Li Man seemed to have suffered a lot of mental trauma in that copy.

When she recalled the scene in that copy, her face still turned pale.

This was the first time that Chen Mo saw such an expression on the face of this fearless senior.

Even when she was in Xize Mountain, she faced the tidal wave of Zerg.

Li Man also dared to raise his sword and face the challenge head-on.

The result is a brave, qualified Transcendent professional.

He was so frightened by that evil copy of Anomaly that he became like this.

"The terrifying thing about that copy is that it's unknown."

"If you encounter those monsters and strange tribes in the dungeon, no matter how strong or numerous the opponent is, you can still fight."

"At least you know who you are fighting and how you are fighting for your own life."

"But inside that copy, there are unknown traps and Anomaly's magical curse everywhere."

"And those favored by the evil god who hide in the dark, are good at sneak attacks, and have the ability to cause mental pollution."

“It’s impossible to guard against it.”

"It always feels like danger is coming every moment, which makes people extremely nervous."

"And those curse magics have very high skill levels."

"The priest in our team tried it. His skill level is Yellow Gold Level, but he couldn't do anything about those curses."

"And that priest also died of despair under the curse."

"As for how I came out, I have no memory at all."

"I only remember that I stepped on a very secretive magic circle with blood-red runes on it."

"I feel like the blood in my whole body is as hot as if it's about to boil."

"Then I passed out."

"When I woke up, I was discovered by my tribe at the entrance of the dungeon and rescued from Snow Dragon City."

"While I was recuperating, I discovered that I was cursed by an evil god that would halve my health."

"As for what happened next, you know everything."

After telling this incident, Li Man seemed to feel much better.

She had a strong desire to talk and talked a lot.

But Chen Mo already roughly understood the structure and world rules of that copy from her description.

Yes, each copy is equivalent to an independent small world space.

They all have their own world laws and creatures.

Most of these copies of Secret Realm are the remains of broken and dead worlds.

These world ruins, carrying some of the origins and laws of this world, are independent of the void.

Or be squeezed by the cracks in the void space, and be thrown and scattered in other worlds.

Like in the main world of the human race, most of the copies of the Secret Realm are fragments of the world thrown out by the void.

There is an independent space inside, and there are also many indigenous people from those worlds.

Copies like this are basically one-time use.

As long as it is brushed once and the monsters and monsters in it are cleared, this copy of the Secret Realm cannot be regenerated.

will completely disappear and cease to exist.

As for some regenerable copies, they are basically space fragments that have been completely eroded by the gray fog void energy.

The monsters and monsters living there are all unconscious gray worm creatures that were eroded by the gray fog void.

These gray worms can be passed through indefinitely until the gray fog energy in this space copy is exhausted.

Like what Li Man said.

It has its own independent will, and the controller there may also know Li Man's copy of the abandoned temple.

This is definitely a one-off copy.

It can be said that the creatures living in this copy are all creatures controlled by the evil god.

They were not eroded by the gray mist energy and were protected by the evil god in this copy of Secret Realm.

Now I just don’t know what the purpose of this unknown god is.

But these are no longer important.

After Li Man's introduction, Chen Mo is now very interested in this copy.

He felt it was necessary before that stupid dragon squeezed through the rift in space and descended into this world.

Go around the Secret Realm, a copy of this abandoned temple, and fight with the evil god from outside the realm.

What gave Chen Mo the courage was the Skeleton Priest's golden Legendary Level Soul Formation technique.

After Chen Mo enhanced this skill to golden Legendary quality, he used it again on Li Man.

It was this time that the Skeleton Priest's Soul Formation technique completely eliminated the hidden dangers left behind by the evil god's curse in Li Man's body.

This shows that the spell skill level of this evil god has not reached the golden Legendary Level.

In Chen Mo's opinion.

The other party is just a false god who hides his head and shows his tail.

Because in Chen Mo's knowledge, a god with divine status is an existence of extremely high status.

How could they hide a temple of their own in this inhospitable place?

And it's still abandoned.

This shows that it is very possible that the evil god cannot cross the boundaries of space to control the temple in this human world.

He can only affect the scene in the dungeon through one of his Spirit Partitioning powers.

Not only that, he was so identityless that he personally cursed Li Man.

So Chen Mo guessed.

The final BOSS in that temple, Dingtian, was just a clone of him.

But that's outrageous enough.

There is no god whose spell skill level is higher than that of an ordinary professional.

Then this god is too cowardly.

Others don't know, but Chen Mo thinks this guy is really a bit rubbish.

In addition, I heard from Li Man that the upper limit of this dungeon is Level 20, and the difficulty of the dungeon is dark gold level.

Professionals above this level cannot enter at all.

As for those below Level 20, there are some Prodigys that can clear the dark gold level dungeon, but not many.

Moreover, it is an Anomaly magic curse type copy that is relatively difficult to deal with.

This kind of dungeon is much more difficult than the dungeons that are purely composed of monsters, such as Zombie Mine and Wild Wolf Wasteland.

Therefore, special coping methods are necessary.

As for my Skeleton Priest, its golden Legendary Level Soul Formation technique is the most powerful weapon against this mysterious cursed copy.

Therefore, Chen Mo felt that he should be able to cope with the difficulty of this copy.

Chen Mo told Li Man his thoughts.

She hesitated for a long time and finally chose to believe in Chen Mo's strength.

Decided to go in with him and give it a try.

Moreover, this copy of the abandoned temple has almost become her inner demon.

If she can't muster up the courage to face it this time, she will develop an escape mentality.

From then on, Li Man’s future path will be very difficult.

Courage is a sharp sword that must be sharpened regularly and cannot tolerate any flaws.

Chen Mo also saw this problem of Li Man, so he decided to help her.

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