen Mo's skeleton soldier?

Purple dark gold level? Red Heroic Level?

Or the orange Epic Level?

Just thinking about it made Mother Li feel a little numb.

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