Everyone: Build A God-Level Guild, And The Country Is Confused!

Chapter 99: The Ancestral Dragon Appears! I Move, I Move, Please Stop Fighting!

At the end of the game, all the professionals were ready to leave, but were shocked by Lu Fan's words, and they all looked at Du Yuesheng in disbelief.

"What?" Du Yuesheng was shocked. He didn't expect Lu Fan to point at him.

And how did the other party know his identity.

Suddenly, he looked at Medusa.


It must be Medusa.

He has seen himself.

However, no one else has seen Medusa.

So the other party has no evidence. Thinking of this, there is no change in his face, which makes it difficult to see the problem.

"President Lu Fan, please don't slander me. Although we targeted you just now, you can't slander me like this."

"Everyone knows that I, Du Yuesheng, have been living in Jiangnan City for so many years. How could I be a spy of the Chaos God Cult?"

"Besides, if I have such strength, where can I go but to fool around?"

"If President Lu still feels that what just happened is wrong, then I can apologize to you."

Du Yuesheng's words made others breathe a sigh of relief.

Although there was still a hint of vigilance in his eyes, he was affected by his words.

All eyes looked at Lu Fan.

I don’t know who is telling the truth. Could it be that, as Du Yuesheng said, Lu Fan was still angry about what happened just now.

At this moment, even Shen Fei looked at Lu Fan.

Although he has his heart to protect the Shinhwa Guild, this is not the reason for Lu Fan to rant.

"Haha, I didn't pay attention to you at all just now."

Lu Fan sneered, facing Du Yuesheng's sophistry, he didn't want to argue with him.

Point directly to Medusa aside.

"Presumably President Du knows her, right?"

"That's a member of your Mythical Guild. How do I know him?"

"His name is Medusa. He comes from the snake world and was kidnapped by the Chaos Cult. The person in charge of the transaction was you. Just a few days ago, he was on the west coast on Waiheke Island."

"President Lu, don't be slanderous."

"What proof do you have?"


Lu Fan looked at Du Yuesheng coldly.

He has no evidence.

But as long as Du Yuesheng is captured, won't the evidence be "570"?

Moreover, there is also the captain of the Night Watch next to him, and the evidence they have obtained over the years is enough to prove it.

"If we catch you, the Night Watch will investigate the evidence.

"It's a joke, can you catch me just by yourself? I didn't know you raised the level so high."

"But if you really fight, you will definitely die miserably."

"Oh, really? Then I'll give you a chance."

"As long as you can defeat me, I can let you go, otherwise you will stay here forever.

"Do you mean what you say?"

Ding Hao took a step forward and said, "Whatever the president says is whatever it is."

All the presidents present were surprised.

I didn’t expect the captain of the Night Watch to be so protective of Lu Fan.

He can actually decide a person's life or death with just one word.

Shen Fei was also very curious.

If Ding Hao was trying to protect the princess, that would make sense, but what makes the model so willing to be loyal to Lu Fan?

Cai Mingde on the side was also curious.

But he won't interfere.

Because that's the night watchman's job.


"I will duel with you.

Du Yuesheng, who was still hesitant at first, immediately agreed.

After all, this matter has been pulled apart. Even if Lu Fan does not target him, the investigation by the night watchman and the city lord is inevitable.

As long as he defeats Lu Fan, he can leave Jiangnan City and take the opportunity to leave China forever.

He took off into the air towards Lu Fan.

Before he got close to Lu Fan, he raised his staff and released his skills.

When everyone present saw Du Yuesheng trying to sneak attack, they all yelled at him for being shameless.

Wherever there was a fight, it started suddenly.

As he got closer and saw that Lu Fan had no reaction, he sneered in his heart.

"Young people are still young people after all. In terms of fighting consciousness, I have been fighting for decades and I am no better than you, a novice who has just started practicing?"

"It doesn't matter if the level is high, it's just a false high,"

Suddenly he felt a sense of coldness.

I saw Lu Fan, with his hands behind his back. There was no trace of fear or panic in his eyes, but more of calmness and disdain.


Du Yuesheng was not frightened at all by the opponent's back. When the magic power of the staff was condensed, he wanted to release it and kill Lu Fan, including Ding Hao and others.

Suddenly, he saw a giant dragon appearing behind Du Fan.

"hold head high!!"


[Ding! You were attacked by Longwei, and your attack power and defense power were reduced by 70%? 】

Before many students could be surprised, the whole person fell directly from the air and fell to his knees on the ground, making a big hole.

The newly activated skills will also collapse.

Not only him, but everyone present felt Long Wei's attack.

Who could have imagined that one's attack and defense power suddenly dropped by 70%?

Everyone was surprised when they saw a giant dragon over a thousand meters long appearing in the sky above where Lu Fan was.

"A dragon is actually a dragon?"

"Is this true or false?"

"Isn't Lu Fan's profession the president? How did he know Medusa's skills?"

"Nah, I know, the dragon roar that appeared in Jiangnan City not long ago was the skill of this dragon.

