
[You can choose the following otherworlds to explore].

[(1): Windswept Grassland (Lv1~5)].

[(2): Licoon hills (Lv1~8)].

[(3): Deep rock cave (Lv5~9)].


Explore the Browniron Hills.

Chu Li's level soared to Lv6

When approaching the entrance to the otherworld.

This time there is an extra option to explore.

Deep rock caverns.

This otherworldly Chu Li had just heard it from Li Chuang.

Look at it in conjunction with the name.

It should be an otherworldly that can produce ore material in large quantities.

"There must be all kinds of dog-headed people inside..."

Chu Li weighed his current combat strength.

Otherworldly space of level 9 should not be a problem either.

After deciding on the choice, a white light fell from the sky.

Shrouded Chu Li and disappeared into the square.

Just shortly after he entered the otherworld.

A professional was teleported out.

It just fell on Chu Li's original position.

This person is the same professional who previously challenged the secret realm of the "Dog-headed King's Treasure Trove".

Although he has obtained the silver-level secret reward.

But he didn't have much joy on his face at this time.

Because of this secret realm, each professional can only challenge it once.

In other words, his results stop there.

"It's a pity, it's almost ..."

"If you can reach Grade B, you will receive a gold reward. "

"There is a chance to open the special props that the Gu family wants..."

"No, it's her birthday in two weeks, so you can't miss this opportunity!"

After thinking for a moment, the professional turned on the communication function of the terminal.

"Hey, Liu Xu, I heard that you will awaken tomorrow?"

"I can take you to upgrade... But you have to do me a favor. "

"Okay, that's it. "


[You have entered the "Deep Rock Cave" otherworldly space].

[Disengagement Conditions: Kill 20 dog-headed people of any kind (0/20)].

[After reaching the conditions for separation, you can evacuate the other world in advance].

In a dim, narrow, dreary mine.

Chu Li narrowed his eyes slightly, frowning and looking around.

"The topography of this otherworldly space... It's a bit unfriendly. "

After entering the "Deep Rock Cave".

He immediately identified two problems.

The first question is.

The light inside the mine is too dim.

Although the rock walls are at intervals of distance

There will be burning torches to provide lighting.

But most of the space is covered with shadows.

If there are enemies sneaking up from the shadows, it can be very tricky.

Another problem is that the space inside the mine is very narrow.

The location where Chu Li was located was a square stone chamber.

It is not difficult to see from the excavation marks on the walls.

This is an area that has been deliberately carved out.

The two sides of the stone chamber extend a mine path for only two people.

In this way, even if you summon more monsters.

Only the first two can deal with the enemy.

In other words, the complex terrain hinders the development of "human sea tactics".

"But I'm also very strong now. "

"You can explore on your own without the help of summons. "

The narrow mine channels also limited the enemy.

Even if it is one against two, Chu Li has the confidence to win!

Just to be on the safe side, though.

He still summoned two dog-headed warriors to explore the way ahead.

Behind him, a dog-headed man archer was placed as a backup.

In the dark and deep mines.

There was a faint clanging knock.

This is the mine pickaxe of the dog-headed miner.

The sound of smashing on the ore.

At the corner of the mine channel.

The torches on the rock wall reflected several constantly shaking shadows.

"There are enemies!"

Chu was stunned.

The dog-headed warrior who commanded the pathfinder stepped forward first.

But as soon as he appeared, he ate a flaming missile -

There are dog-headed mages!

A dog-headed warrior was violently killed on the spot.

Take advantage of another dog-headed warrior to attract attention.

Chu Li rushed directly up.

A dog-headed mage who hurriedly retreated appeared in view.

Monsters release skills, which also have a cooldown.

For at least 30 seconds, the dog-headed mage could not release the second flame missile.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!


Chu Li let out a low roar and swung his machete hard at the enemy.

Critical hit!

This damage bursts with an all-out blow.

Directly cut the dog-headed mage's body in half!

