

In the hotel in the service area.

Chu Li looked at Kang Ming's reply and was a little surprised.

[Chu Li: Can you be specific?].

[Cumming: That's right, our Chamber of Commerce will hold an auction once a month].

[Cumming: The things at auction are of higher quality than the goods sold in bulk, and of course, the final transaction price will overflow a lot

[Cumming: The "Troll Blood" you just sent me has met the stage requirements of the auction, and it will definitely fetch a good price].

Seeing the end, Chu Li nodded in satisfaction.

No matter what way.

As long as you can make money.

After thinking about it, he replied.

[Chu Li: Can Brother Kang predict the final transaction price?].

[Cumming: Too specific I don't promise... But forty or fifty thousand is definitely there].

[Chu Li: So many?!].

[Cumming: Huh... Those powerful professionals have never minded exchanging money for attributes

[Cumming: In particular, "troll blood" increases physical attributes, and the versatility is more extensive].

[Kangming: If you sell it directly, it may be about 30,000 gold coins at most, but at auction, it is normal to have a 30% premium].

After browsing Kang Ming's explanation, Chu Li immediately understood a lot.

For high-level professionals.

50,000 crystal coins may be just a fraction of the income of an exploration of the otherworld.

Attributes, on the other hand, are related to their own strength and security.

I can't pay enough attention to it.

Not to mention, the strong also have heirs.

Even if you don't need it.

It can also be used for the "second generation" of successful awakening professionals.

Thinking of this, Chu Li couldn't help but shake his head.

He held up the vial containing dark red blood.

Swayed in the light.

"I don't know if my 'troll blood' will be used by the brother and eldest lady of that family. "

Sigh to emotion.

Kang Ming's words also made Chu Li look forward to this weekend's auction.

If his expectations are correct.

With this "troll blood" alone

You can achieve the goal of accumulating 50,000 crystal coins!

At this moment, Cumming sent another message.

[Cumming: Then again, don't you use such a precious thing yourself?


In Kangming's view, Chu Li is also a professional.

This "troll blood" is also very tempting to him.

[Chu Li: For some reason, I urgently needed a large amount of money, so I had to sell it].

[Kang Ming: So that's the case, it's not easy for you].

The two chatted a few more times, and then disconnected.

After a good rest, it was already noon the next day.

Open the curtains and bright sunlight pours in from outside the window.

Let Chu Li stretch out warmly.

Went to the restaurant in the service area and grabbed a bite to eat.

It's time to begin today's otherworldly exploration.

Who would have thought that they had just come to the teleportation square.

He found several young professionals with pale faces and similar ages to him.

Supporting a person covered in blood and half of his body collapsed and teleported back.

The surrounding professionals immediately began to discuss it.

"Quick! Go to the infirmary, there are high-level therapeutic professionals!"

"So miserable... Looking at this injury, it should have been smashed by the cave troll's big stick mallet. "

"How many levels does this team dare to challenge the cave trolls?

"We were a team of Level 9 professionals, and when we saw trolls in the deep rock mine, we had to go around the road. "

"Gee, it hasn't been long since I woken up, it's really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers. "

"I hope the person is okay, but it seems that the health point has been zeroed and there is no salvation at all. "


The surrounding discussion sounded into Chu Li's ears.

He silently looked at the blood stains on the ground and sighed with some emotion.

For professionals, every exploration of the otherworld is life-threatening.

So most professionals are not like him.

Without doing anything, you dare to cross the level and challenge the high-level otherworld.

Mostly after leveling up to the limit.

Then go to a higher level of otherworldly space to gain experience.

Even so.

It will also be due to various accidents.

Something like the one just now happened.

The second time to enter the "Deep Rock Cave" otherworld.

Chu Li is already familiar with the road a lot.

This time he was equipped with the "Cave Troll" card.

Once again, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved!

A "chop" down.

Can kill all enemies except cave trolls in seconds!

After being conquered by him once.

The threat of this otherworld can be said to be greatly reduced.

Except for the "cave trolls".

Chu Li was also equipped with two "Dog-headed Mage" cards.

In this way, each attack can restore 2 mental power.

Greatly improved his continuous combat ability!

You don't even need to rest along the way.

Health and mental power can be maintained above 90%!

The shortening of the rest time made Chu Li's slaughter efficiency increase by leaps and bounds.

This exploration process was smoother than the last time.

Even the cave trolls ran into two in a row!

Unfortunately, luck is not as good as the last time I came.

Neither troll dropped the card pack.

Instead, two monster cards were dropped.

"In extreme cases, I can equip all three 'cave trolls' into the card slot..."

"This will give me an extra 150% strength bonus!"

The boost brought by the three "cave trolls" is terrifying!

Directly doubled the base damage of "Chop"!

Under the premise that the Destiny card "Power" must be crit.

Chu Li now stabbed down.

You can cut up to 372 damage!

And you can perform a slash attack every 10 seconds.

The lethal efficiency is amazing!

After the slaughter of a large number of dog-headed people.

Chu Li also successfully promoted to Lv7

1 Pick Card again.

But this time.

He can choose to draw a new Destiny card....

Because the "star" drawn earlier has already met the unlocking conditions.

The real effect was revealed!


[Destiny Card-Star: Shining Star will guide the way - get more guidance information after entering the otherworld].


"This Destiny Card seems to be about the otherworld..."

"What does 'get more information' mean?"

Chu Li just had this idea in his mind.

A map suddenly appeared in front of me -

It's like a replica map in a video game.

Appears in the field of view in the form of holographic projections!

The center of the map is clearly written with the word "Chu Li".

The tunnels and rooms of deep rock caves are large or small.

It's all revealed on the map!

Even on the edge of the map.

Otherworldly breakaway conditions are also marked.

and the "otherworldly conquest conditions" of unclear significance!

"Conquest conditions? What does that mean..."

Chu Li scratched his head suspiciously.

However, the unlocking of the "star" is a good thing.

Because he can continue to draw Destiny cards.

[Are you sure you want to draw the Destiny Card?].

"Yes. "

The Choice Card flipped gently in front of him.

The card face with the question mark gradually melts.

It eventually evolved into an "emperor" sitting on a throne and wearing a crown!

Destiny Card - Emperor!


(Cut if no one looks at it)

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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