"Yes, I remembered it. At first I thought it was a monster coming, but I didn't expect it to be Lu Fan's pet?"

"So, it's not Lu Fan who's really strong, but the Dragon Clan that's parasitic on him?"

"It's outrageous, it's outrageous. It's been just over a month since he changed jobs, and Lu Fan has already become a rank-7 boss. And once this skill comes out, who can beat him?

"You see, Du Yuesheng was so frightened that he knelt on the ground."

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

It's really because the power of this dragon's power is too terrifying.

Whether it is Lu Fan's strength or dragon, it can shock the audience.

in front of him.

Du Yuesheng knelt on his knees with shock on his face.

Especially looking at the ancestral dragon behind Lu Fan, how can he fight this?

Just one dragon power weakened it to 70% of its power.

When he was stunned, Ding Hao came directly to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Under the suppression of Norway, he was no match for Ding Hao.

The opponent himself has also reached the level five disaster level.

"Du Yuesheng can be captured without any hesitation."

"Come back to the Night Watch base with me now."

At this moment, Du Yuesheng had no choice but to do anything even if he didn't want to. He was being suppressed tightly.

And to prevent him from taking action.

Ding Hao's arm on his shoulder released force and injured him.

This is the most effective way to deal with criminals. Only the weakest criminals cannot easily escape.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I, Du Yuesheng, who has been in Jiangnan City all my life, would end up falling for a young boy."

Du Yuesheng smiled bitterly, but he felt it was not a loss.

It was his honor to be able to dispatch a rank-seven powerhouse to deal with him.

He finally felt the fear of facing a strong person.

I have no power to resist.

"Du Yuesheng is not the only one." Ding Hao looked at Du Yuesheng who was laughing. He could hear that you were not the only one who had trouble with the Unparalleled Guild. They would all arrest them for investigation.

"Everyone on the night watch will obey orders and arrest those on the list immediately."

Some professionals in the audience immediately rushed toward the people from the Unparalleled Guild.

On the surface, they are professionals from major guilds, but their true identities are night watchmen.

Among them are the night watchmen with absolute strength.

In an instant, the entire auditorium was in chaos.

Especially those in the Unparalleled Guild who have done evil and committed crimes want to escape.

A battle breaks out with the Night's Watch.

Others evaded one after another, not wanting to get involved in this battle.

No one thought that a guild competition would develop like this.


Just then a cry of surprise came.

Du Hongyun looked at his captured father. The father he had always regarded as a role model turned out to be a spy of the Chaos God Cult.

But no matter what, the other party is his old area.

No one is allowed to be captured

"Lu Fan, I will fight with you."

Du Hongyun held the artifact and rushed towards Lu Fan with the knife. As long as he hit the opponent, he would be killed.

"Yun'er, don't do stupid things, you are no match for him."

Du Yuesheng exclaimed and wanted to stop him, but his body was held tightly by Ding Hao and he could not move.

Moreover, he was seriously injured and very weak at this time.

"hold head high!!"

The Zulong in the sky immediately slapped Du Hongyun into the ground with a palm.

Killed on the spot.

Everyone was shocked for a moment!

Immediately stunned.

Lu Fan killed the man on the spot.

You must know that in Jiangnan City and all cities in the Dragon Kingdom, killing people is not allowed in the city. This is a very serious matter.

"Lu Fan killed the Chaos Cult spies, meritorious service!"

Ding Hao's voice came from the playing field,


All the professions were speechless for a while, it was clear that they had to protect Lu Fan.

Not long after, with the cooperation of all the night watchmen, the main suspect of the Unparalleled Union was captured.

A large number of members of the Unparalleled Guild were escorted to Jiangnan City cells.

"President, I will escort Du Yuesheng back to the cell first."


With Lu Fan's unanimous approval, he pressed Du Yuesheng to the cell in Jiangnan City.

The professionals on the field are sitting upright.

Watching all this silently.

The guild presidents who originally followed Du Yuesheng and Wang Yang and opposed it all stayed away from them.

I'm afraid of having anything to do with them.

Because Lu Fan is really murderous.

Therefore, strength is the basis for establishing status.

The opponent is a rank-7 powerhouse, and there is also an ancestral dragon with the same rank-7 strength.

Even in a big city, it is a foundation-level existence.

Not to mention killing, even if you kill 10 people, 100 people will not be punished.

Of course, the premise is not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Everyone can disperse."

In order not to make the incident too big, Shen Fei ordered everyone to disperse.

After receiving the city lord's approval, all the professionals on the field flew directly to the outside of the field, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

After a while, after watching the professionals leave, Shen Fei saw Lu Fan.

"President Du, thank you for your contribution to the safety of Jiangnan City and for uncovering this big fish hidden in Jiangnan City's Unparalleled Guild."

"I didn't expect that the Chaos Cult has penetrated so deeply."

"Wait for my reward?"

Du Fan doesn't care about this, he only cares about getting the first place reward.

The first place will have generous copy rewards.

"President Lu, don't worry, the prizes for deepening the trade union will naturally be small, and someone will grab them."

