If he wanted to, and revealed a trace of his aura, he would be at the center of heaven and earth.

It was the origin of all time and space in the universe.

All the destiny, cause and effect, and fate of the universe.

Even the past, present, and future would collapse towards where he was.

This was Wu Xu at the moment.

Even if he did nothing.

His mere existence could cause the entire universe to collapse towards him.

This was like an infinitely large particle, which could turn space into a black hole and cause all matter to collapse.

Naturally, Wu Xu's existence was many times more terrifying than an infinitely large particle.

If he released his own breath and presence, he would be able to make the billions of heavens in the Yuanshi Sea centered on him collapse towards him in an instant.

"From now on, this is the foothold of my Heavenly Court, and this will become the supreme place of the entire job transfer world in the future!"

Stepping on the building under his feet, Wu Xu muttered to himself.

Then without hesitation, Wu Xu just wanted to create a heavenly palace in a moment.

Even open up a world here to serve as the mountain gate of the Heavenly Court.


But at this moment, a thunder-like vibration sound came from outside the Sky City.

At the same time, the earth trembled slightly, and in the rumbling sound, it seemed that thousands of troops were rushing towards the Sky City.

The entire Sky City was shaken, and countless professionals looked up and looked outside the Sky City.

Faintly, outside the Sky City, at the end of the endless plain, a black line slowly approached.


At this moment, on a piece of land more than ten kilometers away from Sky City.

Suddenly the ground exploded, and a terrible breath filled the air!

Then a mutant giant python with a length of hundreds of meters and nine heads rushed up from the ground.

Floating in the sky twenty feet above the ground, a terrifying and wild breath filled the air!

The whole body was extremely black, like steel and iron, and the terrifying nine-headed giant python was nearly hundreds of thousands of meters long.

It hovered in the sky, exuding a terrifying breath, shaking the world!

It gave people an extremely terrifying sense of oppression!

At this moment, this nine-headed giant python, with nine heads and eighteen blood-red eyes like lanterns, stared at Sky City not far ahead.

It exuded an unimaginable sense of oppression!


At the same time, a strong breath spread above the nine-headed giant snake, shaking the void!


Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky, and lightning and thunder roared.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky and spread to Sky City.

Sky City was instantly covered by dark clouds and was pitch black!

At the same time, at the end of the plain, as the long black line approached.

It was discovered that it was not a black line.

It was a wave of fierce beasts, surging towards the place where Sky City was!

The terrifying breath shook the sky, and the earth trembled slightly!

"This is a king-level fierce beast, how could it be a nine-headed demon?"

"How could there be a king-level fierce beast near our Sky City? It's over, it's really over now!"

"The black line in the distance turned out to be a fourth-level beast tide, how could it be? How could a fourth-level beast tide break out in our Sky City, and what about this king-level fierce beast?"

And looking at this sudden change.

Especially the nine-headed giant python hanging in the air more than ten miles away from Sky City.

At this moment, the professionals of the entire Sky City.

Whether it was an ordinary professional, even a mortal, or an extraordinary professional.

From ordinary people to top families, even the city lord's mansion, they all changed color in shock and showed despair!

The nine-headed giant python more than ten miles away from Sky City.

It was a king-level beast.

It was comparable to a king-level professional.

Because only a king-level beast could fly and hide.

Even when traveling, it would burst out with aura to affect the changes in the sky.

The same is true for natural human professionals.

After reaching the king level, professionals can control a trace of the power of the laws of heaven and earth and use the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the burst of aura can cause changes in the sky, such as dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

And at this moment, when the beast came out, it was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

The huge dark clouds even covered the entire Sky City.

In addition to the other party's body flying in the air, it all showed that this giant python was a king-level beast.

Not to mention the endless tide of beasts after the king-level beasts.


On this planet, the beast tide is divided into six levels.

From level one to level six.

Corresponding to the level of the professionals.

Level four beast tide means that there are many master-level beasts in the beast tide.

In addition to this king-level beast, the nine-headed giant python, the nine-headed demon python.

Looking at this scene at this moment, all the professionals in Sky City, including ordinary people, are desperate.

Because the strongest professional in their Sky City is only at the master level.

Facing the master or even king-level beasts.

It's just like an ant, it will be destroyed in an instant!

At this moment, the entire Sky City is in despair!

After all, this is a king-level beast, and there is a level four beast tide.

No matter which one, Sky City can't deal with it.

And now these two are coming together, it's simply despair in despair!

At this moment, all the professionals in the entire Sky City are powerless.

Some even knelt on the ground and cried loudly!

Naturally, more people were frantically packing up and fleeing Sky City.

Even the three major families, no, it should be the two major families, and the City Lord's Mansion, all had people frantically fleeing Sky City.

"It turned out to be a king-level beast, the nine-headed sky demon python and the fourth-level beast tide, and it appeared suddenly. I'm afraid it's too late to ask for help from the imperial capital now. Hurry up and pack up and leave Sky City."

At this moment, in the center of Sky City, in the City Lord's Mansion.

Sky City's City Lord Wang Xiangtian. He called all his children and family members over, packed up his things, and planned to run away from Sky City.

There was no way, the strongest in his City Lord's Mansion at the moment was just a few master-level professionals.

There was not even a professional at the Grandmaster level.

Using your head to fight the king-level beast and the fourth-level beast tide?

This was almost a situation of certain death, so just escape as many as you can.

Even at this moment, the City Lord issued an order to all professionals and ordinary people in the entire Sky City through the Internet.

That was to escape Sky City as soon as possible, as far as possible.

He also planned to flee from the City Lord's Mansion.

Originally, there were two Grandmaster-level professionals in the City Lord's Mansion.

But unfortunately, they went out on a mission not long ago.

At this moment, there is not even a Grandmaster-level professional in the City Lord's Mansion.

Even in the entire Sky City, there is not a single Grandmaster-level professional.

Even facing a level 4 beast tide, it is no match.

Not to mention there is a king-level beast.

That is a king-level beast!

Comparable to a level 5 king-level professional.

Even a Grandmaster is not good enough in front of it.

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