He opened the panel and looked at the attributes of the skeleton soldiers.

[Mortal Bone War King·Ling]

[Root Bone Qualification: Azure Bronze Level]

[Talent characteristic: Energetic]

[Level: Level 10]

[HP: 880]

[Attack: 163]

[Skill: None]

[Energy: Mental recovery speed increased by 15%]

[Introduction: This is an Azure Bronze Level skeleton soldier. He is already a king-like existence at the mortal bone level. Of course, he is still cannon fodder on the battlefield]

Chen Mo saw that this skeleton soldier had indeed unlocked a skill slot, which verified some of his guesses.

He opened the Myriad Worlds mall again.

This time I am going to choose a life-related skill for this skeleton soldier and let it learn it to try out the effect.

Chen Mo opened the basic life skills category, and a series of skill book product lists appeared on the panel.

[Beginner Cooking Skills: Master basic cooking methods, you can learn Black Iron Level’s Transcendent recipe]

[Elementary blacksmithing: Master the basic methods of blacksmithing and be able to create Black Iron Level equipment]

[Elementary herb collection: Master the knowledge and skills of herb collection, and can collect Black Iron Level medicinal materials]

There are still a lot of basic skills in life categories, filling several pages.

After rummaging for a long time, Chen Mo decided to buy a cooking skill for the skeleton soldiers to try.

Mainly other life skills, there is no way to test them at the moment.

There is no problem with cooking skills. After the skeleton soldiers learn the skills, they can demonstrate them immediately.

There are ready-made ingredients in the basin on the ground. After the strengthening process, there are still a lot of big bones left, and there is still a lot of meat on them.

Chen Mo directly selected the basic cooking skills in the Myriad Worlds mall and confirmed the purchase.

The transaction was completed, and there was already a junior cooking skill book in his backpack space.

Chen Mo took out the skill book and chose to use it on the Azure Bronze Level skeleton soldier in front of him.

The primary cooking skill book lit up and turned into a barbecue-shaped skill rune, blending into the yellow soul flame of the skeleton soldier.

Did the Skeleton Soldier really learn the cooking skills?

Chen Mo was very excited.

After learning skills, life-type professionals can directly make ordinary items.

But if you want to make Transcendent items, you need to learn the relevant production drawings before you can make them.

Chen Mo quickly bought a blueprint for roasting long-tusked pork in the Myriad Worlds mall.

The Transcendent effect this recipe can provide is to increase the vitality attribute of the eater.

This state of improving the vitality attribute has a Transcendent effect that can increase the recovery speed of the professional's health and mental power.

Confirm the purchase of this drawing and the transaction is completed.

Chen Mo took out the drawings for roasting long-tusked pork from the backpack space.

He chose to use it on the skeleton chef in front of him, and the drawing in his hand lit up, turning into a point of light and blending into the soul flame of the skeleton chef.

After all enhancements were completed, Chen Mo opened the panel and checked the attribute information of the skeleton chef.

[Mortal Bone War King·Ling]

[Root Bone Qualification: Azure Bronze Level]

[Talent characteristic: Energetic]

[Level: Level 10]

[HP: 880]

[Attack: 163]

[Skill: Elementary Cooking]

[Energy: Mental recovery speed increased by 15%]

[Beginner Cooking Skills: Master basic cooking methods, you can learn Black Iron Level’s Transcendent recipe]

[Transcendent Recipe: Grilled Tusker Pork]

[Introduction: This is an Azure Bronze Level skeleton soldier. It has changed its fate of becoming cannon fodder on the battlefield because it has changed its profession to be a chef and no longer has to go to the battlefield]

After reading the properties panel,

Chen Mo couldn't wait to see the skill of this skeleton chef.

He took out the barbecue tools, seasonings and other supplies from the backpack space and put them into the kitchen first.

Then he instructed the skeleton chef to take the big tusked pig bones on the ground and go to the kitchen to start making barbecue.

The skeleton chef, who had already learned basic cooking skills, received Chen Mo's order and bent down to pick up the large basin with bones from the ground.

He walked directly into the kitchen.

Chen Mo was a little curious about what it would do, so he stood outside and watched carefully.

He was mainly afraid that the skeleton soldier would burn down the kitchen. Since he only lived in this place, he had better keep an eye on it.

Then Chen Mo was surprised to find that the skeleton chef took out the bones from the basin and cleaned them very skillfully.

Pick up a kitchen knife and chop the meat into pieces, put it in a basin and marinate with seasonings.

He also lit a charcoal fire skillfully.

When the charcoal fire is burning, it takes the skewered meat skewers and grills them on the fire while sprinkling seasonings on them.

During the process of making meat skewers, the skeleton chef's hands would occasionally light up with skill, blending into the barbecue on the charcoal fire.

It seems to be using its skills to inspire the Transcendent power contained in the barbecue.

Chen Mo opened the properties panel to check and found that the skeleton chef's mental power had indeed been declining.

It's really using the life skills, and it seems like this skeleton soldier can really make Transcendent food.

Chen Mo's experiment was successful.

That is to say, if Chen Mo summons a few more skeleton soldiers, let them learn various life skills.

Chen Mo will have a strong and complete logistics team, and he will not have to go out to buy anything he needs.

Just let the skeleton soldiers make it.

Chen Mo was a little excited when he thought of this possibility.

Soon, when the skeleton chef's mental power dropped by 15 points, a skewer of barbecue was ready.

Chen Mo took the barbecue and tasted it.

This barbecue tastes really good.

Skeleton soldiers have no sense of taste, so they naturally cannot have the ability to innovate and develop new dishes.

But they will strictly follow the production methods on the drawings and complete the production process meticulously.

This is equivalent to an assembly line machine.

But this was enough for Chen Mo.

At least with the control capabilities of skeleton soldiers, their failure rate in making items will be very low.

Chen Mo didn't need them to innovate, as long as they could be mass produced quickly.

Chen Mo took a look at his panel status, and sure enough, he already had a Transcendent effect of grilled long-tusked pork.

[Roasted long-tusked pork: Vitality increased, health and mental strength restored by 10 points per minute for five minutes]

The suspicion in my mind was finally confirmed.

Chen Mo asked the skeleton chef to bake some ordinary food for lunch.

After dinner, Chen Mo didn't go out again.

Just meditate at home to restore your mental strength and prepare to continue summoning skeleton soldiers to replenish the summoning space.

In the evening, after meditating all afternoon, Chen Mo felt a little hungry.

He took out some ingredients and seasonings from the backpack space and gave them to the skeleton chef to let him cook.

After the last inspection, Chen Mo now has some trust in the skeleton chef.

After making sure it wouldn't set the kitchen on fire, let it take the ingredients and do whatever it wanted.

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