The bright white light escaped and condensed into a card.

[You killed the "Doghead Mage (Lv8, Bronze)"


[You got the "Monster Card: Doghead Mage"


Leapfrog the level to kill the bronze-level elite monster!

Chu Li's explosive damage can be seen!

"Great, it's a monster card for the dog-headed mage!"

See the type of card in your hand.

Chu Li was suddenly overjoyed.

The deck of the "Doghead Tribe" has also been put together.

Just unlock the card slots to 5.

to light up another deck reward!

And the "dog-headed mage" itself also has an equipment effect!


[Monster Card: "Dog-headed Mage"


[Level: 8 (Bronze)].

[Genealogy: Magician].

[Effect (1): Random + 2 attributes...].

[Effect (2): Equip to the card book...].

[Effect (3): Summon 1 "Dog-headed Mage"...].

[Equipment: When a melee attack hits, it immediately restores 1 mental power].

[Deck: Doghead Tribe (1/5)].


“...... Groove?!"

Chu Li rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

What did he see?!

As long as the attack hits, you can restore your mental power?!

Cards that draw health with melee combat.

Wouldn't it be possible to do a "perpetual motion machine"?!

Although 1 point of spiritual power seems to be very little.

But don't forget, skills also have a cooldown!

Just control the tempo and frequency of unleashing skills.

You can use skills in combat power unlimited!

The final puzzle piece of the "Doghead Tribe" deck.

I didn't expect to bring such a big surprise!

It is worthy of being a bronze-level monster card.

"I don't know how strong the effect of silver, or even gold-level cards will be..."

"The bronze grade has this perverted effect. "

"The more advanced cards must be more terrifying!"

Equip the "Doghead Mage" card.

Chu Li is equivalent to having a bottle of Infinite Cup of Spiritual Power Recovery Elixir!

Even if it's a newcomer professional with a little money at home.

I dare not have such a luxurious experience!

"Good, good start... Keep exploring!"

A demon species of deep rock caves.

In fact, it is not much different from the brown iron hills.

It's all a variety of dog-headed people.

It's just that there are fewer wolves roaming the steppe.

And the distribution of enemies is also denser.

Battles that took place on the side of the mine.

The movement will attract dog-headed people from all directions.

Fortunately, the narrow terrain made it impossible for them to form an encirclement of Chu Li.

Instead, the latter can block the door with summons.

Then take the knife and kill all the enemies that are coming!


The scimitar cuts a fan-shaped blade light.

Straight off the head of a dog-headed overseer.

It was the end of a battle that lasted for more than ten minutes.

Chu Li breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Then look around.

I saw it on the ground nearby.

Dark red blood was spilled everywhere.

Although the scene is messy, it is strangely empty.

Because of the enemies killed, the corpses are turned into cards.

It was deposited in Chu Li's card book.

"This trip to the otherworld has only saved 50% of the experience... The upgrade is a bit slow. "

Glancing at the properties panel, Chu Li was a little disappointed.

It seems that this time in the other world, there is no way to upgrade to level 7.

However, professional upgrades are inherently a long affair.

This is also a situation where he explores the otherworld alone and has all his experience exclusively.

Professionals who form a team level up only more slowly.

For example, Li Chuang took a month to reach level 5.

Because of other newcomer professionals

It is impossible to experience alone like Chu Li without worries.

Rest for a while, just when Chu Li was about to go to other mines to continue killing monsters.

There was a sudden violent shaking on the ground!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

It's like something is constantly hitting the earth!

"What's the situation?!"

Chu was shocked.

Vigilantly looked in the direction where the vibration came.

I saw it behind an inconspicuous wooden door.

A strong figure with a huge silhouette gradually appeared.

[Cave Troll: Lv9, Silver].

The moment of the prompt information is displayed in the line of sight.

Chu Li couldn't help but hold his breath.

Silver-level monsters!


(The data is terrible, so be it).

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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