[You have received the highest rating from Uncharted].

[You are now free to leave the current secret realm].

[The secret realm will be closed in 10 minutes].

At the moment of the death of the dog-headed king of men.

There was a tsunami of cheers in the gladiatorial arena.

But strangely, the audience was empty.

Even the dog-headed audience who was still there before disappeared.

Chu Li let out a long sigh of relief.

All of a sudden, he slumped on the ground.

Not to mention that the ground was covered with blood and dust.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

It gave him a sense of emptiness after the battle.

But in addition to being a little tired mentally.

Chu Li's state can be called perfect——

Because when the dog-headed king turned into a card pack.

His experience skyrocketed.

All the way through the level 9 mark.

Directly upgraded to level 10....

Even 50% more experience!

The prompt information for upgrading is mixed in a bunch of secret clearance information.

Chu Li rummaged for a while before finding it.

There are mainly two types of information in the message list.

One category is the clearance reward of the secret realm.

The other category is the newly unlocked skills after leveling up.

There is a lot of good news that can be read slowly.

This is the power as a "winner".

This secret challenge.

The monster cards accumulated in the book are almost exhausted.

But the gains also far exceed the value of these cards!

The first is the middle of the gladiatorial arena

3 gold chests that suddenly appeared!

Originally, there was only one treasure chest at most in the B-level evaluation.

But every time you level up, you'll get an extra chest!

The final reward is three gold chests....

The reward of S-level evaluation is three times that of B-level evaluation!

After resting for a while, Chu Li walked towards the treasure chest.

A description of the chest appears in the field of view.


[Low-level Secret Challenge Chest (Gold)].

【Quality: Gold】

[Description: Rewards for those who dare to challenge their limits].

[Effect: After opening, you will get 1 special item exclusive to the low-level secret realm, and the minimum quality of the prop is gold].


Each box can open 1 special item that can only be produced in the secret realm.

And the minimum quality is not lower than the gold level!

Three treasure chests are at least three golden items!

"The benefits of challenging the secret realm are really terrifying!"

"Three gold-level props... If you sell them all, I am afraid that you can break through one million crystal coins. "

Of course, Chu Li only used crystal coins to measure the amount of income.

You don't really sell everything that comes out of your chest.

After saving enough to repay the 5 million Qin Xia coins that were owed.

The next harvest must be to use it to fully arm yourself!

"First of all, the first treasure chest..."

With excitement and anticipation.

Chu Li reached out and opened the first golden treasure chest.

In an instant, a dazzling brilliance bloomed in the field of vision.

The inside of the chest is covered with rich red velvet.

And in the middle of the delicate cloth.

It is a small ring shimmering in gold.

"Is this ..."

Seeing this ring, Chu Li suddenly recalled what he had heard from Kang Ming.

Most of the space items are made by craftsmen.

But the top space prop - the space ring.

Still only some special otherworlds and secret realms can be produced!

At this moment, what was placed in front of Chu Li.

It's a space ring!

And it's still gold!


【"The King's Personal Safe"].

[Level: 15 (Gold)].

[Requirements: None, does not occupy equipment slots].

【Capacity: 50 grids of standard storage space】

[Effect: After the item is bound to the professional, it cannot be used by non-person.]

[Note: "Only the king of the dog-headed people is eligible to wear this ring!"] "】


50 tiles of storage!

Chu Li compared his space backpack.

Not only is it only 10 tiles of capacity, but it also has to be carried all the time.

Don't look at this ring.

The total capacity of the top 5 small space backpacks!

And it doesn't take up the ring equipment slot-

Professionals can wear up to two ring-type equipment.

One for each hand.

If you don't take up the equipment slot.

It's equivalent to having one more piece of equipment out of thin air!

For any professional.

It's all very comfortable things!

"Yes, there is also an 'encryption' effect..."

"Consider putting some commonly used cards in the ring."

"When fighting, you don't need to turn to the book, you can take it directly!"

The gold-level space ring comes with a "bind" function.

After binding, no one except Chu Li can use this ring!

Whether it is security or confidentiality, it is greatly enhanced.

Chu Li can also put the cards in with confidence without worrying about leaks.

Meizhi put the ring on her hand.

Chu Li continued to reach out and open the second golden treasure chest——

This time the box is no longer a ring.

It's an egg.

"Spirit Egg?"

Chu Li was stunned suddenly.

In his mind, he suddenly remembered what Gu Xiayan had said.

If you get the Gold-level Spirit Egg, be sure to tell her....

Did she already guess at that time?

Is it possible that you will get a grade above B?

"What a mysterious guy."

After muttering a few words.

Chu Li took the Qiling Egg that lingered in the golden light into his hand.

Then take a closer look.


["The Egg of the Spirit"


【Quality: Gold】

[Effect: contains infinite possibilities of pet eggs, inject spiritual power into them to start the hatching process, during the incubation period needs to inject a certain amount of spiritual power until the hatching progress reaches 100%, the hatched cubs are likely to be gold].


There are no ranks, only quality.

Because all hatched pups have an initial grade of 1.

Such a golden quality Spirit Egg.

It's worth at least 500,000 crystal coins in the market – and it's priceless!

"Do you want to use it yourself?" But I don't really need war pets..."

Chu Li looked a little subtle and deposited the egg into the ring.

For him, this egg might as well be exchanged for a better weapon.

While fighting the Doghead King.

The black iron grade wrought iron machete damaged several of them.

Although Chu Li still has many spare weapons.

But a good weapon is really a big improvement for professionals!

Far better than the Spirit Egg, which takes time and resources to cultivate.

"Anyway, let's take a look at what's in the third box..."

Put aside the matter of the Spirit Egg.

Chu Li opened the last golden treasure chest.

With a burst of gorgeous light.

What appears in the box is....

"A necklace? Could it be gold-level jewelry equipment?! "

Chu Li hurriedly fished out the necklace glowing with milky white light.

At the end of the necklace polished in sterling silver is a pendant in the shape of a cross.


["Mujahideen's unrepentant faith"


【Quality: Gold】

[Effect: Those who have not awakened the profession, carrying this item will definitely awaken the gold-level profession "Celestial Holy War Army", and if they do not pass the trial, they will never be able to awaken the profession].

[Note: "This necklace contains the purest will and faith"



“...... It's actually this kind of prop! "

See the effect of the necklace.

Chu Li knew that he was very wrong.

This is not equipment.

It's a rarer and more expensive class item than equipment!

This is a special item that is even rarer than the space ring.

The effect is exactly as it is described.

It can make ordinary people who have not awakened the profession awaken the corresponding profession——

Even if you are over 18 years old, no problem!

Although it is also an item produced by the secret realm.

But the probability is very low - compared to the Spirit Egg.

Probably the difference between SSR and SR!

Chu Li didn't expect him to be so lucky.

One of the most valuable special items was unlocked in the first secret realm.

Of course, this may be related to the fact that he opened 3 gold chests at once.

"This prop..."

Chu Li thought for a moment, and already had the answer in his heart.

After silently depositing the necklace into the ring.

There is not much time left to stay in the secret realm.

It's too late to check the card pack dropped by the Dog-headed King.

"The rest will wait until we go out..."

Chu Li, who was teleported out, had not yet seen the surroundings clearly.

A large field of flashing lights began to flicker one after another.

"This gentleman, was it you who challenged the secret realm just now?"

"Hello, this is the Daily Professional, can you answer a few questions..."

"Are there any special rewards for S-level evaluations?"

"Excuse me..."


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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