"Even if I rob him, I can't rob you." But he didn't say the second sentence, after all, Lu Fan's strength was there.

And beside him there is a general from Kyoto.

Of course it is impossible to fake...

"However, the guild's large rewards are not in Jiangnan City. You need to apply for them from above. It will arrive in Jiangnan City in about three days."

"President Lu still needs to wait for a few days."

"When the reward arrives, I will notify the Shinhwa Union to come and collect it."

Okay, thank you for your hard work, City Lord. "

"If I don't have anything else to do, I'll go back to the Mythical Guild first."

"President Lu, please excuse me."

Lu Fan turned around and left the arena with his guild members.

Walking towards the direction of the Mythical Guild.

When they returned, the night watchman who had been standing nearby also withdrew.

Otherwise, Lu Fan thought there was another person in the Shinhwa Guild.

"Cai Shengkun, come with me and let the others move around freely."

Then he took Cai Shengkun towards the place where he was detained.

Empty room.

Lu Wen looked at the room in a daze.

He is the top killer of Tianlong Guild in the Demon City. He has gone on countless missions and has never encountered such a weird thing.

A place that can turn natural disaster level experts into ordinary people.

to him.

The terror here is no less terrifying than that of a world-destroying powerhouse.

"Fuck, ordinary people can't pry open this iron door at all, and they can't even break the glass."

With the development of the world, the quality of building materials used now far exceeds the ordinary materials of the past.

Even a novice professional might not be able to break this house open.

He used to be able to destroy countless buildings of this kind, but now he can't even break a single one.

A day has passed since he was imprisoned here in the morning, and no one has come to see him.

Not even a meal to eat.

Since I became an ordinary person, I cannot skip three meals a day, otherwise my body will enter a state of hunger and become exhausted.

Moreover, ordinary people cannot use space rings and equipment, and even if they bring them, they cannot open them.

"Young Master didn't say you can't enter this place."

"If I had known the information here earlier, I wouldn't have had to risk coming in."

Lu Wen was a little dissatisfied.

In his opinion, there was a problem with the intelligence, which led to such consequences.

After all, when I first received this mission, the intelligence showed that the Myth Guild was a newly created union with only 8 people.

The number of people is indeed 8, and the guild has indeed just been created.

What he didn't expect was.

There is a problem within the Mythical Guild.

The most outrageous thing is that the other party didn't come to torture him when he caught him, and just kept it here!


Just then, the door opened.

Lu Fan walked in.

"What's your name? What's the purpose of this place?"

When he saw the other party, Jiaofan asked directly without beating around the bush.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the assassin himself, there was something funny in his heart.

At the same time, it also verified the horror of the entry.

Completely shielding the level and strength of a professional who has been practicing for many years.

However, when faced with Lu Fan's inquiry.

Lu Wen was silent.

As an assassin, you have professional qualities.

Failure in the mission means death.

Never betray your employer.

He knew that the Shinhwa Guild would come to interrogate him.

"Prefer not to say?"

He frowned and looked at the assassin sitting on the ground: "Or am I too gentle and you are not afraid of me?"

"Cai Shengkun closes the door and lets the dogs out."

Lu Fan didn't talk nonsense to him, and took a step back to call Cai Shengkun.

There was a bang as the door closed.

After closing the door, 1.4 Cai Shengkun realized that there were only two people in the room, namely him, Lu Fan, and the assassin.

"President, there are no dogs here?"

Lu Wen, who was sitting on the ground, was also curious and was prepared to kill the vicious dog with his bare hands.

There were only three of them in the room.

Lu Fan looked at Cai Shengkun calmly and did not speak.

Anyone who doesn’t understand after seeing this scene will look too stupid

After reacting, Cai Shengkun's face was ferocious, and he looked fiercely at Lu Wen, who was sitting on the ground and looking at him.

"How dare you call me a dog?"

"You are dead today." I want you to use your Grandpa Qi's Kun Kun Fist.

He raised his hand and punched him.

But he didn't use strength, because the person in front of him was an ordinary person. If he really had to use all his strength, he could kill him with one punch.


Then he received a heavy punch in the face.


Lu Wen, who was sitting on the ground, hugged his head.

I feel extremely wronged in my heart.

Haven't you said anything yet?

But Cai Shengkun didn't care, the two sandbag-sized fists directly hit the wolf on Coco Li.

This suddenly made Yu Wen angry. He stood up and fought with Cai Shengkun.

But hitting Cai Shengkun with a punch was like punching a steel plate, and he grimaced in pain.

"I let you scold me, I let you scold me, I let you scold me.

Cai Xukun was beating and scolding at the same time,

After being beaten, Lu Wen could only hug his body and hide on the ground.

This made him feel aggrieved and depressed.

An ordinary person's body could not withstand such a long beating. His eyes were dizzy and he felt like he was about to die.

Finally, with a little strength, he shouted quickly:

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

"I've called you, I've called you, please stop fighting."

"It would have been better if it had been like this."

Cai Shengkun came to Lu Fan and performed a standard military salute.

"Reporting to the president, Cai Shengkun has completed the task."

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