Chapter 417 Battle

The Demon King waved the Dragon God's Feast in his hand and released a powerful energy attack.

This attack accurately hit Lu Fan's body, causing him to feel a sharp pain.

But Lu Fan did not give up, he gritted his teeth and continued to fight.

During the battle, Lu Fan discovered the mysterious connection between the Dragon God's Feast and the Endless Glaive in the hands of the Demon God King.

He speculated that the Demon King might have absorbed the power of the Endless Blade into the Dragon Goddess' Banquet, which explained why he was able to control such a powerful force.

So, Lu Fan began to ask about the whereabouts of the Demon King's Endless Blade. He wanted to know where this mysterious weapon was and if there was still a chance to get it.

After hearing this question, the Demon King stopped his attack. He looked at Lu Fan, took a deep breath, and then replied 807: "The Endless War Blade has been absorbed by the Dragon God's Feast in my hand."

This answer shocked Lu Fan.

He couldn't believe his ears, because he had always regarded the Infinity Blade as his most important weapon.

The Demon King looked at Lu Fan's reaction and continued: "I know the Infinity Blade is very important to you, but it has become the power of my weapon.

Now, you have no advantage at all. "

After hearing this answer, Lu Fan felt very frustrated. He knew that the Demon King was telling the truth, and he had no chance of getting the Endless Blade.

But he was unwilling to give up. He decided to use his strength and wisdom to find a way to defeat the Demon King.

In the depths of the boundless universe, the Demon God King is using his ancient and powerful power to show the magnificent scene of the Dragon God's feast.

His whole body exuded bright light, as if it was about to swallow up the entire universe.

Lu Fan, this seemingly ordinary young man, was standing in front of the Demon King at this moment, waving the sword in his hand with all his strength, trying to resist the unrivaled power.

However, his attack seemed so insignificant in front of the Demon King.

There was a playful light in the Demon King's eyes, and he seemed to be admiring Lu Fan's feeble struggle.

Then, he raised his hand slightly, and Lu Fan's attack was swallowed up by an invisible force.

However, this is not the end. (caah) The corners of the Demon King's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile. His body began to glow more intensely, as if celebrating his victory.

Then, he opened his mouth, and a powerful energy spurted out from his mouth, shooting straight into the sky.

This energy formed a huge halo in the air, enveloping the entire world.

Lu Fan was shocked by this power. He felt that his body was being pulled by a powerful force, as if it was going to swallow him completely.

Then, he saw the Demon King's body begin to change. His muscles became fuller and his eyes became deeper.

He felt as if he was becoming a different person.

"Now, you are part of my Power Emperor."

The Demon King's voice echoed in the air, like an echo from ancient times, "Your attacks have been absorbed by me, and now they will become part of my power."

Lu Fan felt weak and scared.

He knew that he had lost the initiative in this battle. The power of the Demon King was too great and he could not compete with it.

"Next, I will show you the true power of Dragon Goddess Po Banquet."

The Demon King's voice echoed in the air, as if foreshadowing an unforeseen disaster. .

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