Everyone: Awakening To Divine Level After Job Change

Chapter 65 Skeleton Soldiers Who Can Collect?

Another skeleton engineer took out the glass bottle Chen Mo prepared for them.

Use the collection skill to extract the acid blood from the zerg's body and install it.

The last skeleton engineer walked up to the shelled insect monster, used a collecting knife to cut off the insect flesh, cut it into pieces, and kept it.

The three skeleton engineers divided their labors and cooperated, and soon, the materials of an aberrant corpse were collected.

Then they moved on to another one.

[Harvest two abyss insect shells, two copies of acid blood, and 20 kilograms of insect meat]

The three skeleton engineers quickly completed the collection work.

They put the materials into Chen Mo's backpack and returned to Chen Mo.

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to use the corpse of the insect monster to test his skeleton summoning technique.

Let's see if using skills after sacrifice can really reduce the mental energy consumption by two-thirds.

He has always remembered the skill introduction of Skeleton Summoning, and has long wanted to try it.

It's just that the ones played in the city are all evolution copies, and the monsters inside are all evolved from spiritual energy.

It wasn't a real monster, so naturally there was no corpse material for him to experiment with.

He looked at the two curious babies beside him, thought about it, and resisted the urge.

There's no rush to test the skills, it's more important to keep it secret.

Tang Xueying and Li Man looked at the three skeleton engineers with some curiosity, working together to carry out collection work.

They also didn't expect that this skeleton soldier had such abilities.

This is so convenient.

Especially Li Man.

Because she often fights in the wilderness, she has to give up many monster corpses in order to save space in her backpack.

You can only choose some with higher value and put them into the backpack space, take them back to the city to sell, or give them to life professionals for segmentation and collection.

And Chen Mo, his skeleton soldiers can actually collect?

It is really convenient to be able to collect materials by yourself.

Li Man was indeed a little envious.

As for the insect that the skeleton engineer killed her, Li Man didn't care much.

Even if Chen Mo didn't collect the insect, she didn't intend to take it.

The Black Iron Level monster is too low-level for her to look down on.

Seeing that the skeleton engineers had been collected, they withdrew their gaze.

The three of them continued on their way.

Tang Xueying checked the map while walking.

"Two kilometers further in this direction is a campsite where I used to collect medicinal herbs. I don't know if it can still be used now. Let's go and have a look."

Among the three of them, she was the only one who had been to Xize Mountain before, so Chen Mo and Li Man naturally had no objection.

They moved in the direction pointed by Tang Xueying, and there were more and more traces of Zerg activities in the jungle.

There was slime and insect webs everywhere, and signs of acid attack on the trees.

"It seems that this place has indeed been occupied by the Abyss Zerg. The other monsters have either been hunted by the Zerg or have escaped from the Xize Jungle."

Li Man looked at the surrounding environment and had a bad feeling in his heart.

The environment has been destroyed by the Zerg like this, and the further you go inside, the more severely it is destroyed.

Can Moon Spirit Grass still grow in this environment?

It's not like they've all disappeared.

But since you are already here, you must go in and take a look.

Otherwise, I would definitely not be willing to go back like this.

The three of them continued on their way.

There are more and more abyss bugs, in small groups, wandering around in the forest.

Because these bugs contained acid blood, Chen Mo was afraid that they would corrode the armor of the skeleton soldiers, so he ordered the skeleton archers to use full firepower.

It opened its bow and fired continuously, with arrows like rain. When it saw the Abyss Zerg, it shot them directly in the distance.

This time Li Man did not rush to grab monsters and be humiliated, but stayed by Tang Xueying's side.

Her eyes became brighter and brighter as she looked at the skeleton archer's abnormal combat prowess. He could kill an insect monster with one arrow.

Li Man turned back from time to time and looked at Chen Mo with searching eyes.

She became more and more curious about this boy.

The three of them did not form a team. Li Man and the others were too high-level, which would reduce their experience gain.

Therefore, Chen Mo's monster-killing experience and materials were only obtained by him.

Finally, after killing more than a dozen insect monsters.

There is one more thing in Chen Mo's backpack.

[Kill the Level 12 Azure Bronze Level abyssal worm, gain 48 experience points and a spiritual crystal]

Something exploded. This was Chen Mo's first time in the wilderness to spawn monsters and explode something.

Chen Mo took out the spiritual crystal that the Zerg had just dropped from the backpack space and held it in his hand to examine it.

This is a diamond-shaped white energy crystal, only the size of a thumb.

Chen Mo checked the spiritual crystal information.

[Spiritual crystal: a crystal containing energy, basic energy, widely used in the field of Transcendent]

Seeing Chen Mo taking out the spiritual crystal and looking at it, Li Man said casually:

"Did you drop something while defeating monsters? This is the spiritual crystal, which is the basic currency unit of the Transcendent world."

"Generally, monsters that can use Transcendent energy have a higher chance of falling."

"The currency of the Transcendent world?"

This was the first time Chen Mo heard about this matter. He had never been exposed to it when he was in school.

Before graduating from high school, the school will only teach some basic knowledge.

Only after you change jobs and become a professional can you apply for the Professional Academy to study Transcendent-related subjects.

If you haven't successfully transferred to another profession, you naturally don't need to understand the world of Transcendent. You can just enroll in an ordinary school.

"You will know when you go to college. After Level 20, worldly money will have very little appeal to professionals."

"In order to conduct transactions, professionals will use spiritual crystals to become a new currency."

"Because spiritual crystals are a necessity for professionals. They are widely used in item production, activating magic circles, activating Transcendent items, etc. They are the main energy source in the Transcendent world."

"For example, my armored vehicle has a defensive array module that can resist Azure Bronze Level monster attacks. This array uses spiritual crystals as energy supply."

Seeing that Chen Mo was a little confused, Li Man explained patiently.

She is still very friendly to people she recognizes.

Chen Mo has used his strength to completely gain her recognition.

Li Man took a look at the skeleton archer with blue fire in his eyes, a bow and arrow in his hand, and his movements were as agile as if the wind was blowing around him.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree with him. Who else is facing a strong man who can kill him with one arrow.

No matter how violent your temper is, you will become calm.

Chen Mo listened to Li Man's explanation and nodded understandingly.

He put away the spiritual crystal and the three of them continued on their way.

With the quick clearing of monsters by the Skeleton Archer, the Abyssal Zerg will be killed with one arrow as soon as it is discovered.

While Chen Mo was resting halfway, he put the skeleton engineers into the summoning space.

Spend 150 points of mental power to enhance their collection skills to Azure Bronze Level.

Azure Bronze Level insect monsters have begun to appear on the road, and the skill level of the skeleton engineer must be upgraded.

[Middle Level Collection: Master the knowledge and skills related to collection, and can collect materials up to Azure Bronze Level]

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